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cartoon by Bill Day; click to enlarge |
I had written previously that it would take most of Obama's first term to unravel Bush's political dingleberries, but I underestimated the vehemence of the opposition. I imagined that Obama had the mandate to govern like FDR in crisis mode with a Brand New Deal, that included public works initiatives and employment projects to modernize interstates and establish the foundations for high-speed rail. The fact that Obama first chose to tackle health-care reform dispersed much of his political capital, only he got it done. He accomplished what no previous president could, faced with a unanimous resistance from the opposition. What's disturbing is that the divisiveness of the issue created a network of disinformation to abet the Republican Party's strategy of refusing to cooperate with this president on anything whatsoever. While justifiably disillusioned working people drift toward the Tea Party to express their frustration, their counterparts in Congress stonewall everything from financial reform to extending unemployment benefits. In their lust to recapture political power, the Republicans made the conscious decision to sacrifice the common good and delay the nation's economic recovery, and for this they expect to be rewarded?
On Sunday, 9/12, there were more Tea Party rallies all over the country, financed by Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and other corporate interests. What was initially billed as a time of reflection over 9/11 turned into a pep rally for the right, as angry white people marched from Sacramento to St. Louis. Thousands marched in Washington, D.C., but the main event was in Anchorage, featuring America's sweetheart, Glenn Beck, and the quitter Governor Sarah Palin, proving there is nothing, from her family to 9/11, that she will not exploit for political gain. The poster-children for insurrection were going to discuss how unified the nation felt after the New York attacks, but the best tickets went for $200 bucks a pop. Throughout the entire Bush era, 9/11 was a day reserved for national remembrance, devoid of the usual political acrimony. Not anymore. The obstructionist Republicans smell victory and if the attacks on this country can be recast to suit their cause, they'll wave the bloody flag again.
Now every pundit on every news network is talking about a "Republican Tsunami" in November that will wash away the Obama reforms in a wave of righteous anger. The pundits have not gotten anything right since they declared the presidency for Al Gore, so since I'm not easily propagandized, let me clue you in. It ain't gonna' happen. And these Tea Party rallies all over the country? No big deal. The GOP is doing everything but publicly salivating over the thought of regaining Congress, and they actually believe the Tea Party is representational of the American voter. They do so at the risk of forgetting that everybody hates Congress, but no one really objects to their congressman. The election is still seven weeks away, and the more the public sees of the fringe-right candidates, the less they seem to want them in office. Harry Reid must be one of the most despised men in Nevada, but every time Sharron Angle opens her mouth, his poll numbers go up. I'm aware that the Democrats are fools and cowards, but the Republicans are liars and whores, and that's just the men. It's beyond question that the reactionary wing of the Republican party is angry and motivated to vote against something, but some of these Tea Party candidates remind me of Jack Nicholson as The Joker, looking in the mirror and saying, "Wait 'til they get a load of me."
The thought of Speaker John Boehner and Leader Mitch McConnell should be enough to snap anyone from the hum of the right-wing fog and obfuscation machine, but they always seem to come up with that wedge issue, like gay marriage, that drives conservative voters. I can just see some young operative doing opposition research and discovering with delight that a long-planned Islamic Center in lower Manhattan was just two blocks from the site of the Twin Towers, and thus was born, "The Ground-Zero Mosque." The President, already facing hysterical accusations of being a "secret Muslim," is bound by oath to defend the Constitution, and thus protect the freedom of all religions, even Islam. It was a brilliant tactic and it worked, but it's a bogus issue and harmful to the country. The example of Pastor Steve Stone, of Cordova's Heartsong Church, in not just welcoming the neighboring Islamic Center, but offering the church's facilities to the Muslim community for prayer during Ramadan, is reverberating across the nation simply because it was an act of love, rather than one of hate. Which gives me cause to believe that people may be growing weary of the manufactured rage of the right. When you spend two years blocking the schoolhouse door and only offer more of the same, it equates to another mathematical certainty, which happens to be the title of an old Billy Preston song; "Nothing from Nothing leaves Nothing."
Sputnik, a good post! When you mentioned "other interests" who are pushing this radical tea party and fringe agenda, it made me think of last week's New Yorker expose of the Koch Brothers. The article was titled, 'Unseen Hands', and it's very eye-opending. These guys are the 3rd richest men in the country (Koch Oil, et al), and are funneling many millions into "grassroots" campaigns which all come back to suppport the tea party, which in turn supports their own financial interests. Since the article, in just the last week, there's been numerous news reports on NPR, CBS, and CNN. I couldn't tell you if they've been on the Fucked Network, since I can't find it on my dial. These bastards (Koch)know the math too, and they're betting with their $$$ that the sheep will follow their cronies to the slaughterhouse (bad metaphor). Just hoping against hope.....
Derived from the epigraph by Jonathan Swift: "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." (Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting) - Limbaughtomized Teabagging Faux Noise Palin/Beck fans are the dunces so that must make President Obama a true genius.
a quote that inspired the title of one of your favorite books Randy.
I always enjoy the BAH posts.
Wonderful piece of writing, Sputnik. The trouble is that the public as a whole has not learned their lesson of Republican control. We are now headed for total gridlock where nothing positive will get through either chambers of Congress. The Democrats never really had a majority other than party seats. The Blue Dogs are really Republicans, and Harry Reid is so weak that he could never get support from conservative Democrats. Other than the Democrats losing committee chaiman positions (a big plus), the conservatives will now control and block everything. The sad truth is that America doesn't deserve such a good man like Obama as President. Too bad.
Good post!
"What would probably get the economy recovering fastest and most completely would be for the President of the United States and Congressional leaders to shut up and stop meddling with the economy. But it is virtually impossible that they will do that. ... If the stimulus isn't working, the true believers have to believe that it is only because it hasn't been tried long enough, or with enough money being spent. There are always calls for the government to 'do something' when things are going bad. Those who make such calls have almost never bothered to check out what actually happens when the government does something, as compared to what happens when the government does nothing. It is not just free market economists who think the government can make a mess bigger with its interventions. ... The history of the United States is full of evidence on the negative effects of government intervention. For the first 150 years of this country's existence, the federal government did not think it was its business to intervene when the economy turned down. All of those downturns ended faster than the first downturn where the federal government intervened big time -- the Great Depression of the 1930s. ... There is another set of facts: The record that was set in 1929 for the biggest stock market decline in one day was broken in 1987. But Ronald Reagan did nothing -- and the media clobbered him for it. Then the economy rebounded and there were 20 years of sustained economic growth with low inflation and low unemployment. Can you imagine Barack Obama doing another Ronald Reagan? I certainly wouldn't predict that."
I didn't say this. Economist Thomas Sowell said this who by the way Sputnik is a black man. Of course you'll proably label him a stooge for the right.
