
To drive a weasel like Specter from their ranks, the Republican Party must be seriously off the rails. Last week, members of the conservative wing of the Republican National Committee drafted a resolution to officially change the way they refer to the opposing party. It states:
RESOLVED, that we the members of the Republican National Committee call on the Democratic Party to be truthful and honest with the American people by acknowledging that they have evolved from a party of tax and spend to a party of tax and nationalize and, therefore, should agree to rename themselves the Democrat Socialist Party.This week, a new initiative called The National Council for a New America hit the road with such fresh faces as Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush holding town meetings to "re-brand" the Republican party. The architect of the Council is Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor, who has been called the GOP's "rising star" and undoubtedly has ambitions of his own. Cantor hopes that trotting out John McCain to talk about the future, or Rep. Michelle Bachman telling Chairman Michael Steele that, "You be the man," will energise the teaparty-goers and give a focus to their anger. But re-branding this Republican party is about as useful as changing the wrapping on a can of Spam.
I think we should no longer deny the dead elephant in the room, and that the real name change should be considered by the Republicans. GOP makes a nice acronym for "Greedy Old Pigs," but they all got washed out in the banking collapse and are now on the government teat, and not in a position to complain too loudly. All that's left of the old party are the religious conservatives, gun zealots, and Old Dixie: the remnants of Richard Nixon's "Southern Strategy." After Lyndon Johnson signed civil rights legislation in 1964, he said to an aide that the Democrats had probably lost the South for a generation, but not even LBJ would have thought a Southern governor would suggest secession. And all along, when I heard the term "neo-con," I thought they meant neo-conservatives. Now, I understand that the term actually means neo-Confederates: the party of states' rights, only with a few constitutional amendments prohibiting certain behaviors they deem offensive. So why not just re-name the Republican Party the "New Confederacy?" It sounds a little better than Strom Thurmond's Dixiecrats in 1948, or George Wallace's American Independent Party in 1968, but it appeals to the same group; the red-faced mob screaming about taxes when, most likely, they just got a refund.
The lack of historical reference is palpable among the current batch of Republican legislators. If they had any sense, they'd reverse course now, but because they don't, they are doomed to repeat the past. In this case, the example is the Democrats. At the Chicago convention of 1968, the Democrats tore themselves apart over the issues of war abroad and equality at home. Beaten and bloodied by the overeager Chicago police, the chaos in the streets shocked the nation and helped elect the law-and-order candidate, Nixon. Rather than lick their wounds and take a centrist approach, the party lurched to the left, into the doomed candidacy of George McGovern, and became known as the party of political correctness rather than the party of inclusion. Now that the roles are reversed and the Republicans have had their heads handed to them in the last two elections, they will instinctively follow their gun-toting, frustrated, base on a march to the far right, and into the arms of Governor Sarah Palin, or someone like her, who will lead them to crushing defeat.
The GOP has become the party of the angry Southern white man, led by talk radio into ugly sloganeering against the current government, without offering any solutions other than tax cuts and torture. The Boehner obstructionists need to either adjust or start learning the lyrics to James Taylor's "Steamroller Blues." Senators Arlen Specter and Al Franken will give the Democrats their filibuster-proof majority, and the Republicans, like the old Confederacy, become the defenders of yet another "Lost Cause." With no moderates remaining in the party, I only hope there is someone left who can discourage the Palin voters and the hysterical cultural crusaders from armed rebellion.
