In the final Presidential debate Wednesday, I fully expected McCain to begin rolling steel marbles in his palm, turn to Obama, and say, "Ahh, but it was the strawberries!" Nothing has worked for him. Not Bill Ayers, or "Lipstick on a Pig," or suspending his campaign to fix the economy, or his latest manufactured outrage about Rep. John Lewis. And certainly not the selection of Sarah Palin, who has proven to be Bush in Spanks: just as dumb but twice the ambition. From simply a visual point of view, McCain's pallor made me question the wisdom of High Def TV. At times he alternated from appearing like Casper, the unfriendly ghost (or was that Spooky?), to becoming so red-faced, it looked like his head was going to explode. No wonder they prop Cindy up there at every, single speech. She would have sat at the table with John on Wednesday, but she has already become the Yoko Ono of the campaign.
Senator McCain has made the classic Hillary Clinton mistake in his run for the presidency. He altered who he really was and accepted a persona created by Karl Rove and his hapless, outdated advisers in the belief that the old politics would get him elected. Even his colleagues said they don't recognize the current John McCain, and that's a shame for those who have followed his political career. If you were able to see McCain's comments at the Al Smith Dinner in New York last night, after the hilarious jokes, the Senator paid a genuine and heartfelt tribute to the achievements of his opponent, ending with "I can't wish you good luck, but I do wish you well." This is the honorable John McCain that I remember working with Sen. Feingold for campaign finance reform, or saying that this country does not torture for the reciprocal safety of our own soldiers. It's sad to see him end his career like Bob Dole, wandering around muttering "Where's the outrage?"
I give credit to Sen. McCain for not shoveling through the Rev. Wright muck again, but the constant references to "Joe, the not-quite Plumber," more than created an alternate living, breathing straw man upon which to base a bogus argument. McCain may have been aiming for the "Joe Six-Pack" vote, but he lost every former Hillary supporter when he mocked a "woman's health" in air-quotes as a potential reason to have an abortion. Personally, I believe that life begins when the doctor slaps your ass, but what I, or anyone else thinks is irrelevant to the woman facing that decision. It's not the government's business either. But Obama is the first Democrat yet I have heard say that "Nobody is pro-abortion," and tackle the issue. McCain also doesn't understand that his $5000 tax credit to buy health insurance does no good when HMOs disqualify anyone with pre-existing conditions. There are thousands just like me who can't purchase health insurance at any cost. For the past several weeks, McCain has been asking crowds at his rallies, "Who is the real Barack Obama?" The shame of this election campaign is that we never got to see the real John McCain, until it was too late.
Interesting, and I agree. Though I do recall Hillary C making comments along the line of "nobody is pro-abortion" and saying what everyone wants is fewer abortions, etc; this was some time back, I think even before the campaign started. I do wish it wasn't such a big issue, other Westernized countries think we are crazy for letting it dominate our politics. McCain is a hypocrite who sold his sold to the social conservatives, a faction he'd previously publicly denounced, because he so badly wants to be president. The nomination of Palin was more shameless pandering to that group as well. STill, it's not over till it's over. Another stolen election?
Hey dude, that's spelled " schtrawberries".
Randy, capital gains do not represent 'free' money. It is a reward for putting one's hard earned money at risk. You do realize that lots of investors, many of whom are not rich but are regular Joes, have lost a lot of those hard earned dollars. Remember, investments can go up or down. You characterize all investors as rich fat cats. What about all of the average people who invest though 401K's or pension funds that represent ordinary people? Talk about painting with a broad brush! You are letting the socialist filter that you view the world through color (or discolor) everything that you see. Investments are an alternative to the lottery for average Joe and a street sweeper can profit too. I hate to see that you are a proponent of infanticide which you revealed yourself to be when you said that life begins with the doctor's swat on the baby's bottom. Who will stand up for the rights of the unborn? You liberals fancy yourselves as the champions of civil rights. Do the unborn not have any civil rights? They get their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness terminated at a whim. The issue of the mother's health can be as tenuous as a headache. And yes, the Republicans suck because they allow the capialist pigs to run amok. I hope that you are not so naive as to think that your beloved Democrats are any more righteous. Both major parties are composed of crooks who are in cahoots with capitalist pigs. The little man at the bottom has to decide whether he is to be butt-fucked with a three foot piece of rose branch or a nail-studded crow bar. Some choice. Both parties are destroying America. All anyone who is not terminally biased has to do is to sit back and watch the coming horror show. Government (too much of it, at least) is not the solution...it is the problem. And, the country as a whole has all the character of a Mexican whorehouse, so we will never get many people of real integrity into office. So, do we shit or go blind?