Proud to read your post, RJ. Hope you're right about November. Would seem to me that most people would be afraid to actually vote for someone who is blatantly under educated and/or overly adolescent who all the while tries to suggest to the electorate that we allow them to try to make law for a country of close to 350 million. How does an honest person give their vote to someone who's dogma makes them an idiot?
Fellow Americans! Let me be clear! When I blew into DC two years ago I inherited from the previous administration an enormous mess...a crisis that presented its self as the worst economy since the Great Depression! Now I know I gave the impression that I would be the Messianic Bi-Partisan Pied Piper that would bring Repubs & Demos together & debate on C-Span for the whole world to see...well we tried that....for one day & it pissed me off! It would take years to get anything accomplished that way so that was scrapped. So instead I rolled up my sleeves behind closed doors & kicked some ass & got some things accomplished. After all I learned alot from the streets of Chicago. You want accomplishments...LISTEN UP! In less than 2 years here is a partial list that you might want to mull over...After the GOP announced repeatedly that health care was dead - Historic Health care Reform passed.
sucessful bailouts to banks & auto industry...both have repaid much of the loans.
Passed critical stimulas package that kept us from going into the economic dumpster. It is still working.
We were losing 700,000 jobs a month before I got into office...people are getting back into the work forse.
We passed wall Street Reform...extended benefits for the unemployed...got critical help for cash strapped states...got FDA to regulate tobacco...passed equal pay law for women...legislation for kids health insuance by states...nuclear arms treaty with Russia with emphasis on getting this material out of the hands of the terorists...increased security @ our borders (12,000 National Guardsmen)...we have increased prosecution of employers who hire illegal immigrants...largest ever clamp down on Medicare fraud & securities fraud (including Goldman-Sachs...REMOVING COMBAT TROOPS FROM IRAQ AS PROMISED...set time limits on our goals in Afghanistan...improved relations with other countries...especially Russia & Europe....passed hate crime legislation...revised student loan laws to favor students not banks...ended wasteful F-22 weapon program in Pentagon. The only thing that I haven't accomplished is improve our relationship with our fellow REPUBLICANS & Tea baggers! Oh well! You know what they say. You can't win them all but make no mistake. We are on the right track! Randy! True Patriot! Thank you for your most excellent blog & may God bless America!
No honest person will argue with you about the failures of the Bush presidency. His screw-ups paved the way for Obama's election. However, the mistakes that Bush made were amplified exponentially by Obama. Bush and Obama constitute a one-two punch on America. The oppostion to Obama and his merry gang of socialist Democrats is a reaction of the majority of Americans who are not ready for America to become a full-blown socialist state. They are not so much anti-Obama as they are anti-socialist and anti-globalist. Believe it or not, I was prepared mentally to give Obama a chance, but was blown out of the water by his pork-laden, so-called stimulus bill and then whammied by his socialist health care plan. The only down side of lots of Democrats being thrown out of office is that they will be replaced by Republicans. I don't know why you are so down on the Republicans, because all they will do is screw things up in their own way which will pave the way for the Democrats in the next election cycle. The Republicans are just Democrats in sheep's clothing. I can understand why you loathe them but I can't understand your fetish for everything Democrat. You do realize that the Republican establishment is as much anti-Tea Party as you are. The name of the game is power and control and the American people are pawns in this power-mad game. Case in point, as a parting shot to the heart of America, Sen. Chris Dodd is sponsoring the Livable Communities Act which is a huge implementation of the UN's notorious Agenda 21. The goal of Agenda 21 is the elimination of private properety and the control of every human behavior in the name of sustainable development. If this act is passed, it will eventually strip nearly all freedom from Americans and radically alter all of American life. And we won't learn of the full horror of Obamacare till 2014 or later. It just blows my mind that these guys are your heroes. In parting, what do you think of Hillary dissing the Obama administration by implying that his fiscal policies and the monstrous deficits produced by it are endangering America. Look for Billary to make a run for the White House in 2012. This is what you get when you consort with snakes.
Anon 10:36 AM, thanks for your refreshingly honest testimony in regard to real American history. The free market would work just fine if the government control freaks would leave it alone. However, this is heresy to the cradle-to-grave government dependency class. They want everything twisted in favor of income redistribution, because they are too lazy and worthless to earn their own way. They like to play the compassion con game to get more free goodies sent their way. So, bring in big government to do their dirty work. I would love to be around when they finally discover that socialism is just a ploy by super capitalists to weaken the economies of the free world, eliminate the middle class, and re-institute a king/serf economy world-wide. It will be interesting to see how much compassion that the ruling elites will have on the poor, which will be everyone but them, once they get rid of human rights and control everything. The liberals' biggest blind spot is in regard to their view of human nature. They believe in the infinite perfectability of man (without God) and have no real understanding of the depths of inborn human evil. When the super capitalists control the world, they will get a crash course in the depths of human evil, bacause there will be nothing to prevent its manifestation. The only thing that has kept the tyrants off of our backs has been the Constitution, but the liberals have nearly succeeded in neutralizing that. The greatest value of the Constitution has been the dilution of governmental power, but the progressives see the dilution of government power as an impediment to their plans to 'improve' America. We have been given a preview of what will consume the world one day by the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. But, the day will come when there will be no America to save the world from being consumed by the bad guys. The poor little liberal utopian dream will be swallowed in horror unimaginable and they will have helped this horror come to pass by their near complete lack of wisdom. When that day comes they will be certain of one thing, that they are not the least bit culpable for the fact that evil has consumed the world. They will be proven to have been the ultimate useful idiots.
Randy thank you for mentioning Steve Stone & HeartSong Church of Cordova,Tn.for their loving welcoming of the Islamic Center to the neighborhood & opening their facilities for prayer to the Muslim community during Ramadan! I would like for you to know that things are coming along in the Nashville area as well. Last Saturday which was 9/11 Tootsie's welcomed to the stage with open arms MuSlim Whitman, The Islamic yodeler & country singer! The audience displayed quite a bit of tolerance. We are coming together!
Earlier in the day was not as bright! As you know I have a lot of dogs & I feed them cooked chicken livers & gizards to go along with there dry food. Well I left the chicken livers in the backseat of my car near me precious Bible---4 days...in the hot sun! It was if guts exploded in me car & like Lazerath in the tomb before the Rizen...It Stinketh! My car stank! But what was worse the odor from me Bible was so offensive that you couldn't put it in front of your face without gagging! Though I have many Bibles this Bible was me preaching Bible! Since I live out in the country I had decided to expose of it by tossing it in the burning garbage. My neighbor comes flying to the scene screaming, "Father Farken! I Know it's 9/11 but please don't burn that Koran! That's just wrong"! I sez,"It's OK me good neighbor! It's not the Koran. It's The Bible!" "Why the Bible?" "Because it stinks!" He left scratching his head mumbling words that I must not repeat.
As our Prez sez "Let me be clear!" The word of G*d does not stink!