You do nothing but bash the Republicans as though your precious Democrat Socialist Party can do and has done no harm. I wish you would come out and reveal the vision that the Democrat Socialist Party has for America. Of course, if you did that too soon, then we might indeed be in danger of another civil war. There are lots of folks who will not go peaceably into what you people have in store for America and the rest of the world. It should be obvious to all but the most sonambulant that the D.S.P. is leading the country into full-blown socialism one step at a time. What some may not know is phase II of the project which is to eradicate American sovereignty to make it a part of a one world governmental, economic, and judicial order. That is, unfettered world socialism and ultimately totalitarianism. America's resources and wealth will be looted as it is distributed throughout the world in an attempt to equalize everything. The entire planet will become one big third world ghetto with a small ruling elite, a large military/militia to keep the peasants in line, and the rest of humanity will constitute a massive serfdom. No more middle class. Just the wealthy ruling few with all of the peasant-slaves living at or near the poverty level. And they will be kept in line by cruelty and despotism. The rulers will be hep to the cycle of democracy, socialism, totalitarianism, revolution, etc. So, to prevent any possibility of revolution they will massacre any and all who step out of line. Millions will die as they always have under totalitarianism. This is where you guys are taking us and we are close to the point of no return. I wonder if your descendants will forgive you for this unspeakable crime against humanity, all in the name of equality. Equality of outcome is anti-nature. The only way that it can be effected and maintained is by stripping people of their freedom and using unrelenting cruelty and force to maintain an artificial and unnatural 'equality'.
What you describe sounds like the vision of the Bush administration.
Bush was an idiot, but he wouldn't lead us to full-blown socialism and ultimatey totalitarianism. That is the m.o. of the Democrat Socialist Party led by the sheep-in-wolves-clothing Balack Obummer. Just wait and see what these snakes have in store for us. No one will recognise America after they are through with us. It will be so unrecognisable that the very name of the country will probably be changed, and I bet you that behind closed doors their are Dems who are discussing this very possibility. I'll bet Obummer would like to re-name it Socialist West Africa to honor the sub-human who squired him.
I noticed that as a put-down of conservatives you depicted them as admirers of Elvis, Jesus, and, I suppose, Robert E. Lee. What if someone were to depict Balack Obummer with pictures of Step 'N Fetchit, watermelon, and Moon-Pies? You would become apoplectic, charge those who did it with a hate crime, and demand a civil rights investigation into the matter. You liberals are so hypocritical. You will slime and use derogatory terms for some classes of people and then rise up in indignation if someone disparages your sacred cows. Why don't you show respect for all classes and kinds of people like you demand of conservatives? You folks presume to worship tolerance, but you are only tolerant of those who agree with you. You are extremely intolerant of those who disagree with you...almost to the point of becoming despotic. Like the threats that you made in regard to the 'Fairness Doctrine'. You people would censor all views contrary to your own if you could get away with it.
Malcolm wonders, could this anonymous person actually be Rush L. and just afraid to reveal himself to us? Must be someone with a lot of insider info
as he/she/it seems to know so many secret plans in store for us. I know what happened in the past, this person must have a crystal ball. Well I hear Brazil in nice this time of year.
all my love, Ludor
Your Specter comments are dead on. He's had blood on his hands for 45 years because of his invention of the magic bullet.
Tim Fleming
author,"Murder Of An American Nazi"
Wow, Mr. anonymous... You're kidding right??? You can't possibly mean all this horseshit you just spewed. This is a joke right?? ha ha... I get it. Funny pal! Keep it up. ha ha.
Mr. Anon.
You have become a caricature of the person I was writing about, feeling angry, persecuted, and delusional that the black helicopters are coming to get you. I'm just a guy with an opinion, but you're fucking crazy. Please stay up there, wherever you are, with your arsenal to defend yourself against the oncoming commie hordes, but do me a favor and stay away from my house. In fact, do yourself a favor and identify yourself by the first half of your email address. Then I can remove you from the mailing list and spare you all this pain and anxiety.
Off with his head, you slimy toad. Oh, and another thing, you racist bastard just "step off" will ya. Find a new place to spew your evil hatred of mankind. Oops, I'm gonna puke-----
Peace Ya'll
By the way, the painting above that you find so derogatory is called "Elvis and Jesus and Robert E. Lee," by Alabama artist Clyde Broadway. It hangs in the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans. That the figures portrayed are Southern icons is without question, but it doesn't equate to your idea of a picture of the president surrounded by negative racial stereotypes. Your analogy is flawed and the only "slime" you see is in your own interpretation of the painting. Personally, I wish there were prints for sale. I'd put it up with my Kennedy brothers with Dr. King plush wall hanging.
