We hope it's a blast.
But cover your backside,
It might be your last."
Doggone it. I forgot yesterday was Osama bin Laden's birthday and now I'll have to send one of those belated American Greetings e-cards. I think the NSA still forwards his correspondence. Osama has disappeared like Howard Hughes, supposedly in the "Mad Max" region between Afghanistan and Pakistan. But they ought to check out the penthouse suites in the high rise hotels of Islamabad, just to see if anyone has tin-foiled the windows. Osama's probably up there, kicked back with his dialysis machine and a hookah, watching a Blue-ray of "Ice Station Zebra" on the 50" flat screen he just got for a steal at the Kandahar Circuit City. I think the cave search should be about over, now that bin Laden is the hero of the Muslim world and could be given shelter and protection just about anywhere. I noticed that no one has yet ventured a claim to the 100 million dollars that was offered by the Bush Regime, "Dead or Alive," for his capture. His devotees are busy celebrating the 57th birthday of a sick man who has been fighting in the mountains since the 80s. He's been the subject of a supposedly intense, worldwide manhunt, and has already lived fifteen years longer than Elvis.
Al Qaeda's stated objectives for their attacks on the U.S. were to draw the nation into their apocalyptic visions of worldwide Jihad, entrap the military in an extended guerrilla war on rugged terrain, and drain the nation's economy. I recall thinking at the time that if these lunatics believed knocking down the World Trade Center would alter our way of life, they had badly underestimated the United States. But bin Laden and his personal Karl Rove, Ayman al-Zawahiri, used the same playbook that worked with the Russians in the 80s. Back then, when the Afghan mountain resistance was known as the mujaheddin and were being armed and supplied by the Reagan government, we called them "Freedom Fighters." The bloody and costly ten year Soviet stalemate in Afghanistan did far more to bankrupt the Soviet Union than Ronald Reagan's' "Tear down this wall" speech. U.S. troops have now been in Afghanistan for eight years.
Look where George Bush's "International War on Terror," has brought us. The Iraq war and the resulting atrocities have been a breeding ground for terrorist recruits like a fetid swamp for mosquitoes; 17,000 more troops have been ordered to Afghanistan to attempt to return the situation to the status quo that existed several years ago; and the American economy, in the words of Warren Buffett, "has fallen off a cliff." Wall Street greed, the housing debacle, and Reagan/Bush economics certainly contributed to our financial collapse, but no U.S. president in history has ever tried to fight two wars, while simultaneously granting massive tax cuts and not requesting sacrifice from anyone but the military. Our financial institutions are in shambles, our armed forces are pushed beyond their capacity, the Taliban has returned along with the burka, and Pakistan has granted safe haven to "suiciders" and "evil-doers" in the Swat Valley, adjoining Afghanastan. One would have to surmise that in the past eight years, every one of Al Qaeda's objectives has been met. And bin Laden is still alive somewhere, with his pal Ayman, carving up a birthday cake in the shape of Pakistan like Hyman Roth in Cuba.
All this could never have been possible without the myopic George Bush and his militaristic neocons. In fact, if al Qaeda had hand-picked and trained their own accomplice, like a Manchurian Candidate, and placed him in the U.S. Presidency, they could not have found a more hapless and predictable foil than the crusader Bush and the other two stooges, Rummy and Cheney; Curly, Larry, and Moe, in that order. To paraphrase the old country song by Roy Clark, "Thank God and Greyhound They're Gone." There is still this thing called "accountability," however, and in the name of "keeping us safe," some evil deeds were committed in our Halliburton sponsored war with Iraq. Somebody's got some 'splainin to do and someone needs to inform all the Bush lackeys screaming "executive privilege," that the executive they speak of just left town.
In addition to the "Truth Commission" that Sen. Patrick Leahy has introduced to determine who did what in the phony, "mushroom cloud," Iraq War build-up advertising campaign, the United Nations has just begun an investigation into the Bush kidnapping and rendition policies, stating, "The change in administration will have no effect on our decisions." I know that Dubya wouldn't understand irony if it hit him in the presidential library, but who would have believed that Osama bin Laden would plot and execute an attack on this country that claimed 3000 lives, and eight years later, the wanted man is George Bush. In the world at large, Osama is a hero and Bush is a zero. The Leahy Commission and John Conyers' House Judiciary Committee are slowly chipping away at the Bush regime's wall of silence. It might be time for George to mosey on down to those imaginary 75,000 hectares that he denies buying in Paraguay, where they have no extradition agreements. It's beginning to appear that the Bushes should either go on the lam, enter Witness Protection, or flip on Cheney, or our 43rd President stands a good chance of going to jail. Happy birthday, Osama.