JN 13:34
The Peace of the Lord!Fr Fergus Farken
“a majority of non-partisan economists agree that had it not been for swift governmental stimuli during the recent financial nuclear winter, the country would have slipped into a Second Great Depression.” And you got this from where? The only place I have seen this is from the media. Where were these main stream Economist before the DotCom bubble? Where were they during the housing bubble? Just because you read or hear from the media a fact does not make it true. Who benefited from Tarp the most, Wall Street. Who employs most of the economist, Wall Street. Draw your own conclusions don’t listen to the so-called experts.
"America will probably need some added stimulus to kick-start employment, but any stimulus right now must be in growth-enabling investments that will yield more than their costs, or they just increase debt. That means investments in skill building and infrastructure plus tax incentives for starting new businesses and export promotion. To get a stimulus through Congress it must be paired with spending cuts and/or tax increases timed for when the economy improves."
My dear conflicted Alan,
This is a quote from last month spoken by your personal economic guru, Thomas Friedman. How many more examples would you like?
And now you say "Don't listen to the so-called experts."
Who should I listen to, Rush Limbaugh? Turn off Fox and stop enabling the cretins.
Alan, thanks for your sane postings. They always reveal the truth of the matter. Please post here more often. You are one of the very few who don't hold to the Democrat party line or talking points. In fact you usually blow the Dem's party line away with the bright light of truth.
Hey Sputnik, how are you enjoying all of that free Obamacare? What's that? You aren't getting free health care yet? What's even worse is that by the time Obamacare kicks into high gear in 2014, you should be somewhere around 67 years old. By then you will be on Medicare which is being cut by half a trillion dollars and which will be serving many millions of new people. If you need an expensive operation like heart by-pass surgery, guess what? You won't be getting it. The best that you can hope for at that point is hospice care. Then, you will understand what was meant by the term government death panels. The Dems prefer to call them rationing panels, but a rose by any other name is still a rose. You will be rationed into an eary grave. Still think that Obamacare is wonderful? And there is the issue of the interminable waiting period to be served by a doctor. To compound the matter many doctors over the age of 55 will be closing their practices. My urologist said that nation-wide 50% of his fellow urologists over 55 are planning to retire, because they refuse to work under the government's thumb. The best health care system in the world will be trashed. But, that is what the government specializes in. The government has something of a reverse Midas touch. Everything that the gov touches turns into shit. I hate to say these things because I know that you worship at the altar of big government and depend mightily on the government's largesse. You do get food stamps, don't you?
Thomas Friedman is an expert on the Middle East, not an economist. His wife holds a degree from the London School of Economics, however her family business once worth 4.1 Billion was the largest real estate bankruptcy in US history. Their Family trust went from 3.6 Billion to less than 25 million. Therefore I don't trust her judgement on the economy. Read when "Genius Failed" by John Lowenstein about Long Term Capital Management or "The Big Short" by Michael Lewis. Both books give you a better snap shot of what really goes on in the world of high finance. Full books are always better than sound bites. I don't get my info from Fox. Question (All) authority in order to be a true hippie. Both left and right.
Yeah, Alan. Truth conquers all. I'm glad that you didn't let Sputnik jerk you around with his ceaseless liberal bullshit and spin. I agree with you that he probably learns most of what he pretends to know by loading up on sound bites from the liberal media. I would like to see a list of the books that he has actually read. He attempts to spew his tripe with a sense of authority. You always get the best of him, though. You are probably the most informed and balanced contributor to this blog. More, please.
OK Alan, I'll do your research for you. You didn't like the Friedman example so how 'bout this? An independent quarterly survey by USA Today of 50 economists, taken in May, found that a full 2/3 say the government stimulus wasn't large enough; including Nobel winner Joseph Stiglitz and Reagan Chief Economic Advisor Martin Feldstein.
Others favoring governmental stimuli? Paulson, Greenspan, Bernanke, Reich, Rubin, Krugman, Summers, Geithner, and Moody's chief economist, Mark Zandi.
Oh, I forgot. The Cato Institute compiled a list of conservatives in opposition. Should I listen to them, or Nobel laureates?
I am glad you dismissed the Cato Institute list that included 3 count em 3 Nobel Laureates, and only 400+ economist. The universities they are from include Princeton, Columbia, Indiana, Duke, Northwestern ect, ect, ect… Just goes to show you how facts can be manipulated when presenting only one side.
I said you should read John Lowenstein's book "When Genius Failed." It is about the failure of Long Term Capital Management. What was Long Term Capital Management you ask. It was a firm formed by Nobel Laureates Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes along with Wall Streeter John Meriwether. Meriwether was a student of Merton & Scholes and they devised a no lose way to invest. From the title you can figure out what happened. In the early 90’s this failure almost collapsed the financial system. The Fed jumped in and got the large investment banks, without Government help to take over all of Long Terms toxic assets.
Alan, you are an f-ing genius. Please keep posting so that you can keep this blog honest...if that is humanly possible.
When Sputnik contends that the Democratic stimulus bill was not large enough, I am reminded of a joke that went around during the Clinton administration that goes, "Hey, Hillary! I feel a little chill. Throw another bail of the taxpayers money on the fire". The thing that blew me away about the stimulus bill is that so much of the money amounted to pork. Very little of it actually stimulated business and job growth in the private sector. That is why it never realized its purported end which was to reduce unemployment. It was more of a crony pay off. After all, the bill was written by a socialist organization the name of which I can't remember. It may have been the Tides Foundation. Throwing huge amounts of money on a problem isn't going to solve anything if the money isn't used intelligently. Think about the nation's public schools, the war on poverty, etc. Alan, would you mind shedding a little of your erudition on this subject? I know better than to ask Sputnik to do so. I already know in a general way the disinformation that he would spew. He is an Obama/Democrat shill and will never criticize anything that they do. He reminds me of an uber-liberal friend I once had who passed off Muslim beheadings, stonings, etc. as just a valid cultural difference that we shouldn't judge. From what I glean from Sputnik he would probably agree. That is an aside. My purpose in writing this posting is to ask Alan to shed some light on the misuse of the stimulus bill. Sputnik's contention that it wasn't large enough is ludicrous. If it were larger, more money would have been rat-holed and the unemployment situation would not have change.
