In the week leading up to the debate, I was reminded each time Bill Clinton turned red in the face and wagged his finger, how much I do not want him back in the White House. Hillary explained that she and Obama both have passionate and supportive spouses. Michelle Obama, however, is not the former president nor a practiced negative campaigner, as evidenced by the hatchet work Bill did on Barack in his wife's behalf. The dislike between the two camps was made clear with every charge and explosive counter-charge, like two nuclear powers practicing brinkmanship with Mutually Assured Destruction. Obama said he was a community organizer while Hillary was "a corporate lawyer, sitting on the board of Wal-Mart." Hillary countered with charges that Obama did work for a law firm that defended a Chicago slum lord. Both charges were spurious. Barack's law work was for his firm, and Hillary, as First Lady of Arkansas, assumed that included Bentonville and the Waltons too, who were just down-home folks and constituants. All this bitter back and forth between Clinton and Obama made one thing clear; John Edwards deserves a second look.
While the revolutionary candidates were bludgeoning one another, the white, Christian, male candidate steadily made the case for carrying out the ideals of Dr. King on his birthday. Edwards is the only candidate who has spoken passionately about ending poverty in America, something that was abandoned after the death of Dr. King and the absorption of the nation's resources into the Vietnam War. Edwards is the only candidate who has pledged not to have former lobbyists work in the White House and to tackle the problem of corporate money influencing our elections and those we elect. In addition, Edwards has promised to remove our troops from Iraq within his first year without equivocation. While Obama was extolling the abilities of Ronald Reagan to a Reno newspaper this week, it is worth remembering that John Edwards began his candidacy for President in the 9th Ward of New Orleans. Ronald Reagan announced his candidacy in Philadelphia, MS, home of one of the most infamous killings of the civil rights era, and symbolism only an Old South, Son of the Confederacy could love. Obama disavowed any admiration for Reagan on this Dr. King's day. Edwards did long ago.
CNN mercifully allowed the candidates to sit after a commercial break, and civility seemed to break out amidst a bar fight. The rivals became more measured and respectful to each other, and even spoke candidly and with humor about their differences. It is exhilarating to see these three unique people, each qualified in a special way and eager to serve in a manner the Bush crowd could never fathom, and have gender and race secondary to the discussion. That is remarkable enough to distance themselves by light years from the Republicans without endangering the party by behaving in debate like Curly, Larry, and Moe, with Bill Clinton waiting in the wings as Shemp. And anyone who thinks Bill Clinton was our first black president hasn't really heard him play the saxophone. After tonight, independent South Carolinians, including many African Americans, may well swing Edwards' way just because of the content of his character. Then we will have a real race heading into the Super Tuesday debates. My only suggestion; less glares, more chairs.
Saw some of it last night. Was impressed with the vitriol as were you. Any of them will be a light in this dark fucking cave where we, as well as others who get more press, are tortured. The third week of next Jan will be a singing in the street day. I'm so sick of having these indecent idiots we have now that I'd take Shemm again.
Actually, it's Shemp, but who really cares about spelling if the shoe fits. I thought I would scream last night during the debate. Jeez, I thought I was listening to my three chidren fighting when they were little ones. Hillbilly both need to shut the fuck up and listen for awhile. Do we really want a post-menepausal crazy woman in our already shakey White House? I don't think so!Help is anybody out there??
As I read this, I could hear the voice of Jim Ross screaming, “Good God almighty, Clinton may have broken Obama’s spine with that chair shot. Look at the carnage!! This looks like a car wreck on I-40!”
Points very well made, as usual. I have been listening much closer to Edwards lately; wonder how an Edwards-Obama ticket would work? Also, what is your take on John McCain? I was also watching Mitt Romney speak the other day, and was amazed at how phony he sounded. Then again, what can one expect from a person who was named after a piece of baseball equipment………..
I'm tired of looking and listening to these politico-ass holes on TV. If they were reduced to the Radio, we'd only have to listen to them, or you could just tune'em both out. Your choice.
why even post a comment? because
life sucks, the democrats suck, the republicans suck, we all suck.
truth is our only hope, and no one knows where to find it.
It's too late for the Clintons to go after the wrestling crowd. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair has already endorsed Huckabee. Hill & Bill are like the evil Mr. & Mrs. Vince McMahon. But the debate was more like cage fighting than wrasslin'.
I came in at the beginning of the civil (sitdown) session last night thinking that was the beginning. I noticed Edwards looked annoyed and at times fit to be tied with the whole thing. And I was surprised at Obama's couple of jabs at Edwards as if he was the odd-man out! Was he questioning his sexuality or that he was a male caucasion of the old boys club? The debate seemed light weight until I saw quips of the wrestling match of which Randy was speaking. We are always blessed to get Randy's take on anything ....most especially politics.
I do want to apologize for a sexist remark I made about Hillary on the last BAH. I was trying to exress that no matter what you think of her...she has balls.I was trying to express her shameless boldness...nothing else. I will refrain from such remarks in the future. It just doen't sound pastoral and y'all deserve better...even if I am a loose cannon from Frayser! Keep the dream alive...and let us pray for all of our candidate and for the wisdom to elect the right one! The peace of the Lord! Padre
I think Hillary is trying to fill the void left by the death of The Fabulous Moolah.
Heath we hardly knew Ye
Yes, may Heath Ledger rest in peace! And oh yes...The Fabulous Moolah who joined that great cloud of witnesses last November. Now Moolah.... she had cabungahs (shameless boldness)! She appeared just this summer on her hands & knees with Mae Young barking like dogs at the feet of Vince McMahon at his appreciation night.( Would Hill do the same for our vote? Just asking!) In the early days of rocknroll & Sputnik Monroe she emerged in leapordskin & hung out with Jerry Lee Lewis & broke Hank Williams Sr.'s heart by turning down his hand in marriage. She was the longest reigning champion or title holder in any professional sport! EVER! 30years!!! Heck! She even won a title at 66 years old! Seems like she had a scrap with Cindi Lauper of sorts! The Fabulous Moolah! LIPSTICK & DYNAMITE! WOW! WHAT A VOID! Hillary ....THE LEAPORDSKIN SUIT IS WAITING! Smackdown & peace! The Padre
I hate to be a downer for you guys, but the Democratic candidates may be the biggest bunch of loser/fools ever to enter the disgraceful arena of politics. They are just so many turds chasing one another down the toilet and into the sewer. That being said, I have to admit that the Republicans are almost as bogus. Both parties are more concerned with their own power (the Donkeys vs. the Elephants game) than they are about this country and its people. What this country needs in the way of leadership is not being proffered by either party. This just might be a reflection of the sorry state of the country in general. The wave of western civ may be breaking on the rocks of reality. There are an awful lot of leaks in the ship of state and we are beginning to take on water...have any of you noticed? And this is not so much the fault of any political party as it is a function of our collective, corporate karma.
I'm old enough to remember when Amerika was a free country. When I tell young folks this they look at me with 'deer in the headlight' eyes. What a shame, they don't know the difference and never will. They have become so accustomed to their chains that they aren't even aware of them. They are a product of the nanny state. Much of the country is like this...cattle on the government farm. They will sit on the toilet all day if a government official doesn't show up to wipe them.
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