Growing up in a segregated society, I have seen police abuse against black people my entire life. I saw a policeman beat a man with a billy club for dancing in place at his reserved seat at a Rhythm and Blues concert. Police then never referred to a black man by anything other than "boy," and God help you if you objected. Gradually, police standards were raised and alot of the old guard was phased out by the mid-seventies, but a policeman friend told me at the time that that the command structure "resented the college man," and it took many years to try and purge, at least, the overt racism that existed in the Memphis Police Department. So my tale is personal, and only this latest incident in Cambridge caused the recollection.
I had a friend named Mike Whitten, who, unlike most hippies in the early seventies, worked a steady job as the night manager of a mid-town 7/11. He didn't mind the late hours because he loved to read, especially horror stories, so we often exchanged different volumes of H.P. Lovecraft. I still have one of his books I meant to return. One night two black thugs with guns held him up. Whitten cooperated and when commanded, got on his knees on the floor, Still, one of the men shot him execution style for nothing. Shock reverberated through our youthful community of longhairs and Mike's friends. It was a severely painful episode in the middle of a sorrowful time. Police caught the robbers, but the loss was tragic and palpable.
After the tearful funeral, a wake was organized at the apartment of my friend and colleague Skip Ousley, where we would toast to our late friend. Skip is a black man who worked as a bouncer at the time at the High Cotton Club. Soon, many toasts were made and the crowd in the small space was growing unmanageable, until they filtered out into the common courtyard several floors below. A particularly drunk, boisterous, and grief stricken husband and wife began a personal argument that echoed throughout the building until Skip had to intervene and bring them back inside. But soon they were back at it in the echo chamber courtyard, only this time, while Skip tried in vain to stop them, the Memphis police arrived. They immediately went for Skip, who was shirtless, cuffed him and threw him in the back of the police car, and then they asked what happened. The drunken white couple attempted to speak up and were immediately put in the patrol car with Skip.
Uncommonly, I had the clearest head that night, so I approached the officer courteously and tried to explain the painful reason that we were assembled, and that this noisy couple simply had too much to drink. Skip had merely tried to stop the argument. The policeman frowned at me and said, "Everybody's going downtown." This was a younger cop and I thought I could appeal to his reason. "Look," I said, "This man lives here and was doing his best to stop the noise. There's no good reason for him to be arrested." The officer stared at me coldly and said the words I'll never forget, "Ain't no way the turd's not going down." I was stunned silent, but more bothersome was the reaction of my friend. Skip sat, handcuffed and head bowed in resignation, accepting of his fate, offering no protest. I was more outraged than he was. "Can I at least bring him down a shirt," I asked. In the same terse manner, the officer said, "Say one more word and you're going too."
So, Skip went to jail for the offense of being black while two white people in his parking lot went berserk. The charges were ultimately dropped, but Skip was printed, spent the night in jail, given an arrest record, and needed a lawyer. My friend's reserved response showed that he had learned never to argue with the police regardless of the circumstances, but my shock over the casual injustice showed my naivete regarding police attitudes towards blacks. These two cops had no sympathy for the situation and made no attempt to remove the guilty parties, only relished the thought of taking another black man, in the midst of these white hippies, down a peg. It was a disgusting thing to watch. Since then, the professionalism and diversity of police departments across the country has most certainly improved, but there are places and remnants of the old attitudes everywhere. So, although Cambridge Police Officer James Crowley may be the exception, don't tell me that there aren't a ton of racist cops still out there who get their power rush from harassing "niggaz." Sorry, Mr. President. I prefer Miller High Life in a frosted mug.
I notice you didn't mention the unacceptable behavior of the professor. How convenient.
As usual you present a one sided view.
No one denies that there is racial prejudice in America. It comes from both sides.
I just hate your predictable delivery of some of the facts.
Hey Gimme A Break,
The professor's "unacceptable" behavior isn't against the law. So I'm not sure what relevance it has in having a man arrested in his own home.