The Watcher won't know anything about government waste until he spends a few years in public education. I am ashamed to admit this, but for the first five years that I was in education I had to meet with a couple of other teachers at the end of the school year to burn money. We were required to spend unused money in our programs so that the budget wouldn't be cut for the next school year. We would go through supply catalogs and order merchandise that we never subsequently saw. I guess that it was warehoused. For all I know the money may have been pocketed by criminals at the board of education. I was young at the time and didn't question the system. That is not as bad as another liberal ruse called the Career Ladder Program. This program was for teachers state-wide and was supposed to ensure teacher competency. Step one was to take a two hour test. If it was passed, and any half-way intelligent middle-schooler could pass it, you were paid an extra $1000 per year for life. From the time that I took the test until I retired I made $20,000 off of that scam. There were a couple of other steps that involved jumping through some meaningless hoops that would rip the taxpayers off for an additioal $4,000 to $6,000 per year for life. I couldn't bring myself to advance in the scam, because my conscience wouldn't allow it. Bear in mind that this program was offered to every teacher in the state. That reminds me of a program that California instituted for its public school teachers. They had to pass a test that was normed to basic 8th grade math and english. The idea was that it would assure the taxpayers that their teachers were at least literate. Something like 40% of the state's teachers couldn't pass the test. I saw an interview with a black male high school principal who had two master's degrees and who had taken the test six times and still couldn't pass it. Of course his contention was that the test was racially biased. How can 8th grade math and english posssiblty be construed to be racially biased. Of course liberals are quick to agree and now most any employment test that measures intelligence or educational attainment is considered to be racist. Thank a liberal for this state of affairs. I won't bore you with any more of this, but I could write a book on many, many incidents of corruption, waste, and incompetency in education. I could tell tales that would stun all but the most demented of liberals. Like Watcher's insane liberal friend who saw beheadings and stonings as valid cultural differences. That is a good example of multi-culturalism run amok, but that is what we are up against folks. Of course, by merely relating factual information I would be lynched as a racist by liberals. Multiply this testimony in regard to governmental waste to every level of government throughout the country. And liberals just can't seem to grasp why sane people stand against perpetually growing the government. Besides education, look at the post office, social security, medicare, and anything else that the government handles and you have one gargantuan bonfire of taxpayer money. "Hey Hillary, I feel a chill. Throw another bale of the taxpayer's money on the fire". I am going to have to remember that one. It is too true of liberals to be funny.
Hey, Sputnik do you realize that the title of this commentary, 'Do the Math', could be construed as a cruelty joke. You must realize that your audience is made up of people that the government has 'educated'. Many governmmet educated folks can't even make change, much less actually do math. Anonymous I would love to read your book. Please consider doing that. Thanks for describing some of your experiences in regard to governmental depredations. Liberals want everything to be run by the government. Talk about a sick, dysfunctional, inept society. And liberals are salivating for that day to come.
I have said it before and will again, Sputnik is not a socialist or communist in any way. I keep saying I have as much problems with the right as I do with the left. They are both corrupt or incompetent. Liberal Congressman and Senators hire aids that lean to their Ideas. When John Conyers said ( paraphrase)(They say read the bill, I don’t have time to read the bill it would take a week and 5 lawyers for me to read the bill). It is his staff of young idealist who does it for him. Fresh out of law school or college with no experience in the real world. This applies to Republicans as well; they just are not dumb enough to admit it publicly. My postings on this blog may make me seem on the right, not the case. This blog promotes the left side so I go after it. If it promoted the right I would go after that also.
"Cato Institute: founded by Edward H. Crane and Charles Koch, Chairman of Koch Industries."
We can go tit for tat all day on which economists say what, but read through the comments and look who your cheerleaders are. Are you pleased about this?
I have not yet read the books you recommend, but your self-description of being neither left nor right went out the window years ago. I've known you a long time and I believe you have turned your back on the egalitarian ideals you held precious when you were young. You know better than to say I manipulate facts to fit one side. Facts are facts, and the fact is the Democrats present the best hope for ANY effective government at all.
That's why I am one. Wish you were too. We need ever discerning mind to refute the unprecedented slime coming from the right.
I was not referring to you as manipulating sound bites. I think you are listening to the people who do. I was not defending the Cato Institute, but the economist listed were Signatures of a letter refuting keynesian economic beliefs. What is the difference between the Koch's and George Soros? Both put their money where their beliefs are. Is it right for Soros to do it and not the Koch's. Is a Nobel Laureate more worthy if they back Soros, than if they back Koch? Is a College Professor of Economics from Wharton who backs Soros smarter than one who backs Koch? Stop putting people into boxes because of your beliefs and listen to the message. The Great Depression lasted 3 times longer than any in the past. Who is to say that another approach would not have worked better. There are larger and growing group of respected economist who believe that the New Deal prolonged the Depression. If the new 50 Billion infrastructure bill is so great why have the not spent the 140 Billion still left from the first stimulus that was earmarked for Infrastructure?
Alan no one seems to hear me when I say that the Repubs and the Dems are tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum. I am neither a Repub or a Dem. I too think that Bush was a fuck up and I have stated several times that the Repubs are inept and are Democrat-lite. If they sweep the Nov. elections they most likely will screw up and be swept by the Dems in the next election. My motto is that the Repubs are contemptible, but the Dems are beneath contempt. Like someone said America has one party, the Big Government Party. There is a Democratic wing and a Republican wing. They both suck. I don't have much respect for any politician. In the old days we spoke of people who were plastic. Who is more plastic than a politician. Politics may be necessary, but it is a slimy, back-stabbing, prevaricating profession. I say a pox on both of their houses. What we need is men and women of true integrity and true servants of the public interests. There are precious few of this type in government. Where I diverge with the folks on this blog is that I hold to the original vision of America of the founding fathers and I believe that free market capitalism is preferable to a command and control economy. I realize that I undermine my credibility on this blog with my hyperbole and perverse sense of humor. I do have great respect for the things that you say and I always learn something from you. I too am economically conservative with some liberal social positions. But I am somewhat like the reformed drunk who puts people off with his extreme anti-drinking position. I am a reformed liberal. I have come to see the destructive effects that liberalism has on the human spirit. That sentiment drives me to be obnoxious at times when I post here. That is a weakness. I beg everyone's forgiveness, but at the same time I know that I will continue to rub liberals the wrong way...like the pain-in-the-ass reformed drunk. At least it stirs thing up. Alan, from what I can see from here, the bottom line is that you are the type of liberal that I can respect and the kind of liberal who can get through to me. If I were to throw down some beers with the likes of you, you might even be able to move me to the left somewhat. I have no argument with a balanced liberal. For instance, I am a big fan of Juan Williams. He is a balanced, honest liberal and I always listen to what he has to say. It is the looney left that gets me riled. I really don't think that we are that far apart ideologically.
Alan if you say that Sputnik is not a socialist I will take your word for it. I was mistaken and I owe him an apology. I will not say that again. However, to me anyone who advocates using the government to take from A and give to B is perilously close to being a socialist. The act of A giving to B is better left to the churchs and to other private organizations of good will. I do not say this to brag, but for 25 years I gave over $10,000 per year to charity. I just don't like for the government to take the prerogative away from me. I agree with you wholeheartedly that FDR was an unmitigated disaster for this country. His administration not only prolonged the Depression, it also ushered in the era of huge governmental bureaucracies, taking from A and giving to B, and began the practice of governmental interference in the free market. He sold the country on social security by either outright lies or by gross mistake. What good is social security, medicare, and universal health care if it bankrupts the country in the end. Compassion is great but not if it sinks the ship in the end. We would have done better without the bankrupting entitlements. We would be poorer, but we would be less dependent upon the government. Dependency destroys the human spirit and eventually subverts the country for this reason. It is a Devil's bargain...the easy way that leads to destruction.