Justice. what an evocative notion. You remember the day when Ehrlichman, Haldeman, and Mitchell were indicted? Remember the joy in the streets? If the recent psychos had to face the judge it would look more like the celebration after Obama's election. Then, we celebrated because Obama gave us the belief that we could do and be something worthwhile, that we could be proud of our country again. Taking Bush and Cheney down would be like opening the abscess and letting the pus drain out. It would stink to high heaven. The smell would be everywhere and we'd have to hold our metaphoric noses, but the pain from being associated with the bastards would then finally have a chance to fade.
I say fry them in front of the whole world. After all, everybody has suffered. I say fry em so hot that you can hear the sizzle on Pluto. Criminals.
If it comes down, look out the windows into the streets in all the cities in the USA and all the countries in the world. Dancing.
This commentary, like most published on this blog, is addressed to lemmings, bobble-heads, and other easily led and deceived sorts. One should be able to deduce that when Bush and the Republicans are the source of EVERY problem that this country faces, and when the Democrats have done and continue to do EVERYTHING right, then there is a serious bias problem (to say the least). Case in point, one news commentator recently said that Obama inherited a potentially disastrous economic situation from Bush and has managed to create a potential catastrophe in its place. The Wall St. Journal recently released the results of a poll of economists from around the country in which Obama was given a composite grade of 59% (F) and Geithner was given a composite grade of 51% (F)on the way that they have dealt with the economy. No mention has been made of Democratic governmental policies going back to the Clinton administration which forced banks throughout the country to make loans to unqualified borrowers that formed the basis of the sub-prime debacle. Some years ago before I was even aware of this problem, my wife who was a loan officer at a Memphis bank came home upset that she was going to have to make a loan to a notoriously unqualified low level Memphis politician solely because he was a minority and how her bank had to make a certain percentage of their loans to other similar poor credit risks. She informed me then that this was due to government policy thanks to the Democrats. Then there is the issue of how Barney Frank and other Democrats stonewalled a Republican attempt to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Yes, there is plenty of blame to go around, including the pigs that made hay out of the government's mandate to make loans to those who were a poor credit risk. Much, much more could be said along these lines. But, the grand point is not to ascribe blame to the Democrats, but to say that this blog is ridiculously slanted and biased. It is the liberal equivalent of Limbaughesque yellow journalism. A TINY bit of balance would make this blog at least a little bit credible. I can hear the lemmings in my mind's ear saying, 'Yup, yup, you're right, everything that has EVER gone wrong with this country is due to the Republicans, yup, yup. And keep saying it again and again in every commentary. We don't want to hear that the Republicans have EVER done anything right'.
It is always a good day when I get my Born Again Hippies from Randy Haspel. Today’s is particularly good. He is so right on. I wish somehow he could get the word to someone who could actually do something about this.
Conducting business in the United States is now practically impossible. All the rules have changed.
you did it again, randolph j. keep up the good writing. j
Anonymous 7:30,
If you claim this collapse was caused by a few bad loans from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, you've been reading the GOP talking points and you really should get a grip on reality. This mess was caused by Phil Graham and the Republicans repealing Glass-Steagall and allowing investment banks to run amok. The bad mortgages aren't the problem. It's the Wall St. criminals who turned them into derivatives and bundled them into assets they claimed as real when they were not. My friend, the Republicans caused this Depression with de-regulation of financial instruments and reckless greed, just like they did the last one. What this blog says is the truth and I hope you'll remember it when your Conservative heroes start being frog-marched to Federal Prison.
Anonymous 12:02, a.k.a. Mr.Lemming,
You make my point beautifully. I believe that most politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, are white collar criminals. I once was mesmerized by the Republican blather machine and believed that all problems could be traced to some Democratic pimp, just as you now apparently believe the same about Republicans. Apparently, you feel that the Democrat's Community Reinvestment Act which forced thousands of banks from coast to coast to make risky loans, and the Democrat's stonewalling of attempts to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac played no role in the current economic problems. My contention is that politicians of whatever stripe screw the country up and that there is something wrong with ANY commentator that lays ALL blame at the door of either party. But, I understand the dysfunction, because I was once a lemming for the Republicans. I am now an independent and an equal opportunity basher of both groups of asshole spinmeisters. If both parties had stuck closer to the Constitution for the past 7 or 8 decades we would probably be in better shape. But, most politicians are lawyers as well as gangsters and know how to weasel their way around the laws to get what they want. And that is wealth, power, and CONTROL. The pretense of caring about the 'people' is the equivalent of scattering (sub-standard) chicken feed to the birds on the poultry farm. The object is to keep them on the government farm and to increasingly tighten the leash.