Sgt. Crowley was called to the scene because Gates was suspected of breaking into a home. Once Gates produced identification that proved he lived there, there was no crime. It was time to move on.
Police work necessitates having a thick skin. It is by no means an easy job. Officers are regularly challenged to make make sound decisions in the face of frustrating and anger producing situations. I have no doubt that Professor Gates escalated the conflict with the things he said. But I expect our police officers to be professional, follow the law, and be able to rise above name calling and do what's right for the citizenry.
"Jew please"! Someone needs to tell Professor Gates that we WON! Obama is president and the old rules have been repealed. This includes playing the race card by reflex.
There was no history of Sgt. Crowley being a Memphis style cracker. I heard that Gates showed his ass to the police and pulled a "George Jefferson" on them.
His arrest had little to do with his identity and was about his actions.
Here is a similar situation. I was riding with a friend and made an illegal left turn and wad pulled over by the cops. We were both high as shit on qualudes. As I got out of the car to placate the cop, my friend left the passenger seat to berate the cop with, "quit hassling us, why don't you go arrest some thieves or murderers" The cop told me, that I had better get my friend back in the car and make him shut the fuck up.
The cop let us go, but not because of you, Randy Haspel!
D the D-
I'm happy that stretch in the Williamson County jail got you out of Vietnam.
Fun to watch you and David "bitch slap " each other.
Damn! I see it really is time for a Memphis Beer Summit! As I Sez last post! Like the Prez I'm always good for a beer! G*d Bless The BAH Community!Hey! By the way! What happened in the 60s...STAYS IN THE 60s & don't forget the 60s went deep in the 70s as well! Forgive one another! Love one another! And never keep score! The Peace of the Lord! Ferghus
One of those overheard stories from the 1970s:
The usual crew, Skip and others, are hanging out at RJs while a business transaction takes place that involves a couple of black guys from south Memphis. Nobody really knows them so there's a bit more than the normal tension that accompanies those deals. They're jiving around the room, "What it is," "Feel real," that kind of stuff, nowdays would be called being ghetto. It's the Johnny 'Guitar' Watson bitch era.
After they leave Skip shakes his head and says, "I think I'll stick with Whitey."
Since RJ & D the D are outing each other I thought it best that I out myself before someone else does! The scriptures tell us to confess our faults to one another! I admit It is more fun to confess the faults of others but Jewsus sez...Confess your on Faults! So here goes. I went to an Irish Pub in Nashville yesterday. Had a Guinness & some Shepherd's Pie! Dee Lish! Then I had me some serious gas! Me body was desperately seeking an outlet! Then out of the blue Randy and The Radiants started singing TURN ON YOUR LOVE LIGHT! I'm thinking to me self these Redneck Irish really know their music! Me loving Daddy taught me etiquette...that is to phart to the beat of the music so no one can hear you! I can remember me Daddy Pharting to Al Jolson's TOOT TOOT TOOTSIE GOODBYE! No Toot was unturned! But no one heard him! So here I go! Brilliantly pharting to the Radiants! TURN ON YOUR LOVE LIGHT...LET IT SHINE ON ME! Not missing a Beat! Feeling so invisable! That is till I noticed everyone in the damned old place staring at me! Much to me chagrin I was listening to my IPOD! Az Van Morrison sez...A WILD NIGHT IS CALLING! The Peace Of The Lord! Father Farken
PS: Sorry for the crudity. I tried to use the more refine expression! Fart with a PH.. just like me mammy did! May she rest in peace!G*d love Yah & You know He do!
Some of you Satanic Assholes are actually able to extricate the Lord Of The Flies' prong from your mouthes, but precious few.
Juergen Habermas, a veteran leftist German philosopher stunned his admirers not long ago by proclaiming, "Christianity, and nothing else, is the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy, the benchmarks of Western civilization. To this day, we have no other options [than Christianity]. We continue to nourish ourselves from this source. Everything else is postmodern chatter."
