The things that seep from the subconscious when you're on live TV are amazing. McCain told one audience member that he had probably never heard of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae before the current economic crisis. Why would he assume that? The young man was sitting there in a jacket and tie like everyone else, and he had just asked a question about economics. Oh yeah, he was black. Who let the dogs out? Whoo, whoo, whoo. "That one." What else could explain McCain's contempt for Obama except an old boy mentality of exclusivity? Over the course of the debate, McCain's voice grew into an urgent whisper, like an exasperated Washington insider who can't believe he is about to get his ass kicked by a black man still in his first Senate term, sort of like Hillary Clinton in wing-tips.
Last night's debate in Nashville only solidified the image of John McCain as old grouch. He kept referring to the country's need for a "steady hand on the tiller" while he is already being coached by Cindy like Nancy Reagan giving Ronnie his cue. Melody asked me, "Why is she up his ass all the time? No one else's spouse has to stand there like an attendant." I answered, "I guess his advisers must think it makes him look younger." When McCain's prima facie case for bad judgement, Sarah Palin, said, "I think the American people are looking for something fresh and new," she couldn't have been referring to McCain. God help us if McCain should die in office and leave the country in the care of the weather girl.
Speaking of weather girls, there was no mention in the debate of Bernadine Dohrn or William Ayers, which was a welcome respite from Palin's obnoxious repetition of Obama "palling around with domestic terrorists." There you go again, Joe, pointing fingers at the past. Personally, I would enjoy meeting the Ayers' to talk about back in the day, but I doubt that I would walk away from the meeting with a desire to bomb the Pentagon. "That one." And if McCain knows, as he assures us he does, how to capture or kill Osama bin Laden, why doesn't he go ahead and tell somebody? It didn't help matters that the McCains immediately left the hall, leaving the Obamas the opportunity to shake hands and generally look gracious on television. Who's really "that one" in this contest? "Thar he," spoke the pointing man while McCain exited, stage right.
The open contempt John McCain displays towards his opponent is disturbing, and his dismissal of Obama as a worthy adversary is insulting, especially on the heels of the "Bailout/Rescue Plan" that McCain "suspended" his campaign for, failing to stop worldwide markets from going into freefall. I much preferred Obama's choice of Warren Buffett as Treasury Secretary over McCain's suggestion of the woman who founded eBay on the same day that eBay laid off 1,000 employees. When the hock shops are hurting, you know times are hard. If this were a movie, Obama came off as William Powell and McCain looked like Al Lewis as Grandpa Munster. Tonight, I saw John McCain do an illusion worthy of David Blaine; he turned into Bob Dole. And by the way, the Beach Boys' version of "Barbara Ann," that McCain sings "Bomb Iran" to, is a weak cover of the original, doo-wop classic by The Regents, 1961. JFK was President and John McCain was already in the Navy. Just wanted to clear that up.
Rand-man you are too harsh on McCain. He is merely like a brain-weakened old person from back in the day that lets the "n-word" slip out. Hey, wait a minute! This means that he is NO Way fit to be our president. Well, I'll be a "monkey's uncle". (I didn't mean anything and neither did Howard Cosell )
you are the only white man I know who can sneak in a reference to the Medgar Evers trial into his blog.
Randy, your liberal paranoia has just gone over the top. Reading the worse possible interpretation of McCain's referring to Obama as 'that one' bespeaks of something approaching some sort of mental illness. Most of your blogs are at least a reflection of an intelligent and other-wise healthy mind. Hopefully, this is just a temporary loss of touch with reality. I would rather believe that it is a reflection of mental illness than to believe that it is a cheap attempt at playing the race card. You libs are the best at that and you have gained a lot of mileage from it. Enough to cost us the country.
Using Randy's logic, I think that Davethedog's reference to 'monkey's uncle' is a veiled racist remark. You know how some far-right types believe that blacks are sub-human. And, we all know about those subconscious slips of the tongue. We better have the Feds do a check on old Dave to make sure that he isn't in league with McCain and his subtle racism. What could be worse than an avowed liberal who is actually a rabid racist subconsciously?
Randy, why does there have to be only two ways to see McCain's remark? Could the remark have possibly been made innocently? This just goes to show the power of the mental filters that we all view life through. Let me prescribe some good, old-fashioned meditation that may reduce some of your rabid biases and prejudices. When all of one's thinking is ALL one way or another, the condition bespeaks of imbalance. This latest blog shows signs of extreme imbalance. No offense meant, but you will be more credible with just a little bit of balance in your presentations. You are becoming the Bill O'Reilly, or the Shawn Hannity (heaven forbid) of the left. But, you may not be into balance. If that is the case, keep preaching to your choir, but you are not likely to get any converts.
Forget all the high-minded psychologising and philosophising. This latest blog is blatant race-baiting of the worse kind. Having read many of your blogs, this one is beneath you. When you don't have anything worth the while to say, it is better to say nothing.
Instead of waiting for our historian Randy to explain my comment, I will. The "monkey's uncle" remark was an ironic reference to the Howard Cosell faux pas. In excitement during a football game where he was the announcer, he declared "Look at that little monkey run". In that the runner was black, you can imagine the outcry. Of course, the difference was that Cosell had been a strong fighter for civil rights and was the lone voice in sports broadcasting that supported Muhamed Ali.