As I have said frequently, liberals pose as tolerant, peace-loving, and inclusive. But, if you hold different views and don't agree with them, they become vicious, as some of these commentaries attest. Some of you would probably kill conservatives if you could corner them in a back alley. And again, as I have said before, totalitarians prefer to murder the opposition rather than to deal with the opposition democratically. It's hard to hide your true colors. Roughly half the country sees you clearly, though. You are all killers, either figuratively or literally, at heart. Censoring or suppressing conservative points of view is a type of murder...the murder of opposing points of view. Of course, Obummer saw that the Fairness Doctrine would be political suicide for him, so he took that off of the table. I suspect that the suppression strategy will become more subtle. You folks will let nothing stop you on your march to serfdom...black pajamas and bicycles for everyone. Then we will finally all be economically, materially equal and equally miserable...the glorious vision of the Bolsheviks.
By the way, I am not on your mailing list. I heard about your blog through the vast right wing conspiracy some time ago. I live a long way from the crime-ridden ghetto that you inhabit. Of course, crime and poverty are two of the fruits of liberalism. Evidently, liberalism has won the battle for the hearts and minds of Memfricans judging by all the bad press you get in terms of crime, squalor, and degradation. It sounds like you live in a liberal mecca...congratulations. May you descend further and further into the liberal nightmare. At this point, it is inevitable. Memfrica's future is about as bright as that of the motherland, Africa. Good luck on the way down to chaos.
Judging by the fact that crime and poverty are two of the fruits of liberalism, it is apparently winning the day all across America. Practically all American cities are dangerous cesspools of crime, poverty, and degradation. Again, the blessed vision of the Bolsheviks marches on!! Congratulations to the winners of the culture war. May it spread now throughout the world!
Besides crime and poverty, another fruit of liberalism is declining educational performance, because liberals are not fond of competition or for that matter anything that involves effort. They prefer to sponge off of producers. So, judging by American public education, liberals are winning a resounding victory. I can forsee the day when the liberal establishment will mail every citizen a high school diploma when they turn 18 and a college degree when they turn 22. That way, the most illiterate person can proudly display their college degree. No one need feel inferior to anyone else in this regard.Talk about equality of outcomes! Another fruit of liberalism is a very general trend that pervades all of society. And, that is an overall decline in efficiency, performance, and quality. Along with that goes increasing costs, because wages and benefits are only allowed to go up regardless of the quality or quantity of output. So, with liberalism you get less for more. This is why poverty and liberalism go hand-in-hand. It is inevitable. You can't bring about prosperity by discouraging competition and effort, and with endless welfare and entitlements. You only kill the goose that lays the golden egg...that is, free-market capitalism. At some point the producers are going to say, 'Fuck it!', and jump on the socialist hammock themselves. In this regard, America is showing signs throughout the economy that liberals truly rule. The truth is the only thing that liberals can't deal with, because they are the spawn of the Father of Lies. In closing it can be said that liberalism has more in common with cancer than anything else. But, let it spread. The glorious Bolshevik vision marches on!!
....and I thought Sarah Palin couldn't write. Congrats Mr. Anon, 'snicker,snicker'.. We know who you really are. Keep it up. It keeps hope alive..... for the Dems, ha ha.. Read em an weep Sarah baaaaaaby!
I've noticed that the host of this blog occasionally says negative things in regard to those who favor lowering taxes. That usually means one thing. That he is one of the non-producing blood-suckers which constitute so much of liberaldom. The only reason you are against lowering taxes is because it would dry up the trough from which the liberal parasites feed.