Lemming shlemmings, why you gotta call people names Mr. Anon.besides that this blog is not even about what your talking about. Why not start your own blog then you can have all your ASSHOLE friends write to you.Seems like if your gonna call people names, your shouldn't be ASSHOLE. Sorry but the truth hurts and your not a very nice person, on top of all of it you can't seem to stay on task. Maybe you should find somewhere else to play. I don't think any real BAH's will miss you.
The quality of your writing, and hence, your thinking makes me suspect that you are a product of public, government education. It's a pity what they have done to you. Apparently, you have not done much reading, or studying for that matter. Maybe a remedial reading program would be a good place for you to start developing a coherent mind. It's touching that you call yourself a 'real' BAH. I guess it gives you a feeling of significance to be part something, even if it is only this blog. And, it is ironic that you seem to feel that you are a 'nice' person in light of the vitriol that you spew. I do hope that you get some help, though. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Sticks and stones--- oh I forgot your so fucking smart you already know that little ditty. Anyway you arrogant prick, why don't you start your own blog Mr. Bigstuff, we would all be glad to see your sorry ass outta here. I can better educate myself if need be ----- but what about you asshole. You'll always be just that, an asshole. Too funny, enough said you silly man.
Dear Mr. Anonymous...aka Arrogant Prick, Asshole...Uh...Mr. Big Stuff! Peace be with you! Perhaps you see Sputnik as your new found enemy and his philosophical outlook as an assault against you personally. According to Jesus you have but one choice... LOVE YOUR ENEMY! As an assoholic me self I find that it is a lot easier for me to love an enemy combatant (can we still use that term?) when I try to understand that person & their beliefs whether I agree with that person or not! What I discovered in the Sputmeister is a beautifully brilliant mind, a solid gold heart and a ton of talent! He seems to me to be a Religious Humanist/Social Liberal. I recommend a book by a good friend the Rabbi Lipschitz...he brings these two distinct ethics to the same conclusion...the book is titled "I Was A Teenage Secular Humanist!" Its a story about how G*d takes this least likely shithead & claims it as fertile ground to grow flowers for his fellow man. The hound of heaven chases him down the long & rocky road of life & speaks directly to his heart in a still small voice...in Yiddish! But he gets the gist! G*d loves his sorry ass & that he is called to honor G*d in every dimension of his life & that he is to love his neighbor on the same level as he loves himself! So he becomes a social butterfly...uh...liberal! He starts supporting beliefs like universal education, welfare (including benefits for the unemployed), housing for the homeless, medicare for the sick, life for the unborn, nursing care for the elderly...all supported by progressive taxation for a moral society. The economically successful are not being punished because they are paying taxes to help the less fortunate! According to the good Rabbi it is a privilege to do so! It is altruism. Altruism is selfless concern for the welfare of others, although it may not benefit you. It is one of the most moral ways to base a society... because it means that you care for your fellow man. Sometimes our own personal benefit should not be the most important factor in our philosophical outlook. But what the hell do I know? I'm a Libertarian...uh...Abe Lincoln Republican...I mean an Harry Truman Democrat...a piece of work in progress but this I know is true. Cain was the world's 1st ASSHOLE! Cain sucked because when G*d asked Cain where Abel was he sarcastically answered G*d with an arrogant answer in the form of a stupid question..."Am I (arrogant prick, asshole, Mr. Big Stuff, First Born Cain) my brother's keeper?" THE PEACE OF THE LORD!
Father Fergus Farken
The best and most accurate thing that can be said about the Obama administration is that the gutter has come to power.
Father Farken, sometimes you sound more like an inebriated Marxist sociologist than a priest of Jesus Christ. Is there any chance that you were ordained by a bartender in one of the bars that you frequent? Maybe the night that you joined in on the sodomite choo-choo at the gay bar?
Dear Anonymous! Sorry if I sounded like an inebriated Marxist Sociologist. I can assure you that I am not! I was just trying to get inside of the mind of our so called enemy. According to Rabbi Lipschitz...the intentions of religious humanist & liberal Socialist are good and altruistic & should demand our respect whether we agree with them or not! To be honest I am a little shocked that there have been few complaints about how our president went against campaign promises & used scare tactics to bypass study & debate to get his stimulus package loaded with oink through! More later got to catch a train! Peace! Fr. Farken
By any valid doctrinal standard, to speak of a religious humanist is at the very least an oxymoron. How can a humanist be considered 'religious'. It's like speaking of a religious agnostic or a religious atheist. A humanist is one who places his faith in nothing higher than man. Maybe you meant to speak of a religious pagan. Some of these people worship trees, stars, animals, etc. like the modern-day environmental extremists. Randy may be a humanist or he may be a religious pagan...like a Druid or something.
