Monday, September 10, 2007

It's Oil, Ya'll

On the eve of the sixth anniversary of the attack on our country by nineteen fanatical Saudis with boxcutters, I am not too cynical to pause and remember the innocent people killed that day and those that struggle still with the after effects. Whatever grievance Islamic extremists had with this country was nullified by the strategy to make their odious point by killing Mommies and Daddies. It's also worth remembering that under the the cover of the Twin Tower attacks, our government responded by unleashing two hundred 9/11's in the invasion and occupation of Iraq. We bombed their innocents, incapacitated the Iraqi Army, and set up a puppet government, and we ain't going nowhere. Does anyone feel avenged?

The Rumsfeld strategy to allow looting and lawlessness in major cities while securing the oil fields first, should have been the giveaway. Iraq never had anything to do with freedom, or 9/11, or anything other than oil, and our troops will be there until the oil leases are signed. The Bush/Cheney All-Oil team was ramrodding a bill through the Iraqi parliament, opening Iraq's oil fields to exploration by foreign companies, but it stalled before they went on Summer vacation. Not because of "sectarian strife," but because of what oil industry watchdog The Platform described as "sign(ing) away Iraq's future." Though the bill offered "revenue sharing," with Iraq's ethnic communities, it's real intent was to offer up Iraq's oilfields to the international Oil Lobby on more favorable terms than in Kuwait or Saudi Arabia, with the promise of even greater returns.

Regardless of what General Patraeus says today about "the surge," or President Chuckles says about the "possibility" of troop withdrawals, our soldiers will be in Iraq until the oil deals are settled and the fields are open for business. BushCo needs these leases to act as quasi-legal documents when the whole pathetic venture implodes. Only, our CEO and MBA government might all be on a compound in Paraguay clipping their Halliburton coupons by the time that happens. And any discussion of the Democrats defunding the war will be drowned out by the clamor for the essential needs of our troops and Bush's mercenaries. The troops are hostages to Cheney's oil deal and protesting in the streets is no longer viable. Osama Bin Laden can now release 9/11 anniversary tapes with the regularity of an Andy Williams Christmas Show. They have you over the old oil barrel and the only way to stop it is to demand impeachment.

On "Meet The Press" yesterday, Joe Biden suggested a similar solution to the one that I expressed on 4/7/06 (My Exit Strategy); Islamic peacekeepers from neighboring countries to remove the targets from our soldiers' backs. But this President will commission more studies and ask for more patience until his last day in office. Hopefully, under a less venal executive, the next president can begin to repair the damage by returning control of Iraqi natural resources to the Iraqis. Then we can remove our apparatchiks and uproot KBR from Saddam's palaces and return them to the people. Finally, we can hand over the most elaborate palace of them all, the gargantuan American Embassy that was to serve as our personal "Nerve Central" in the Middle East. Like Senator Biden said earlier, all the troops we can send will not accomplish reconciliation among the Iraqis. If that fails, we will be pulling desperate people off of the roof of that new U.S. Embassy in helicopters. All for oil, ya'll.


Anonymous said...

Randy, you need to read Imperial Life in the Emerald City by Rajiv Chandrasakaran. It will make you ill.

Randy Haspel said...

I did, and it did.

Anonymous said...

Biden for President!

Anonymous said...

Good one. However, Arabic grievances have not been "nullified" by 9/11. We can expect more attacks and the aggravations of hyper-vigilance as long as we guarantee the security of Israel as though it were our 51st state.

Father Farken said...

Famous artist Clyde Broadway just sent me an article...SALT WATER AS FUEL? ERIE MAN HOPES! by David Templeton from Sept.9,2007 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Now News. He ignited salt water with the radio frequency generator he invented and BAM! engines are purring like kittens! Please read this article! Let us pray for the security and protection of this man from Erie...from the oilmen east or west or inbetween! This could be quite a godsend! Blessings to Randy and all! SHALOM!

justkidding said...

It must be awful to get up every morning and hope for defeat and the downfall of America. Hoping bad thins happen to us just because your guy lost an election (or two) is a very sad way to live. Get up, take a bath, put on some doedorant, and go outside and smell the fresh air of freedom. And thank the good Lord you have electrcity so you can sit around and blog your misery on the computer. For me??? I'm going to go buy some Halliburton stock and sit back and watch the profits roll in. Am I jk??? Not this time.

Anonymous said...

Many years ago (in the late 60's or early 70's) there was a tv add that said that a country that runs on oil can't afford to run short. As long as oil is our economic heartbeat there are going to be questionable actions taken to ensure that we can get enough of it. We are between a rock and a hard place until we can develop enough alternative fuels sources to be free of oil and hence, the Middle East. is the big money boys ( we called them capitalist pigs at one time) that have prevented the development of alternative fuels so that they could rake in huge profits from oil money, but the lives of lots of us little people hang in the balance while the pigs figure out what to do. Do you want to be so moral that our economy sinks and lots of us die? Surely you don't trust Iran to do the 'right thing' and be magnanimous with the oil reserves if and when they get control of it. What do the little people who would like to stay alive do while the power freaks settle their differences? I, for one, believe what the Islamic extremists say when they threaten to bury Israel and all western democracies. And they will use their hegemony on oil to help bring this about...along with all of the other terrorist stuff. I'm afraid that the Democrats tendency to play softball will get us all killed. Israel doesn't play softball.

Anonymous said...