Vietnam is the greatest thing our (de)generation did...We fought Satan in Southeast Asia.
I'm posting anonymously because I don't want you to find out who I am and put a bomb in my mail box.
Hey, gimme! How's this for "one-sided"?
Link: http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/073009_barrett_email_text/
"Article writer, That was, by far, the worst article I've ever read. I am a former English teacher, writer, current police officer. father, husband and military veteran. You need to be corrected and I certainly hope others have attempted, for your written messages and material is so 4th grade level. I am embarassed I paid the 1.50 for the paper [rest assured, it is my aim to tell as many readers The Boston Globe and your biased reporting is both sub standard and strictly one sided]. For you are not professional and basically, your writing is ridiculous. A reader may assume, per your article, that criminals are never well-dressed with a tucked in polo [2nd paragraph] . Your defense [4th paragraph] of Gates while he is on the phone while being confronted [INDEED] with a police officer is assuming he has rights when considered a suspect. He is a suspect and will always be a suspect. His first priority of effort should be to get off the phone and comply with police, for if I was the officer he verbally assaulted like a banana-eating jungle monkey, I would have sprayed him in the face with OC deserving of his belligerent non-compliance. Further [5th paragraph], a reader may assume that crimes only happen in back alleys at 0300?! You're kidding me, right? Are you still in the 5th grade, Catholic School? That paragraph was as pathetic as jungle monkey gibberish - I might as well ax you the question. "Is this your first test at reporting?" You do not understand roles, tactics and dangers police officers face, as apparently you think no one wearing a polo might possess a firearm or knife on his/her person. Might you fathom a woman could be a criminal? Or are criminals all hairy, dirty, stinky, mean looking ugly men? You are a hot little bird with minimal experiences in a harsh field. You are a fool. An infidel. You have no business writing for a US newspaper nevermind detailing and analyzing half truths. You should serve me coffee and donuts on Sunday morning. My last point counters your final 2 paragraphs, in which you state Gates is "this immensely famous expert on race" - you really have to be kidding me? Famous for what? Expert why and says who? What has he done for me and my family? What has he done for the law enforcement community or military veterans or to secure freedoms and our borders in this country? What has he done to help limit and reduce my income tax? He has proven to work to get himself attention and become a wealthy lecturer. He lectures students on the subject of racial ethics and profiling. Jee whiz. I must attend that lecture lest I lose my identity and right to free speech and the right to celebrate God and beliefs as I see fit. I am not a racist. but I am prejudice towards people who are stupid and pretend to stand up and preach for something they claim is freedom when it is merely attention because you do not receive enough of it in your little fear-dwelling circle of on-the-bandwagon followers. You mention Gates' charges were dropped but that it was too late to stop the damage? Damage? Still kidding? You need to serve a day with the infantry and get swarmed by black gnats while manning your sector. Or you just need to get slapped, look in the mirror and admit, "Wow. I am a failure. I am a follower. Who am I kidding?" Again, I like a warm cruller and hot Panamanian, black. No sugar. Your final statement reads, "Gates, whose great success has allowed him to transcend the racial divide-" to which I ask, when did he transcend? He indeed has transcended back to a bumbling jungle monkey, thus he forever tremains amid this nation's great social/racial divide that makes it a free and great nation mixed with crazy and awkward differences. Go ahead, ax me what I think? Gates is a goddamned fool and you the article writer simply a poor follower and maybe worse, a poor writer. Your article title should read CONDUCT UNBECOMING A JUNGLE MONKEY - BACK TO ONE'S ROOTS. JB"
I believe Yogananda to be one of the most holy men who ever lived. His body showed no decomp for the 30 days before he was interred.
What Eastern Holy men got wrong, was that they preached pacificm, which is suicide.
Jesus wasn't a pacifist. He warned us about evil people...Do not give what is holy to dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them and turn again and rend you.