Alright, it's time for some balance and a confession. Much of what I say about liberals is hyperbole. I like to stir things up to keep things from getting boring. I am quite the social liberal, actually and generally prefer the company of liberal types believe it or not. Conservatives tend to be stuffed shirts and boring. I would hate to live in an overly conservative world. Tempermentally, I could function better in a liberal world better... I said that I would make confessions. The worse thing that there is is a capitalist pig. Left to themselves they would have children working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. The poor would be put out on the streets to starve. They would squueze the life-blood out of everyone and bring back censorship big time. And I am sure that you folks could add to this list. I would prefer the company of an affable liberal any day to a 'suit'. I am almost allergic to the business man type. Thank goodness for them, though because someone has to do what they do. I just don't like being around them. Another confession is that if it weren't for liberals I would be dead in the water financially for reasons that I won't go into...but that is true. Actually, what is needed is a balance and troubles arise if things get out of balance on either side. I could stir things up on a conservative blog just as well. Believe it or not I would probably get along with you folks better than the conservatives in a social setting. There, I feel better. The 'truth' made me do this. It kept reminding me of the things that I have 'fessed up to. There are more things that I could say to this effect, but you get my drift. I really don't like to offend people. Like I said, sometimes I stir things up to fight off boredom.
Mr. Anon, You are so full of shit. I know a Christmas turkey just like you. Most people could care less if you "confess" or not.What an arrogant prick.You must be a man.Sorry fellows, but no woman could be that strange (and not in a good way).
I guess that over time I have come to feel in a small way that I have come to know , in a very small sense, some of the regular posters on this blog. I wrote that last commentary out of sincerity and a spirit of friendship to unseen faces here. It was a guilt driven but sincere way of saying that I am sorry for the bad vibes I have generated here. It was not done in arrogance. And yes, it is strange that I should care. Call it a personal cleansing. I know that I can be full of shit when I take a mind to. It's a hobby.
There are some artist that really grab me. Monet touches a soft spot...Van Gogh baptizes me with his eschatological colors...Modigliani's long neck portraits...the isness of Rembrandt...the line drawn characterizations of Mort Drucker and Thomas Merton...the piss n vinegar series of Ernie Pecker(Patton) of Memphis! But I must say to walk in in a room of a Clyde Broadway painting is like opening the door of fresh air to your senses...greeted by the subtle warmth of cherubs and free-flying buckets of confetti from run-a-way lunatics...but you are caught up in the beauty even when he's playing with your mind. And some times its just a damn good painting! Sputnik! I have been wanting you to hook up with Clyde at some juncture...perhaps at some sort of genius meets genius convention but hell...HERE Y'ALL ARE. This has destiny written all over it!
I 1st met Clyde at art school at Auburn in 65. He was hanging from a ladder with his fruit boots waving in the air...dribbling enamel paints from about 10 ft. high ....on large canvasses...but it wasn't by chance! He was going at this thing as if he was shooting pool or slaying the dragons! He was and is a true warrior of all that is Art! He worried about me playing football & studying Art because you had to offer your whole body for both. And by body he meant your complete being. Yes! Clyde is one of my best friends but I have a legendary respect for his body of work! It would do you good to check out the genius of his paintings! The Peace of the Lord!
Oooooops! Clyde Broadway's painting is called "Trinity! and the gold frame is missing! That's part of the painting itself! This painting without the frame is like a saint without his halo! It is part of the sacredness of the painting! You need to see the full effect! Blessings!
Hey Father Farken, Sputnik and gang including Anon the Cwazy! You can download the whole shebang (Broadway's featured painting) at ogdenmuseum.org!
It's www.ogdenmuseum.org to be precise asshole!
That wasn't the cwazy Anon. on the last post. That did come across as mean-spirited. The cwazy Anon. has decided to leave you folks alone. I wish you guys the best. Randy, Father Farken, Gregg, et al. I'll miss you guys...goodbye and God bless.
Gov. Schwarzeneger has called for a debate in regard to bill AB390 which would legalize pot in the state of California. This represents a small step forward on the road to national legalization. Check it out on Google news.