Sputnik I beg you to read a new book when it is released called "The Roots of Obama's Rage". Then you may understand your beloved president. I was not able to put my finger on why our on president would want to do things so detrimental to our country. Now I know he is not stupid. He is a genius in diverting people's attention. He views the United States as evil and that scares the hell out of me.
Sputnik always presents a thought provoking essay. He is a kind kindred & a dear friend! He should be read if you agree with him or not and unlike others he allows the freedom of commentary for every one & its more exciting than going to the Overton Park Zoo for he allows as many wild animals as possible to express themselvis on his blog. To the Beastly we appreciate your commentary but try to keep it civil & respectful after all this is Sputnik's Blog...not yours!
People! I have a confession to make. I have burned me draft card for I have declared meselvis a Conscientious Objector in this dog fight we call a Culture War! This war is unjust & illigit! A constant politidal clash of opposing world views...progressive vs traditionalists, cons vs libs, libertarians vs the common good doers. I am not abandoning me principles nor refusing to stand up for them...I will give voice when appropriate but what bothers me is the manner in which these wars are conducted. It puts this country in a terrible position. That's why I am joining the Holy Fool Alyosha from The Brother's Karamozov who sez, "May everything come true. May they believe. May they laugh at there passions. For that which they call passion is not really the energy of the soul, but merely friction between the soul & the outer world. But mostly may they have hope & may they become helpless as children. For weakness is great & strength is worthless!" Morals like Art...you have got to know where to draw the line but any Fool for G*d knows we are to transform this world with love by tearing down the hateful walls that divide us & transform this world with G*d's Unending Love! The Peace of the Lord! FFF
There is an irony in the world of liberaldom that one of you may be able to shed some light upon. Liberals tend to loathe the capitalist, entrepreneurial class upon which they feed. These are the people who create jobs and hence wealth. If some country that has more entrepreneurial freedom, like Red China, were to open their doors to them and they were to leave America, who would the liberal parasites feed upon? America would become a third world ghetto over night. The parasites would be forced to either feed upon one another, or to attempt to follow the wealth creators and try to feed upon them in their new location. My suspicion is that liberals don't really want to get rid of them. They just want them to be docile tax slaves who will allow the liberals to feed upon them at will...sort of like so many piglets sucking a sow dry. Isn't it unrealistic to think that the job-creating class will forever put up with this situation? Have you liberals considered these things, or are you so busy with your feeding frenzy that you haven't stopped to take a serious look at this issue?
I love reading this Blog and I love reading the replies as well. I rarely get involved but feel compelled to this time with regards to the back and forth about economists. Each month there are a litany of economic indicators released by a variety of governmental agencies. If anyone thinks that the government didn’t need to intervene in late 2008 to prevent what may have turned into the second Great Depression, my advice is do the research yourself. If you were to go back, look at charts of the ISM Manufacturing Index or GDP or LEI or Retail Sales or Consumer Confidence or Business Spending or Business Inventories or Non-Farm Payrolls–the list goes on and on–you will see that in late 2008 most of them when viewed in chart format resembled the Ski-jump ramp at the Winter Olympics–before the bottom. The US economy and for that matter the global economy had fallen off a cliff with no bottom in sight. Few people in the world were qualified to know what might lie ahead. By perhaps a simple twist of fate GW Bush appointed as Fed Chairman a man who by education may have been the most qualified person on the planet to deal with such an economic nightmare-Ben Bernanke. He had spent the better part of his life studying economics in general and the Great Depression in particular. Bush appointed him-Obama retained him so politics aside, better minds than argue here agreed he was the right man for the job. His immediate reaction was that stimulus was needed and to a degree that only the government could supply. The worst levels of most if not all of those indicators were seen just after the first TARP bill was passed in late Sept/early Oct. 2008.
The headline grabber now is the unemployment rate but look at a picture of non-farm payrolls for the past 3-4 years. Throughout 2008 they deteriorated from flat to losing around 600,000 jobs per month by end 2008/beginning 2009. That is where today’s unemployment rate came from. Just as steady as was the increase in job losses in 2008 has been the decrease in jobs lost since then but it took a year just to get that number back to flat meaning we continued to lose jobs but at a slower pace. Unemployment can’t go down until non-farm payrolls go up and they are only just beginning to do that. People have jumped out of airplanes before and their parachutes failed to open and yet they survived. The economies of the world were in free-fall in late 2008-something had to be done by almost any measure. So you can argue about which economist say what and why or which ones are right or wrong but in the end, who are you going to believe, the economist or your own eyes?
Lets look at how the stimulus has been spent. You can argue that it is needed. I will accept that premise, but how it has been spent is part of the problem. Why are there hundreds of billions of the first stimulus still left to be spent and still congress wants more authorized. What about the 2 Trillion in private Capital sitting on the sidelines scared of what the government might do.
The only real financial help the Government has given is to the financial world which generates a lot of dollars but not a lot jobs.
Just wondering if you have a good explanation of why the Great Depression lasted so long? I know Bernanke is the expert on the depression, but weren't Merton & Scholes considered the tops in their field? I am having a hard time accepting Academics as experts these days.
Yea, Alan! Thanks for your sanity. You bring up issues here that no one else does. I will be interested in hearing the response to your question in regard to the spurious way that the stimulus money was spent and why the recovery from the Depression took so long. We already know that the Keynesians are going to say that the stimulus was too small and that we should have spent trillions and trillions of dollars. Cloward and Piven would agree. The rads are upset because the country is not yet bankrupted. They want to bring the capitalist system down so that it can be radically transformed into their long dreamed of socialist utopia. Sane people know that their supposed utopia will become a nightmare.
Well said Watcher. But alas it will do no good to try and convince these far out free loaders. Even Alan, a moderate liberal I respect, can't jar them from their academic towers. I pray they will be given a long hiatus soon because this nonsense has to stop.
Tonight is the start of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. This is when we are forgiven for our sins and we are supposed to forgive others for the sins they have committed against us. This is a good chance to start a fresh dialogue about ideas and different types of solutions. Forget the name-calling and blame game and try and discuss in a rational way possible solutions from different angles and leave the vitriolic statements behind. Don’t call Obama a Socialist, Marxist or Muslim. Debate on the policies, not name-calling. Don’t call the Tea Party racist, homophobes or bigots, but debate on substance of their views. George Bush is out of office, so forget about him. I am not a religious person, but I believe in the principles of religion. Let’s start fresh and try to accomplish civility and move forward.