Gandhi said, "God Is Truth." Then he turned around and denied the existance of evil...DUH!
I've been thrown out of every political forum I've ever posted on.
Some of the forums were run by Pseudo-Conservatives.
If you have the ability to delete my comments, you soon will.
Showing the truth to a Satanic Leftist is like throwing water on the Wicked Witch Of The West
Inter-racial crime in Amerika is 9-1, black on white.
White men raping black women is such a small number, that it is considered 0%
Black men, raping white women is not 0%
Blacks are more racist than whites says, Black Larry Elder.
Skip Gates is a racist punk who was born with a silver spoon in his fat mouth. And, a chip on his shoulder as big as Florida.
Dear Comment-Bomber,
One of the definitions of the word "liberal," is "tolerant," so you'll find your comments won't be deleted here except for personal or racist attacks on the participants of this blog. We have everyone here from doctors to dealers, to thinkers and theologians, including ministers of the gospel. So, post away. Just don't be surprised if you receive a vicious verbal smackdown from someone more knowledgeable than you imagine yourself to be.
Sputnik the Enforcer
So sorry, folks. The link in my previous post got truncated, and should have been:
What it is: It is the full text of the famous e-mail from Boston Police Officer Justin Barrett to Globe columnist Yvonne Abraham following her July 21, 2009, column about the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr. The message was sent all in one paragraph. Punctuation and spelling are the author's.
Now, then, Mr. Break. I think that qualifies as the view from the "other side". Please tell me that the cop who wrote that screed isn't a racist. I need a good laugh.
Sooner or later I'll get it right... sorry. Here it is, correctly formatted.
Barrett e-mail
Dear Born Again Stalin...You not only can't name evil, you cheerlead for it.
Blast away...I have a blog with over 300 posts on it and ONE comment from a creature called Butt Surfer.
Were you a FRAGGER,Dude?
The Blood-Red Hands of Ho Chi Minh
Readers Digest,
November 1968
The village chief and his wife were distraught. One of their children, a seven-year-old boy, had been missing for four days. They were terrified, they explained to Marine Lt. Gen. Lewis W. Walt, because they believed he had been captured by the Vietcong.
Suddenly, the boy came out of the jungle and ran across the rice paddies toward the village. He was crying. His mother ran to him and swept him up in her arms. Both of his hands had been cut off, and there was a sign around his neck, a message to his father: if he or any one else in the village dared go to the polls during the upcoming elections, something worse would happen to the rest of his children.
The VC delivered a similar warning to the residents of a hamlet not far from Danang. All were herded before the home of their chief. While they and the chief’s pregnant wife and four children were forced to look on, the chief’s tongue was cut out. Then his genital organs were sliced off and sewn inside his bloody mouth. As he died, the VC went to work on his wife, slashing open her womb. Then, the nine-year-old son: a bamboo lance was rammed through one ear and out the other. Two more of the chief’s children were murdered the same way. The VC did not harm the five-year-old daughter — not physically: they simply left her crying, holding her dead mother’s hand.
The most racist people in America are Democrats, always were, always will be.
Racists scream RACISM!
Emergence as an Artist and Political Commentator:
Nast began to emerge as an artist, satirist, and political commentator (through his artwork), in 1862. His art was not only stunning in its visual impact; it was profound in its political message. The result of this unique combination of properties resulted in his artwork having an incredible ability to direct or steer public opinion. His work touched people, and impacted how they thought about a particular topic. During the Civil War years his work was staunchly pro Lincoln, pro Union, and anti Slavery. His artwork portrayed Southerners as the enemy . . . not just the enemy, but a cruel and barbarous people.
Uh, I guess that makes Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh both Democrats, doesn't it, Anon? All that carrying on calling Sotomayor a racist?
Sotomire is a racist, as is Obama and Skippy Gates and Rev Wright and Louie Farrakhan.
You are the party of slavery and the KKK.