I don't think we need to jump on McCain and Palin so hard anymore. I believe they know that they will lose. After the v.p. debate they interviewed people and asked who would vote for McCain. A few raised their hands. Then they asked if Obama would win. Many of these same people also raised their hands.
McCain is too old and worn out to be president. Palin to totally out of her depth. I think the Repubs know this and are just trying to pretend that they will have a chance.
LISTEN UP TO DAVETHEDOG. We will win this thing by a margin not expected. It will not even be close. We will beat them like cur dogs.
So shall it be written. So shall it be done!
just got off work. so glad to be able to read a bit of RJH. I'm thinking we could be looking at 364 to 375 EV. Golly gosh dadburnit that'd be jussss great.
Randy's right. It was demeaning and subtly racist. Subtle enough to get by, not enough to go unnoticed, like dog whistle language. McPain is so last century.
Randy's radical liberalism is just as bad as the right wing death squad's parinoid view of the world. Wait a minute...Randy appears pretty paranoid in his latest ranting.
P.S. Randy: This financial mess and this political mess is the fault of both parties and McCain and Obama both are equally to blame.
Look at all the HATERS, boy this is fun. Keep up the good work RJH, you just keep "stirin' the pot".
Yes, Obama will win. It's going to be very interesting to see what he and the Dems can do with what is left of America. I said before that after the big crash, America will be reconstituted as a full-blown socialist state. And sometime later will become a totalitarian state ruled with tyranny. Is this really what you libs want? And, it is odd that some of you refer to the opposition as haters. The vibes from some of you guys are absolutely take-no-prisoners venomous. That was something that bothered me about liberals when I was one. They seem to be about love, light, and tolerance till they come across some opposing points of view and then they bring out the nooses. Republicans may be fucked up, but they aren't as hypocritical.
David Axelrodofevil told me not to be concerned about Obama's friendship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers & anti-semetic, black liberationist Rev. Wright & then had the audacity to ask me about my relationship with Sputnik, Muddy, Shecky Keirkegaard McGirk, Sireen, Natureboy, Rabbi Lipschitz, the Watcher, the natural, Jackie Fargo, Wintermute, Billy Wicks & all other controversial characters on this blog The Born Again Hippies including Dave the Dog , a racist named anonymous & that songwriter for Gene Pitney & kook Connie Francis
.... Farken sez "but I am not running for President of the United States of America!" Axelrodofevil sez "but you are the President of the Slim Whitman Fan Club Of Newark NJ!" "Yes! But I am its only member!" The Peace of the Lord! FrFerghusFarken
What shall we change the name of America to once the new regime is in place. How about Africa West? I think that we should adopt the African flag and national anthem as well. Divide the nation's income by the number of families each year as a way of determining income. That will come to something like $10,000 per family. We could all wear government issue dashikis and ride government issue bicycles to go with our government issue quonset huts for homes. Why go about the reconstruction piecemeal? I think that all of this should be in place by inauguration day. Oh, and we can all dance around the maypole to celebrate the fulfillment of the socialist dream.
Your right Repubs are fucked up----why just look at the last eight years.Oh, and as for GOPs not being hypocrits, pluleez where have you been for the last eight years.Something has to change and I just don't think the change will come with Mclean and Barbie. But good luck to ya.
Republicans are not AS hypocritical as Democrats. I didn't say that they were not hypocritical. To be a politician of any stripe is to be both bogus and hypocritical. They only vary in regard to degree. In short, they are all the spawn of Satan's bowels. Little turds birthed by the Father of All Liars. There may be an exception or two, but not very many. Power corrupts most people. That is why well intentioned people, once they enter the belly of the Beast, morph into lying, double-dealing, crooks who look out only for themselves. Washington in its entirety is one big cesspool. I am fair and balanced. This is true of both parties and the individuals only vary from one another in their degree of bogusness. Choosing between Republican and Democrat is like asking one whether he would rather be stabbed or shot. Both parties will eventually ruin the country. It's just a question of which one will do it the quickest.
Where are the Muslim assassination squads now that we need them? They could do America a big service if they would annihilate Congress while it is in session. Many of our problems would be solved in an instant.
Yeah, but for a thorough job Ted Kennedy needs to be present when they pull it off.
That's some pretty ugly and dangerous shit you boys are putting out there. Being cognizant of the Patriot Act, under ordinary circumstances I might have considered taking your remarks down to protect myself. But in the current climate, I think your comments are worth reading.
As for liberal bias; guilty. Can you imagine if Hillary Clinton or Chris Dodd were sitting across from McCain he would have referred to them as "that one?" My liberal bias tells me this; I am tired of morons running my country.
Hey Fellow Patriot! What did you mean by "you boys"? ARRRRRRGH!
I can agree with everything that you wrote, and since this is Amerika, you along with all of us have opinions. let the haters hate, we'll see what happens in the elections,and they can all go to hell. I've got your back my brother. Skeeetro
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