The election was decided in Obama's favor with the nomination of McCain. When McCain selected Palin as his veep, that was the final nail in the coffin. She is a wonder woman in terms of her personal achievement, but it was a cruelty joke to make her veep and to place her a heartbeat away from the presidency. I just hope that Obama turns out to be 1/10th the man that you folks on this blog think that he is. The Republicans and the Democrats are in a heated race to see who can destroy the country first. As for me, I have headed for the hills. It will not be long before blood runs in the streets of urban America. Well, it is already running in the streets, but soon it will be knee deep. There is a curious thing about rural America. Generally speaking, there is a low level of educational attainment, many of the folks live in near poverty, and they are heavily armed. Most liberals would say that this is a recipe for disaster. However, there is practically no crime here. I'll bet there is not a liberal on this blog who can figure out why. I will give no hints, but I think that even if you knew the answer you libs would never utter it. The truth is so painful to the liberal temperament. I would go so far as to say that liberals abhor truth. The truth has no place in the liberal mentality. It is fed on illusions. I know, because I used to be one myself back when I was not worth a shit. You ask what changed me? Nothing more than reality. I turned from the left kicking and screaming, but reality continued to bear down. I believe the same thing happened to David Horowitz and lots of other reformed refugees of the 60's.
"A three foot piece of rose branch or a nail studded crowbar." Nicely put.
I, along with everyone else, will obviously have to wait and see what this Obama Presidency will become. He may be blessed with the kind of Congress that last occurred in 1932.. one that will go along with his plans pretty much completely and that will put him in the enviable position of proving himself without distraction.
So, we will all be able to see what he is really about as he, to a large degree, helps give definition as to what we, all of us, will be about as a group and are about as individuals. His mind and heart will be forming our environment.
I've placed my bet. And I believe that if he is here to run again in 2010, many of those who doubted him will be pulling his lever 4 years from now.
This election was never about McCain. It was always about seeing if we could give Obama a chance. McCain really IS just more of the same. And I'm not calling him Bush. McCain is not alone in being a man of relatively limited potentials when compared to Barack Obama. Powell and so many others of large and fertile intellect and experience on the world stage have called Obama a transformational presence. Now he has his chance.
We shall see.
The most hated words to a liberal are 'personal responsibility'. These words will cause most liberals to plug up their ears and scream, 'Just give us your fucking money, you stingy bastards and don't lecture us about spending it responsibly. If we want, we will spend it on free butt lube for the nation's homosexual community and you better not give us any grief about it'.
Together the Republicans and Democrats have brought the nation to the brink of the abyss. The Democrats will win everything this election season, the White House and Congress, and will push the country into the abyss. After the cataclysm, America will emerge as a fully socialistic state...the liberal mecca. From there we will evolve into soul-crushing totalitarianism, much like the USSR. Beyond that, there will be a campaign to de-populate the country of 'undesirables', that is, all those with more than an elementary school education. The rest will be enslaved. The liberal mecca turns into a nightmare. And the kicker is that they would do the same things all over again if given the chance.
Love your blog. We posted a link to you on our blog, www.plunkchronicles.blogspot.com
Mike & Diane Plunk
I don't need no steeenking govmint!!!
Slap anybody on the arse & they come to life but Mr. Watcher makes a good point. The old lefties were against abortion....until Carter dropped the ball. JFK, MLK, Ghandi, Mother Jones hated the very thought of abortion. Gene Autry sang about that tough mother (Jones) way before yodeling! As a child she saw the heads of the Irish on the ends of bayonets of Brit soldiers. She came to the states and ended up teaching in the Catholic schools of Memphis where she married George Jones. She lost George & her 4 children in the yellow fever epedemic in 1867. She made a vow to pray for the dead & fight for the lives of the living! She thought it was her duty to stand up for the little guy. Raise Hell for Blacks! Women! Children (labor laws!), Minors! Fight for Peace & Justice! Pro-life in every phase of life! The issues of LIFE are not about convenience or the easy low road. The slap on the arse begins at conception as every rabbi & minister & Budhist would tell you before the pussy footen' 70s. A slap on the arse & peace to all!FF
Thanks Father Farken. It looks like the unborn have one friend on the left who will stand up for them and who can see that they also have, or should have, civil rights, too. Randy might not have been around if his mother had conceived him after Rowe v. Wade. I can see the scene now in my mind's eye, 'Doctor this growth in my belly is such an inconvenience. My health is suffering due to a hangnail and I just can't bring myself to carry this amorphous mass of tissue that we were going to call Randy to full term. Will you pierce his head with scissors and suck his brains out for me?'
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