The southern delegation wouldn't sign the Declaration Of Independence until the wording that abolished slavery was removed.
You have a former KKKer in Congress, Robert Byrd.
Dims use RACISM to punctuate your sentences.
In Skippy's writings, he often excoriates, WHITEY!
You are incapable of viewing reality, you great Poofda!
F+B, you foolish twink!
You come unhinged when somebody shows you the truth. Communism is the greatest evil to ever hatch on the surface of the planet.
The Blood-Red Hands of Ho Chi Minh
Readers Digest,
November 1968
The village chief and his wife were distraught. One of their children, a seven-year-old boy, had been missing for four days. They were terrified, they explained to Marine Lt. Gen. Lewis W. Walt, because they believed he had been captured by the Vietcong.
Suddenly, the boy came out of the jungle and ran across the rice paddies toward the village. He was crying. His mother ran to him and swept him up in her arms. Both of his hands had been cut off, and there was a sign around his neck, a message to his father: if he or any one else in the village dared go to the polls during the upcoming elections, something worse would happen to the rest of his children.
Now, you will probably tell me that I'm "off topic," or you will correct my spelling.
Nah. You just go ahead and rant.
And as long as you know that your spelling is deficient, there is no need to correct it.
I'd work on the "ad hominem" straight for the jugular pejoratives, however. Somehow, they blunt the edge of your razor sharp wit.
And, by the way, if you are not the same Anonymous who posted the anecdote about the poor vietnamese boy who got his hands cut off... it's already appeared in this thread.
If you are the same guy, you're repeating yourself. You're repeating yourself. You're repeating yourself.
I'd work on the "ad hominem" straight for the jugular pejoratives, however. Somehow, they blunt the edge of your razor sharp wit.
I posted the thing about the Communist atrocity more than once, because you ignore savagery and you whine about "ad hominem" horse shit.
Then you try to dazzle me with your Mensa intellect.
You cannot believe in the God of The Bible, but you are positive that the car that I drive is killing the earth. And you are terrified of Carbon Fucking Dioxide and Trans Fats.
Grow the fuck up, Comrade!
FNDB, That's exactly what I do, I rant...You on the other hand, whine.
At the risk of being called a dreaded spammer...did you see the link I provided where Muslims cook Christian children and feed them to their parents?
You prefer Satanic monsters who do stuff like this, to me. LOL!
I'd work on the "ad hominem" straight for the jugular pejoratives, however. Somehow, they blunt the edge of your razor sharp wit. Fnd B.
I'll bet when Teacher leaves the room, you take down names of all those who talked, and give her the list when she returns.
Did you see this one, Weenie?*
You despise the messenger. My message is irrelevant.
I've actually had one of you touch holes come back and parse this, telling me how wrong it is.
*Juergen Habermas, a veteran leftist German philosopher stunned his admirers not long ago by proclaiming, "Christianity, and nothing else, is the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy, the benchmarks of Western civilization. To this day, we have no other options [than Christianity]. We continue to nourish ourselves from this source. Everything else is postmodern chatter."
I don't hate blacks, women, gays, et al...I loathe Leftists.
The Gay Patriot said...Obama worship is the flip side of Bush hatred.
Yes, indeed Anonymous, your message is irrelevant.
You've finally said something about which we can all agree.
Spoot Nik...
Was this the vicious verbal smackdown, you warned me of? It's going to be a couple of months before I get over this beating. LOFL!
Fear And Imbalanced whined...Yes, indeed Anonymous, your message is irrelevant.
You've finally said something about which we can all agree.
You must have exhausted your ammo, my friend. You're not repeating yourself anymore. Now you're repeating me.
Maybe we'll talk again when you actually have something to say.
I've got to hand it to you Anon...You are on a mission! You are railing forward with record fervor to "rid the world of evil."