I don’t say the first stimulus was properly handled but that may be in part due to how bad things were when it was done. Henry Paulson, when asked where the money went, said ‘I don’t know’. That TARP bill, passed in late 2008, allowed for money to be thrown at Wall Street with no strings attached, a foolish thing to have done but the more foolish thing was to have allowed things to get so out of hand before addressing them. I don’t defend how TARP money was or is being spent but I do defend the need for stimulus, again because the economy was allowed to totally unravel before it was addressed. And while you can say that the $2 trillion sitting on the sidelines is worried about what the government might do, maybe it's still worried about what the government did, or didn’t do, that got us into this mess. That is scared money and to the degree it isn’t your money, you don’t really know what it is scared of. And to say the government has not helped create jobs, ignores facts. In late 2008 and early 2009 we were losing 600,000 jobs per month. That doesn’t mean there were no jobs being created, only that those being lost outnumbered those being gained by 600,000. The government stimulus, I suppose based on the fact that NFP turned around in Feb. of 2009, began creating jobs as well as it helped to stop the massive loss of jobs to the degree that the overall number began to creep back from -600,000 to flat and even a positive number in about a year. That means that jobs were created and that on balance, the number that were created first offset and eventually have even outnumbered those being lost. As far as why the Great Depression lasted so long, I’m not so sure it did. An average recession lasts about a year and don’t think for a minute that the Great Depression was just a bad recession. Had we fallen into a Depression this time around, you’d know it. You probably wouldn’t still have a family business and most of us wouldn’t have jobs.
Here’s an analogy. A guy is walking back to his job after lunch and in the parking lot gets hit by a truck traveling at a low rate of speed, knocking him down and breaking bone in his shoulder. He might be able to go back to work in a few days with just some soreness. But suppose he had wandered out into a major street and be hit by a car traveling 45 mph and suffered massive injuries. How do you quantify what is too long for his recovery. I don’t have an answer for that but intervention was needed to save the patient. As far as Merton and Scholes are concerned, Scholes was and maybe still is considered to be the expert on option pricing. His name is still attached to the model most of Wall Street uses to price them. He wasn’t known to be an expert at taking risk. LTCM didn’t go under because they mis-priced anything, they went under because in they took on ridiculous risks. You can perfectly determine what an option is worth but if you buy it when you should have sold it, that doesn’t do you much good. There is a quote in that book that compared what those guys were doing to ‘picking up nickels in front of bulldozers’. It wasn’t brains that buried them, it was greed. And there’s one other line in that book that I will never forget. It was a quote made by Scholes himself. When asked late in the game but before the company unraveled, if he had more money or brains, his answer was ‘more brains but it’s getting close’. To your last line, my point is don’t listen to academics or politicians or talk show hosts, look at the facts yourself and arrive at your own conclusions. My conclusion having looked at a lot of things is that in late 2008 we were all on the brink of something none of us had ever seen and God willing, never will. Had the problems been addressed in 2007, it probably wouldn’t have gotten that far out of hand but it did and while I don’t know if we’re out of the woods or not, nothing about the financial business today is as dark as it was in the fall of 2008. Now let’s go play a round of gold and get past this.
Amen Alan. I was posting my comments while you were posting yours.
Amen Alan. I was posting my comments while you were posting yours.
What is the difference between greed and the lust for power? Both cloud your judgement!
What is the difference between greed and the lust for power? Both cloud your judgement!
lust for greed, lust for power. Its all the same thing. Didn't know I implied otherwise. See, we don't disagree on everything.
It is too bad that most conservatives don't realize what a fuck-up Bush was. He was toxic to America, but Obama and the radicals that he surrounds himself with constitute Armageddon in human form to this country. Bush and the Repubs should be bullwhipped for screwing the economy up and the Bush doctrine was absolutely ludicrous. Bush was bad enough, but Obama represents a real death threat to America. He is just the icing on the cake. America has been under assault at least since FDR. Perhaps the bigger problem is George Soros. He is a real life Darth Vader and is gunning for America. Obama is just his usefull idiot. We are teetering on the brink of destruction and the progressives are putting the pedal to the metal. They actually think that they are ushering in a wonderful new age and new world order. They know nothing of man's capacity for evil when he has consolidated power on a global basis. Once that happens who can stop them once the atrocities begin? Mao, Stalin, and Hitler will look like a pikers by comparison. I am especially surprised that the Jews on this blog don't sense the danger. Someone much worse than Hitler will some day sit at the helm.
Also sprach Zarathustra...
Zarathustra you seem to have forgotten that the Democrats controlled Congress, and therefore spending, for the last four years of the Bush administration and that Bawney "Cum Wips" Fwank and a lot of other Democrats used the Community Reinvestment Act to force bankers to grant mortgages to tens millions of people who were very bad credit risks. This was the real cause of the financial meltdown. Get your facts straight before yo post.
I have been looking through the photo album of Randy and the Radiants. I was touched by the photos of Randy as a child, teen, and on up through adulthood. My beef is with progressivism, not with Randy personally. I have said some shitty things to Randy in the past and I want to apologize. I am going to try my very best not to get personal or nasty in his regard. If I have ever said anything hurtful, I beg your forgiveness. I have spent too much time away from God and my bad side has gained too much ground. I will keep to the issues. God bless you, I know that you are a good man. We just see through different lenses.
The Delaware voters will have to choose between a witch and a Marxist. I would vote for the witch. We already know what to expect from the Marxist. These days Marxist and Democrat are interchangeable terms. The pro-state media is making hay in regard to O'Connell's admission, but you have to remember that she was in high school when she dabbled in witchcraft. In the late 80's/early 90's there was a nation-wide fad of high-schoolers dabbling in the occult. I know because during that era I would see students carrying Satanic Bibles nearly every day. I wouldn't allow a student in my classroom who carried a Satanic Bible. And, talk about the occult amongst students in class was common place. The hypocrisy of all of this is that the pro-state media completely ignored Hillary Clinton's involvement in the occult. Back in the 1994 after the Republican land-slide, Hillary invited Jean Houston and a number of other prominent New-Agers to Camp David to help her cope with the results of the election. Jean Houston held a seance to put Hillary in touch with the departed spirit of her hero Eleanor Roosevelt. After the retreat Hillary would frequently channel the spirits of Eleanor and Mahatma Ghandi in the solarium of the White House for guidance and comfort. If you don't believe this, Google 'Hillary, seance' and read for yourself. Can you imagine the media uproar if Laura Bush were to do the same. Just think, with a little better luck on Hillary's part we might have had a real witch as POTUS. We still might if there is anything to the rumors of Hillary running in 2012. Bottom line, the hypocrisy of the media is breath-taking. If a Republican were to pick his nose in public it would make every liberal newspaper and news show. But, a Democrat President can get blowjobs in the Oval Office from a young intern and it is just a matter of choice. I understand that though. No one expects the Democrats to demonstate anything like moral conduct. Barney Frank could suck off a dozen teenage pages on the floor of Congress and no liberal in the country would bat an eye.