The answer to your question about the way the stimulus bill was handled is that Obama is an incredibly slick and smooth shyster and con artist. There will be a lot more proof of that as time goes on. He is a true pied piper in an almost mystical sense. He will take the lemmings on a path from which we may not recover. He may do irreparable harm to America. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing if there ever was one. Oh, there was one and his name was Hitler.
My conscience is getting the best of me. I apologize to Father Farken for hitting him so hard. But, it seems that whenever someone presents a conservative point of view, some liberal makes him out to be against progressive taxes, public education, all forms of welfare, and to want to starve children and consign the poor to the gulag. Liberals seem not to be able to stomach any opposing view points. So much for their vaunted claims of tolerance. All social change is he result of the tension and flux between conservatives and liberals. I'll be the first to admit that lots of good things have come as the result of progressives throughout history. And hopefully there will be more to come, like the legalization of pot and prostitution for example. If you could eliminate all liberals the conservatives would create a Taliban- like society, and if all conservatives were eliminated, the liberals would produce a debauched, dysfunctional society. Hopefully the interchange between the two will produce a balanced and viable society. That being said, my point with regard to this blog is that with a tiny bit of balance, it might become something more than Randy addressing his choir. 99% of the responses are, "You're right again, Randy, way to go". With a little balance there might be a wider readership and more interesting points of view expressed and debated. But then maybe it's only supposed to be Randy's sounding board to those who think just like him. If that's the case...excuuuuuse me!
Sorry Anonymous! I am in the Nashville area helping Padre Patro in his move from Jersey to Tennessee. Don't always have access to the Internet. Perhaps I could Pastor Our Lady of the Lost Highway! I'm not much different from Billy Joe Shaver... My allegiance is with Christ Jesus & every man is my brother! To follow Christ we must embrace His Values ond attitudes.More later! Peace!
For those waiting to see any sense of balance in this blog, don't hold your breath. I have been reading it for a copule of years and don't see any hope for future consideration of anything other than Randy's one sided opinion.
Randy's followers claim he is a great writer, but he is not and never will be until he can at least present both sides of an issue.
And for your Father Fartken. Why can't you spell out GOD? Why the *?
Remember when G^d sent Moses to Egypt with the words, "Tell 'em "I Am" sencha'? G*d wasn't about to give out His name to be manipulated & controlled by the human race! There are some very holy people who write on this blog. With respect to G*d they right G-d! To me it is OK to write out God but I generally don't out of respect! The words God & Lord are titles not names, some Jews leave out vowels to avoid offense. Often in speaking of G*d they say "haShem" which translates, the Name." G*d's proper name is symbolized with 4 Hebrew letters: yod, hey, vav, hey JHVH or with Latin letters YHVH. I was taught that early translators chose vowels from 2 of G*d's Hebrew titles, e from Elohim(G^d) & a from Adonai(Lord) & o from both!They inserted them into the 4 initials to come up with a pronounceable English word. Thus Jehovah then Yahweh. The reason I chose G*d over G-d is because we live in a hyphenated society! Way over used! Everyone is an hyphenated American & if Jacob married Lisa Marie They would be Presley-Dylan! G*d deserves better! Christians see Jesus as G*d's name personified! That's why we want to get down & Praise His Holy Name! The peace of the Lord! FrFarken
Why not say J*s*s rather than Jesus? It seems that you are straining at gnats with the G*d thing, but then I guess it is a big so what in the end. Whatever makes your particular boat float.
Dear Mr. Gimme a Break,
Please go to your dictionary or Wikipedia, and look up the word "editorial." Thank you.
Just a reminder! This Blog is the the truth from my brother's keeper's peepers! Mr. Sputnik has an editorial & he speeks it as he sees it! Not how you see it! Not how I see it but I guarandamnteeya! Sputnik is a Se-er & what he sees is what you get! For some Sputnik opens the floodgaights of TROOF! Some are overwhelmed with his talents & creativity! Some... he just pisses off! This is a big tent! There is room for all! Some that disagree can be destructive! Their words are used as weapons. Maybe we can beat our swords into plowshares. Find a more peaceable way to disagree. Loving our enemy is not the words of Marx but Jesus! Being our brother's keeper is simply Judaic/Christian ethic ...not Marxist! However it was Groucho who said, "These are my principles. If you don't like them. I have others."
Three Auburn students are discussing what sort of G*d must have designed the human body. The first sez, "G*d must be a mechanical engineer: Look at all the joints."
The 2nd sez, "I think G*d must be an electrical engineer. The nervous system has thousands of electrical connections."
The 3rd sez, " Actually, G*d is a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic pipeline through a recreational area?" Go 'n piss...uh...Peace! Fr. Farken
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