Be careful lest ye become a Mein Kampf-est Menace. HITLER said,"In boundless love as a Christian & as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might & seized the scourge to drive out of the temple the brood of vipers & adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison." Anon. me brother ...this sounds way too much like you!Replace the word "Jewish" with "Leftist" & we have you a mission statement for your calling card! And by the way! Sputnik wouldn't put a bomb in your mail box! He loves & prays for his enemies! Any way if he ever tried to blow you up & missed we would have a bigger mess on our hands!Hitler's secretary Traudl Junge recalls in an assassination attempt how the bomb exploded in such away & at a precise moment that Hitler narrowly escaped! Hitler was more convinced than ever before that G*d was protecting him & his mission that he wrote, "Thus I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator; by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." Again replace the word "Jew" with "Liberal" and we are beginning to sound a wee bit like my brother Anon! Please be careful about calling people our Lord offered his life for as Satanic or Satan. Jesus came not to condemn but to give life! This is no time to open up a can of whoop ass. You've got your self a big old blog of influence! Go minister life! It's time to bust open a can of grace! Jesus sez...Love one another even as I love you! The Peace of the Lord!
Father Farken
Father Guido Sarducci,
I'm tired of Hitler. He's been dead for 60 years.
The reason Hitler is Satan to you cretins, is because he attacked FDR's Uncle Jo Stalin.
The most evil monsters who ever lived, were, Mao, Stalin, Marx, Engels, Pol Pot, Ho, Kim, Castro.
Jesus said...Do not give what is holy to dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them and turn again and rend you.
Jesus wants us to forgive our fellow human beings (believers).
Atheists are dogs and pigs. I DESPISE LEFTISTS! I've never seen a fucking Nazi in my life.
I'm surrounded by Marxist, Stalinist, Maoists.
Militant atheists who loathe God, are evil people, you fucking nimble wit!
Fearful and Imbalanced...I could repeat the truth to ewe for eternity and you would blow me...off.
Being an evil person, you are only capable of believing and telling lies.
The most evil monsters who ever lived, were, Mao, Stalin, Marx, Engels, Pol Pot, Ho, Kim, Castro.
Jesus said...Do not give what is holy to dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them and turn again and rend you.
Jesus wants us to forgive our fellow human beings (believers).
Further Ferkin,
You don't hate Hitler because of the Holocaust. You hate Hitler because he attacked Stalin.
I love Bible believing Jews.
I despise Leftists...You know, like Marx and Lenin...
Further Ferkin,
If ewe are a Christian, I am a Hindu...
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 24, 2009 in Current Issues, Devotions, Features
Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with (Satan) Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? (2 Corinthians 6:14-15, NASB)
Now Anon! I'm pitching these pearls to you! No more oinking & boinking like you are some old swine with the flu! The Peace of the Lord! Father Farken
PS...That was Matthew 5:44-48! Quit Oinking! It's embarrassing!
Further Ferkin
Jesus said...If you don't own a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
Jesus was not a pacifist, you Satanic lunatic.
Do you actually think that all caps is going to win me over to the Dark Side?
You are like a stupid dog that cannot stop chasing cars. You have 1 eye, no teeth, 3 legs and a broken tail. And, every time a car goes by, you take off after it. You are incapable of concession.
You rambled on about Hitler being a Christian...So was Jim Jones. LOL!
Jim Jones was a DARLING TO SF's LIBERAL ELITE, preying on the weakest of the weak. You dip shit!
Before he became infamous for leading 913 people to their deaths in the Guyanese jungle, the Rev. Jim Jones was the darling of San Francisco's liberal establishment -- a man who could spread the wealth to all the fashionable charities and, at a moment's notice, marshal thousands of followers for a good cause.
Jones was a minister of the Disciples of Christ, but in San Francisco he was best known as the suave if slightly sinister leader of Peoples Temple, a flock of perhaps 8,000 people, mostly poor and mostly black, who appeared to do everything Jones told them to do.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1998/11/12/MN85578.DTL#ixzz0NEtXOvMj
Father Farken said...
