The seventies brought inflation, oil embargoes, gas lines, hostage crises, a cocaine epidemic among young professionals, and Disco. But on the bright side, we had the Bicentennial and Quaaludes. Reaganism ruled the eighties, with his theory of "trickle-down economics" sewing the seeds for the most recent orgy of fiscal de-regulation and near economic meltdown. Military budgets ballooned and social programs were cut adrift while the Christian right muscled a seat at the table and an age of rah-rah, jingoism returned to America. Iranian revolutionaries who had humiliated the U.S. were rewarded with illegal weapons sales and once empty CIA planes returning from money drops to Contras in Nicaragua, now came home loaded with something new for the Pepsi Generation; crack cocaine. On the positive side, we beat the Russians in hockey.
The nineties were the uproariously entertaining Clinton years, where grown-ups were forced to explain the meaning of oral sex to their children. For what more could we have asked? Scandals, investigations, wiretaps, blue dresses, cigars, impeachment; the Clintons delivered it all, and more. Hillary's heartaches and what "is" is, live on in our common psyche. But, in the words of James Carville, "What didn't you like; the peace or the prosperity?" Bubba coulda' been a contenda' if he had just holstered his weapon once in a while. Everyone eventually grew weary of the whole circus, but they took it out on Al Gore.
The laughter ended in 2000 when a politicized Supreme Court actually stopped a vote count in progress and awarded the presidency to the intellectually challenged George W. Bush, a decision that ranks up there in wisdom with Dred Scott. Thus, the prophesy made by humorist H.L. Mencken in 1920, was fulfilled; that, "On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." The Great Stem-Cell Compromise of 2001 was so exhausting, the whole Bush gang went on vacation, and, of course, we know what happened then. We were all behind Bush that awful day and, without exception, wanted our president to succeed. Something redemptive might have arisen from that terrible tragedy, but Bush began following a playbook from an earlier age. A dark time of imperial arrogance and deceit descended upon this nation, and if you disagree with that statement, you may be part of the problem.
In another time, during another war, when things were going badly and people were marching in the streets, a president demonized dissenters as "bums" and "traitors," and energized his base to rise up against these scruffy protesters. Violence and riots followed. Richard Nixon, during a volatile time of social upheaval, unnecessarily polarized society between young and old, black and white, and rich and poor for personal political gain. Only resignation saved him from being booted from office for abuse of power. The next such divisive president, casting aspersions of disloyalty and treason toward those who would oppose him and fraying the nation's societal fabric in the process, was old GeeDubya "Bring 'Em On" Bush. And who was the common link connecting the political philosophies of the Nixon and Bush governments? Dick Cheney, Master of Disaster.
The decade's nadir came exactly midway with Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. The country was shocked to see such an unrelenting tragedy compounded by the government's ineptitude; the same government that plunged us into two wars and an economic catastrophe unmatched since the "Roaring Twenties." But Bush was such a one-man, walking disaster that he made it possible for the first African-American to be elected president. So, just here, at this miserable decade's twilight, comes the glimmer of hope of what's possible in the next; affordable health care, resolution to wars of choice, government infrastructure projects and the accompanying jobs that follow, high-speed rail to finally compete with the airlines, quality public education and reasonable college costs. Positive things can happen when people finally decide to work together. Of course, I believed John Kerry was going to be elected president too.
once again, nothing is the Democrats fault with you. Only Republicans want to destroy freedom. Happy new year and here's hoping you awaken from your Obama induced daze in the new decade in time to save yourself from what's coming.
It is always interesting that the Republicans, who left this President with their mess, never sign their names or accept responsibility for their selfish actions.
Thanks Randy for telling the truth....something Republicans are incapable of doing!
anyone desiring political office should not be allowed to run
Ludor may have stumbled on something.
RJ, another brilliant piece of reporting with the editorial slant that belongs appropriately to those whose eyes are used for seeing.
We've just rewitnessed what happened in the early 1970s when the Ethyl Corporation (read here: the Medical Insurance Industry) was able to keep lead in the gasoline for another 3 years even after the science had been done to prove that all that lead in the air was not so hot for growing boys' and girls' nervous systems, central and otherwise. We'll continue to allow ourselves to die slowly both physically and financially as the Private Billing Companies with the 35% overhead and the motivation to make shareholders happy as their raison d'etre continue for a few more years to build vacation homes where their former subscribers had lived when they were solvent and/or alive.
"Nothing is Democrat's fault with you. Only Republicans want to destroy..." Yes, that is correct. Human decency requires a few Democrats around to make sure that the pockets of the people standing in line for food are not picked clean by some good ole boys...in the name of the great USA.
Speaking of pockets being picked. The obama crooks just picked my unborn grandchildren's pockets.