Great! A little known fact here in the South is that the residents of Eureka Springs, Ar. passed a referendum a few years back to de-criminalize pot. The local police chief said that it gave the police there the prerogative to turn their heads when they see it without getting into trouble over the issue. I would like to hear some first hand testimonies on this issue from the residents themselves to see how it has worked out in a practical way. Has anyone heard any particulars on this from those who actually live in Eureka Springs?
Specter. His name is Arlen Specter.
Not SpectOr... SpectEr...
As a teacher in the Memphis City School System I have something to share with the BAH Community! Let's look at the word Specter. It is taken from the word SPHINCTER! And what is a Sphincter? A sphincter is a circular muscle that normally maintains constriction of a normal body passage or orifice & which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning. There are over 40 different sphincters in the human body. Some of these sphincters are microscopic in size. How ever Senator Arlen is a big ass sphincter from the Pennsylvania area that not only thinks it can sing but dance as good as it wants! He likes to do a little thing that Archie Bell & the Derells called the TGHTEN UP!Whether Republican or Democrat this distinguished Senator from the great state of Pennsylvania will always remain a tight ass sphincter better known as an ASSHOLE! There! I said it! Thank you Jesus! Yours Truly! SIREEN
Up Periscope!
I just want to comment on Sireen's post: I don't think that "specter" has anything to do with a sphincter. Rather, it is a "ghost", a "frightening apparition", a "disembodied spirit", a "spook", a "phantasm"... you get the idea.
Down Periscope!
You have correctly traced the word to its French and Latin meaning but you have completely ignored its Greek origin which has to do with the constricted anus brought about by bad politics from a Pensylvania Senator.!
Sorry, I have been all over my Greek dictionary trying to find a connection between "sphincter" and "specter", or "spectre", or even "spector", however, alas, I can find no evidence of such a link.
I did find the following very interesting factoid, however:
Spector (also Spektor or Specter) is a surname derived from the Russian inspektor (Cyrillic: инспектор), meaning 'inspector'. Also derived from the Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) occupational name from szpektor ‘teacher’s assistant in a Jewish school’, a derivative of Polish inspektor, 'supervisor'.
I am afraid that your effort to frame the senator's surname into some sort of scatalogical play on words is literally Greek to me, as it would be to most people.
That said, I am in agreement with Randy's comments regarding the senator from Pennsylvania, and I pray each day that the Republican party continues now to behave as it always has, and to continue to allow the likes Rush and Coulter to be their voice, and speak for them, and to continue to promote people like Sarah Palin as their front runners for future leadership.
Perhaps they'll further oblige us by energetically opposing the nomination of Judge Sotomayor.
My dear Mr. Zoop Zoop! Just curious. In the South I have known many a person (usually a white person!) with a double first name. Billy Bob, Jerry Lee, Charlie Bill, Jimmy Ray, Shit Head, etc., etc., etc., but no Zoom Zoom. We usually do not repeat the same first name...presuming it is not your first & last name. But what would go with Zoop? How 'bout SNOOP! Which is certainly what you are! But do not be offended SNOOP is just another form of Specter...INSPECTOR! Your investigative research is superb...making my pageant winning ass look bad in the process! All is forgiven! My last word on Mr. Specter is that the product maybe labeled Specter but the content is sphincter & Datz Dat! 'Bout your prayer life. Instead of praying that the other team become a caricature of ultra right-wing fanaticism. Pray that they return to the party of Abraham Lincoln! Didn't our president say that we are to build bridges between both parties. We are the UNITED States of America. However both Parties would be better off with out Arlen Sphincter! Thank You Jesus! SIREEN
Not too long ago Glen Frey of the Eagles bought one of Clyde Broadway's paintings while visiting a New Orleans gallery. He wrote for D.H. on the check. Clyde noticed in the paper a few days later that it was Don Henley's birthday! Clyde spent some time at the Big Pink with The Band during the 60s. Has written some pretty good songs as well. Saw Clyde at a funeral of a very special lady who was like a mother to me in Scottsborro, Al. just last week!Said he got a kick out of the comments on the BAH! It was great seeing him! Small world! THe Peace of the Lord! Fr Farken
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