PS...That was Matthew 5:44-48! Quit Oinking! It's embarrassing!
You simpering asshole!
You are the dogs, pigs, fascists, Nazis, homophobes!
I've just mopped the floor with you, and Fearful and Imbalanced.
It seems that Fearful has some sense. You, on the other hand, don't know that I've absolutely nuked you. Keep em coming, idiot!
My, this is fun, isn't it, Father?
I've gotta hand it to you Bra, I would have been nuked yesterday after my 5th comment.
I've been barred for life, twice, on Delphi Forums.
Both times, by supposed Republicans.
Hat tip, to ya,
This is a post to me from a Leftist college professor on a Delphi Forum.
This Chomskiite probably has 10 to 15 IQ points on me. He whines that I POST WITH IMPUNITY.
Well, I did for another couple of days, then The Big Cahoona nuked me.
Do you think you have more in common with this twink, or with me?
From my blog entry...
This asshole answers every one of my posts like this...He is a college professor an he is probably pulling down about 60 or 80k per. He quotes something by the name of GRICE, and says that I post with IMPUNITY. I am supposed to be punished for opposing him.
From: tyrone slothrop (tyrones) 8:49 am
To: Anonymous (62 of 63)
You continue to provide excellent data highlighting my central claim, that this forum functions, not for thoughtful discussion or debate, but for ways for those with vile, marginal and discredited views to other those they disagree with and, in so doing, to attempt to assert their own "normalcy" of belief. The forum, populated as it is by those with such marginal, vile, and discredited views, acts as a form of common sociality, suggesting that your views are shared (by degrees) by others. Your attacks, done with impunity here, reveal more about the ways you wish to other those that disagree with you than they do anything about the reality of the actual target of such attacks. I note that your attacks lack what Grice would call "relevance", but then the function of such attacks is not "discussion" or "conversation", but othering through stereotyping.
I never said I was a pacifist! If I go to war or fight, like GK Chesterton, it's not because I hate the person in front of me but it's because I love and care for the people behind me! The words that pissed you off were words from Jesus not mine. You can not separate Jesus from his teachings! When you surrender to Jesus you surrender to His values & attitudes as well! I never said Hitler was a Christian either....He obviously was NOT! Just quoted him! Like you! He used Christianity to spread his venom! Times up for me! I've got to go my Asshole Anonymous Meeting! Want to come? Uncle Sal will be there!There is always room for one more! Thanks F&B! The Peace of the Lord!
Mother Inferior,
You suicidal, homicidal asshole.
Jesus is known for His teaching on love, compassion, forgiveness, and “not to return evil for evil” But we find Jesus advising the disciples to buy a sword in Luke 22:36: “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” Jesus told the disciples to buy a sword, and it is clear that Jesus advocated the use of a sword for self-defense purposes. Jesus tells the disciples to buy a sword if he has none vs.38 they showed they had two, he said this is enough. So he is not telling them to arm themselves, lest they trust in man and not God. The “sword” (Greek: maxairan) that is used is a dagger or short sword that was part of the Jews traveler's equipment for protection against robbers and wild animals. A plain reading of the passage indicates that Jesus approved of conditional self-defense. These were small daggers to protect someone from the criminals they would encounter as they traveled, they were used for close combat, for self defense, they were also to use against a wild animal.
Dear Comment-Bomber,
You're done here. I told you that you could post here if you did not attack any participant personally, and now you've gone and called an ordained minister "Satan." If you're a Christian, as you say, pray for forgiveness. But you're only here to provoke. So now, take your manure patties and play in someone else's yard. I will delete any further fucking thing you post. Congratulations. You are an asshole.
Oh my goodness, such schmootz coming out of the mouth of that young man! All this fussing and fressing and talking about twinkies and poopers and I don't know what all...
He's upset Little Bo and Monkey! We're all verklempt down here at the Funhouse! Bill Killebrew is too sad to draw!
Someone should potch that bad boy's tuchas!
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