Talk about graft and corruption. You Dems are the sleeziest closed door crooks to ever embarass america
Hey jackie. You didn't really sign your name. Your profile is conveniently not available. It's just a different way to be anonymous
You are singing Obama's praises?!! Now I know that you are f-ing nuts. Give Obama and his merry Marxists three more years and it will be a miracle if this country is still standing. Both of the Bushes worked for the globalists, so I won't quarrel with you about them. Bush worked behind the scenes with the Mexican president and the Canadian prime minister to lay the foundation for the up and coming plan for a North American Union (now referred to as SPP)...a stepping stone toward a one world government. This explains Bush's refusal to secure our borders, but the Dems are carrying the ball now toward the same end. Bush can never be forgiven for laying the ground work for Obama's election. But Obama is the sorriest joke to assume the Oval Office. Unfortunately for us, militant Islam also thinks that he is a joke and we are about to have countless and unending terrorist attacks here in America. And, the limp-wrist, politically correct Dems will do little to stop it...too politically correct. Think about this. We will require that every terrorist that is apprehended be given a trial by jury. This will become a little awkward when the terrorists run into the hundreds or thousands. However, Obama will probably bankrupt us before then. The very fact that you can't see Obama for what he is is a testimony to your lack of wisdom, if not intelligence. You are so pro-black that it makes you an inverted racist yourself. When are you going to be as color blind as you want everyone else to be? In regard to the scorn that world leaders have toward Obama, did you see the video clip of his reception by a number of Russian dignitaries in the USSR? Every time he extended his hand each dignitary refused to shake it. Of course, the state-run media would never show anything like this to the American public. I guess we will have to wait a little longer for you to wake up from your delusions to realize what is going on in the Obama/Marxist cabal. However, I am beginning to suspect that you want the Marxist revolution to succed in America. Finally, good luck on getting a by-pass (or any other expensive procedure) under Obamacare, sucker!! Old and useless people are on the menu.
Well fella, what do you expect from a Kenyan born, America hating Muslim? Obama's biggest challenge is to destroy America while pretending to do his best to help America. His problem is that he is playing his hand too soon. People are figuring out what his agenda is after only one year in office. On the one hand he is bankrupting us and on the other he is allowing his homies to set up terrorist cells all over America. There are something like 35 jihadist communities already set up throughout the country and the feds are perfectly aware of this. They do military training in these camps. Guess who they are preparing to attack? Funny how nothing is being done about it. Reckon it could have anything to do with Obama and his A.G. Holder? If lots of far lefties are not run out of office in Nov. then America will never last till 2012. If enough of Obama's Marxist buddies can be run off, then we may have a prayer of finishing the job in 2012 by unseating Obama and even more left wing loons. The problem is that the Republicans tend to be Democrats wearing conservative masks, aka Rinos. They are nearly as bad at fucking up as the Democrats. The lure of wealth and power draws the worst characters in the country into politics. The common thread is that they all have the attitude of 'we the people' be damned. They just want our vote so that they can continue the rape. As it is now the gutter has come to power. If the Republicans take power again the big question will be will the Republicans fuck up again and unleash another Democrat administration on us. If so then it is all over with. Another one of Obama's missions is to completely take over the private sector so that we have full-blown communism. After they take over healh care and energy there won't be much left. Then we can look forward to living on prison planet. We will know how it is going to play out very shortly. Right now the big money is heading for t-bills which means that we can expect another implosion of the stock market. The only question is how long can we forestall national bankruptcy. When that happens it will be guns, gold and God. It will be a scene that the nation has not seen before and will turn into a horror show. If we can stop Obama we may have a slight chance though.
Wait and see! And you laughed! But this is just the first fruits of Obama's tactics. He wooed Rush Limbaugh with a golden golf club to his old stomping grounds Hawaii to wine & dine him only to slip a micro chip up his fat ass (thinking it was Demerol) to promote a heart attack trying to kill the most listened to talk show personality in the history of radio. Why? Because Rush is the leading conservative voice in America! The Jackie Fargo of talk radio. Obama believe Rush and Fox must be stopped by any means necessary. He is trying to pull the plug on all true Americans to promote ISLAM! Wake up Randy! Wake up Father Farken! Wake up you crazy left wing flower children___THE 00's are over! Wait and see!
By God and Country, let's hear it for the Teabagging Purveyors of Paranoia. Admit it -- anyone to the left of Dicky Cheney is a full-blown socialista. Wonderful job the right-wingers did for the many years that they had our balls firmly clamped in their sweaty hands. Let's dump Obama and give the reins to a rill Amurkin like, say, Glenn Beck.
The Republicans also suck. We need moral, honest, conservative, Constitution honoring people in office. This would disqualify 95% of the people who currently hold elective office regardless of party affiliation. I'm sure that anyone who embodies these qualities would make most of the readers of this blog want to vomit. I'll say it again, screw the Republicans. They jive 'we the people' almost as much as the Democrats. Send an ungodly, but well-intentioned man from either party to Washington and he morphs into a lying, self-serving crook. I applaud your attacks on the Republicans. I just can't figure out why the folks on this blog are so hypocritically adoring of the Democratic mafia. Spread the disdain around. Don't be stingy with it. I wonder if I will ever see the day when ONE SINGLE disparaging word is ever spoken in regard to the Democrats. This fact alone casts doubt on the credibility of this blog. I have yet to read any original thinking here. It all amounts to one long, protracted French kiss of the Democrats' anus. Have you pervs no pride?
The city of Detroit is a living monument to American progressivism . Memfrica will soon be added to the list. For that matter, by mid-century the entirety of America will be one huge third world ghetto...a warning to the rest of the world to beware of the plague of progressive regressism. By the way, did you see the ornament on the White House Christmas tree that was adorned with a picture of Chiarman Mao? He is a hero of the Obama administration along with Saul Alinsky, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Lenin, Trotsky, Gengis Khan, et al. Of course, none of the state run media would show such a thing. They must continue to give Comrade Obama cover so that he can continue the subversion of the free world.
Thought for today: From tiny ACORNs mighty Marxists grow. Home grown by Obama, the Marxist-in-Chief.
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