I'm not sure how many 'Anonymous's' there are here but at least one needs to practice what he preaches; namely getting his facts straight. This quote "for the last four years of the Bush administration and that Bawney "Cum Wips" Fwank and a lot of other Democrats used the Community Reinvestment Act to force bankers to grant mortgages to tens millions of people who were very bad credit risks" is at best misguided. I worked closely with mortgage originators and Wall Street prior to and during the housing bubble and the meltdown that followed and nobody ever forced any lender to loan any money to any borrower. Wall Street enticed lenders to lend because they had developed an insatiable appetite for CDO's and CLO's that were collateralized by residential loans and cheap money made available by the Fed made it all possible. The economic meltdown was self-inflicted by the private sector and was entirely a product of greed; greed initiated by Wall Street and passed on to investors and to lenders and at the bottom of the chain, to home buyers who were for all intents and purposes pawns in a much bigger game.
Have any of you ever wondered why both Michelle and Barack had to surrender their licenses to practice law back in the 90's? It may be worth looking into. Have you ever wondered about Obama's childhood mentor Frank Marshall Davis, the card-carrying Communists and complete sexual degenerate? He was a bisexual pedophile amongst other perversions and wrote a fictional autobiography entited "Sex Rebel" under a pen name. It might be worth looking into. Have you ever wondered why so many people consider Obama to be a Trojan Horse? Here is a clue, George Soros. Ever wonder how Obama could be a member of Jeremiah Wright's Black Liberation Theology church and deny ever hearing anything questionable come from Wright's pulpit? All of these things might be worth looking into.
Sardou, my wife was a life-long loan officer in the banking industry. She would frequently come home upset about the loans her bank had to make to people who were very poor credit risks. Some of the stories bordered on the ludicrous. This was long before the meltdown and was directly attributable to the CRA. Read a book entitled "Architects of Ruin" by Peter Schweizer to get another perspective. Wall Street greed was certainly involved, but the door that was opened by the CRA gave them the opportunity. It was the determination of liberal legislators to put everyone in a house regardless of their credit worthiness that started the ball rolling. Check out the facts...if you are brave enough to read the book. It may put a kink in your enthusiasm for liberal idealism. It is a matter of which came first, legislative folly or Wall Street greed. Capitalists will make money whenever and wherever they can. In this case, liberalism opened the door for the capitalist pigs. Both parties were wrong.
This is the problem facing this nation. Stop placing blame for the past. Let's learn from the past, but don't dwell on it. We need to move forward and we can't do that if all the people worry about is the Clinton Blue Dress, Bush's poor policies or is Obama a Socialist. This is exactly what the powers in Washington want. If we keep concentrating on these things the Government can sneak in and do all kinds of damage. I asked before can this blog stop all the recriminations and start dealing with solutions. Once we have stopped demonizing each other and look for solutions we can move forward. Reasonable people should be able to take different sides and discuss them in a intelligent manner.
Ok Alan. Let's start with the repeal of the CRA. That is a solution that could begin in the present. Certainly you must know of the harm that this legislation brought about. The past does matter. How else will we correct our course? Read 'Architects of Ruin' by Peter Schweizer.
I saw the piece about Heartsong welcoming its Muslim neighbors on CNN and was proud to be a (former) Memphian. Quite a different feeling than when Dr. King was killed. A couple of nights ago, I was googling and reading about all the Memphis bands from our era. All that googling helped me to know that Heartsong is Larry Raspberry's church. In Cordova, no less? I really need to visit my hometown again to check it out. Oh, and Fr. Farkin, that MuSlim Whitman stuff was just too much. You must be from Knoxville.
KnoxPatch! No way!I'm an Irishman from Frayser! Which is the heart (murmer) of Memphricka! Elvis opened for Slim Whitman in 54 @ the Overton Park Shell! MuSlim Whitman opened for Hank Farken Jr. just last week @ Tootsie's in NashVegas. Wasn't a dry eye in the house! Peace be with you! FFF
Alan, you're right. Name calling is the root of much of the evil we're dealing with at this site and in life generally, especially with regards to politics. Anonymous, I don't have "enthusiasm for liberal idealism" whatever the heck that really means so reading a book won't put 'a kink' in it. If you insist on blaming liberalism for the meltdown and I guess for many or all the rest of the countries faults, then I think you are part of the problem and not the solution.
I once met a genie who granted me one wish. I said that I want to live forever. The genie said that he was not allowed to grant wishes like that. I said,"Ok, then I want to die right after the liberals get their heads out of their asses". The genie replied, "You crafty SOB, you".
Actually, I blame progressivism. Not all liberals are progressives. If a non-progressive Democrat runs against a progressive Republican, the Democrat gets my vote. I am a staunch independent who thinks that both political parties suck. There are quite a few progressive Repubicans unfortunately. My main concerns have to do with steering the ship of state away from the direction of global government. My domestic concerns have to do with issues that wean dependent people and organizations from the government teat and putting them in productive jobs. I know that that is heresy to many liberals. Many of our problems would disappear if the government were to remain within the bounds of the specifically enumerated powers of the Constitution, and if politicians would quit confiscating so much of the people's private property...namely their paychecks. There is a proper role for government that is Constitutionally defined. The problem is that government is raw power and when the checks and balances are ignored government always becomes tyrannical. It is a story as old as man...bondage vs freedom. Right now things don't look good for those who revere freedom. The governmment is running amok and will regulate every conceivable human behavior if the situation is not corrected. My big question is why are progressives so anti-freedom. My guess is that they feel like the average person is too stupid or inept to manage their own lives and that they need to be told what to do by those who feel that they know better. Some call them the 'elites', but I prefer to call them control freaks. Control freaks tend to gravitate to governmental positions and the vast majority of them are progressives. The very word 'progressive' sounds elitist. To them it is as though one is either a progressive or a Luddite dunce...what humility. Not all that glitters is gold and not all that passes for progress is actually good.
Obama is living out his father's anticolonial (aka, anti-American) dream. Where his father failed, Obama is determined to succeed. His father was an African communist of the Luo tribe who resented the developed world. That is mysterious because if it weren't for the intrusion of the developed world into Africa, today there would be no development in Africa...no buildings, highways, technology, etc., etc. Here is a quote from one who knows:
"Incredibly, the U.S. is being ruled according to the dreams of a Luo tribesman of the 1950's. This philandering, inebriated African socialist who raged against the world for denying him the realization of his anticolonial ambitions, is now setting the nation's agenda through the reincarnation of his dreams in his son. The son makes it happen, but he candidly admits that he is only living out his father's dream. The invisible father provides the inspiration, and the son dutifully gets the job done. America today is governed by a ghost". An anti-American, anti-business, socialist ghost at that.
So, Obama is fulfilling his father's anti-colonial dreams? Wow, that explains a lot. That might just explain most of Obama's inexplicable positions. If that is true, then he is the ultimate New Age Trojan Horse. He is channeling the spirit of his drunken, communist, America-hating father. Obama and Hillary should get together for some seances. Just think, they might be on the same ticket in 2012. Boy, that makes me feel secure.
Obama, Sr. had an insatiable lust for both alcohol and sex. If the alcohol hadn't killed him, his penchant for endless sexual encounters would have. Besides Obama, Jr.'s mother he had at least four more 'wives' in Africa. Obama's mother was an early hippie proto-type. She had a fetish for bizarre characters and was a communist herself. For that matter, both of his maternal grandparents were communists as was his spectacularly perverted childhood mentor Frank Marshall Davis. Most liberals would say, "What better heritage could an American President have? He is the very incarnation of the multi-cultural ideal". Obama had better be careful with channeling spirits, though. He might just get more of his father's spiritual traits than he bargained for. Someday he may be making drunken forays into whorehouses chanting, "Ho,Ho,Ho Chi Minh". This may confuse the ho's in the ho house.
I don't want "Republicans" to recapture congress. I want conservatives who believe in the constitution and fiscal responsibility. The justifiably disillusioned working people sense the judicial, legislative and especially executive branches are falling into error while the media fiddles. But when all else fails there is still the people. I don't think they will stand for this slide into global government. I will put my money on the people every time.
One of the anons left out something in regard to Obama, Sr. Obama's half brother, Mark Obama contends that their father was also a wife-beater. So, it appears that Barack's father, was a drunken, womanizing, wife beating communist. Sounds like an all-American kind of guy to me. The man left Obama when he was two years old to pursue 'whiskey and wimmin' and his communist agenda. My question is why did Obama revere his father so much. A possible answer is that he didn't revere the man. He just revered his father's anti-colonial plans and wanted to take up where his father left off. He wants to re-distribute the wealth of America both internally and in regard to the third world. This is his way of getting even with the colonialists. You say how can that be, seeing as how America is bankrupt? There is still a lot of privately held wealth, including bank accounts and real estate, that the government will soon be ripping off right after some dire crisis that is being manufactured. I'm not saying that that will happen. It is just possible and the progressives will stop at nothing short of their dream of world communism. It will be interesting and probably even scary to see how it all plays out. Enjoy what freedom that you have left.
Anon 3:18 PM, I too am neither Dem or Repub. I too would like to see true conservatives and/or libertarians at the helm. The federal government hasn't fallen into error. A plan that has been and continues to be concocted in darkness is being meticulously followed. And, the media isn't fiddling, it is complicit. The culural Marxists practically control education, the media, and much if not most of the government. Their plans to destroy morality and the nuclear family are well under way. You don't really think that this is all happenstance, do you? Basically, the game plan of the Communist Manifesto is being implemented. It has been modified to the progressive liking. As far as the American people go, I just hope that they haven't slept too long. The progressive plan to de-construct America is at least 100 years old and is extremely well entrenched. We shouldn't have to wait much longer to see how things will go. By the way, you do know that the bankrupting of America is part of their plan, don't you. They have done a bang up job on that and it looks like they will succeed. Like it or not, Bush and the progressive Repubs were and are involved. In fact, bankruptcy may be the dire crisis that they are counting on to finish America as we have known it off. I can guarantee you that the blueprint for the 'new' America is in place and if they get their way, it will be much more of 'the land of the gulag' than 'the land of the free'. We are close enough to the fulfillment of these things to soon be able to see which way our fortunes will fall. If Revelation is true the one-worlders will win for a while before the bottom drops out. God may well be our only hope.
It is not calling people names if what is said is true.
Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' is one of the progressive movement's bibles. Hillary and Bill Clinton and Obama are devotees as are countless other radicals. The book is a blueprint for the over throw of America. In fact, it is on the recommended reading list of the National Education Association which is the nation's teachers union. Remember, the cultural Marxists own the educational establishment. What some may not know is that Alinsky dedicated the book to one of his heroes...Satan. What is wrong with this picture? I am sure that many subscirbers to this blog see nothing wrong with this. I even wonder if Father Farken is a devotee of Alinsky's.
Z, yes I agree and should have been clearer. There is a plan behind all of these changes and O is shifting into high gear. Even though a tsunami will hit the progressives in November they will continue the fight behind the scenes as they have for 100 years. And O will be on the lecture circuit talking about what he wanted to achieve but we didn't give him enough time. I wouldn't be surpised if that sob made millions and moved to Europe.
Correction in 2012 he will be on the circuit. I wish it was November.
If America is sick enough to re-elect Obama in 2012, then it deserves to die.
I can understand the joy that so many people felt when Obama was elected as the first American black President. As spokesman for the Royal Order of One-Armed, Lesbian, Midget Bikers I am on a crusade to get one of my clients elected to public office. Just think of the gross dicrimination. There is not a single one-armed, lesbian, midget biker in elective office at any level of government in this country. I ask all of you to join with me in this noble cause. Our war cry is,"One-armed, lesbian, midget bikers of the world unite!!" I also work with the grossly under represented League of Dyslexic Bicycle Seat Sniffers. We have a similar war cry. It is, "Dyslexic bicycle seat sniffers of the world untie!!"
Does anyone remember the original theme of this commentary?
Bicycle seat sniffers!?
Msgr. Wannabe Farkin, oh, FRAYSER. That explains it. Slim Whitman was AWFUL. He was saved only by the UK. At the time of said concert, I was at home sleeping, like all good little East Memphis girls. Alas, Randy and his friends here will never solve the world's problems. See ya at the Vatican!
Blessings little Miss Good Girl from E. Memphis. I understand that Slim was no Nat King Cole or Marvin Gaye but let me ask you this... how long can you hold a yodel?
I've been doing some thinking. How would one explain his bicycle seat sniffing fetish to his wife or girlfriend? Would he tell his wife that before he can perform he must bring her bicycle seat to bed with them and take a few huffs? How awkward.
The commie One Nation rally is a bust. Only a few thousand attend. Good demonstration of the fact that liberals are lazy, government teat draining dead-beats. Most were probably at home shooting up.
We hoped that Obama would dig us out of Bush's eight year hole, but instead he deepened the hole logarithmically and began digging many other holes. We couldn't have done much worse if we had elected Osama bin Laden to the presidency.
Obama either doesn't know how to create jobs and growth, or he doesn't want to. Which is it?
Pelosi says that food stamps are better for the economy than paychecks. How much crazier are the Democrats going to get?
Stop parroting Newt Gingrich's talking points and read a book. You're polluting the air in cyberspace with your non-original, pseudo-thoughts.
Randy is back! Piss & vinegar & all! Boy we have missed you! The Peace of the Lord! FFF
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