Luntz, a Republican pollster and language doctor for corporate interests, takes credit for changing the administration's position of total denial of global warming, to owning up that there has been somewhat of a "climate change." And rather than have the Oil Twins, Bush and Cheney, and their surrogates going around advocating drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico or otherwise offshore, Luntz suggested they say that they are in favor of local "energy exploration," and if it's near someones beach vacation spot, it's merely "deep sea energy exploration." What could possibly be wrong with that? It's not like oil spewing into our scenic shores from a pipeline break, it's just looking for energy. Luntz has appeared on every cable show from "Hardball," to "Real Time with Bill Maher," and I have some language to describe his appearance; "toupee challenged," or "the man with the coonskin hair." Hey pal, just admit your bald and get a decent piece. Then tell people you do it for your own psychological well-being and not theirs. It always worked for me.
This applies to the other "Orwellian" language that Luntz has defended in the past as a good thing; "Compassionate Conservative," "Homeland Security," "The Surge," and now the Star Trek-like, "Time Horizon." Has anyone referred to their country as the "Homeland" since the Nazis? The "surge" was just an escalation of troops, and "Time Horizon," is something you wish you had George Carlin still around to deal with. He might say something like, "Time is a human creation to measure our days, and since our days are transitory, and maybe our race too, time is an illusion. The 'Horizon,' is at least something you can see, but it still depends on conceptual human belief. You can start walking towards the horizon and drown before you ever get there. In other words, it's all total bullshit, and it's bad for ya'."
Now the bullshit torch has been passed to John McCain. To hear him tell it, the "surge" was such an enormous success that it has allowed us to "win" in our fight for Iraqi democracy and the right for them to sell us oil. If that's the case, in the words of Pooty Tang, "Let's wrap this shit up, G," declare the war over and won, and withdraw the troops. McCain instead, while his political rival is out of the country on a trip that McCain goaded him into taking, has decided to impugn Obama's personal ethics by saying, "He would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign." I understand Karl Rove is currently advising the McCain campaign but, have they gone insane? Is McCain so aggrieved at Obama's popularity that he is now planning to employ the entire Bush Bullshit Battalion to attack his loyalty?
McCain the "maverick" is gone, replaced by McCain the "new sheriff," who "knows how to win wars." Which war is he refering to? "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." Wesley Clark caught a lot of flack for saying being a prisoner of war is not a presidential qualification, but if you consider McCain's role, had his plane not been shot down by the North Vietnamese, he would have just been another silent, and anonymous, killer in the night. The period of McCain's captivity assured that he missed the profound sociological changes that took place as a result of the Vietnam War, and he returned, a war hero to be sure, but with the same militaristic mindset with which he left the Naval Academy. It's ironic that the non-soldier Obama's assessments about the Middle-East were castigated as "appeasement" by the same administration that now embraces his ideas,(only using their own clumsy, self-serving linguistics), while the old soldier McCain is hung out to dry and left to defend his Nixonian visions of "winning with honor" on his own. There is no honor in withdrawing forces from a country that you have invaded and occupied for six years.
If Frank Luntz and Karl Rove can brainstorm some slogans for John McCain's hardline views, they'd better do better than "Time Horizon." They should call back Peggy Noonan to refer to Baghdad as, "A shining city in the sand, at least for a few hours a day," or, "Last chance for cheap gas." If the rest of Obama's Middle East trip goes as well as the opening week, perhaps the message masseurs should refocus their attention on the Bush legacy. I know the plans for the library are underway and the Bush Cult is concerned about how history will refer to Junior. Like Luntz, I was in the word business too, as a lyricist for popular music, and I've created some epithets that history can co-opt when referencing our lamest of lame duck presidents. 1) "George the Terrible" 2) "Bush the Merciless," and my personal favorite, 3) "George the Scourge." That's what's in my "time horizon," along with maybe, "Inmate Cheney." Keep hope alive.
Watching this manipulation and tap dance is like watching reruns of "Wag The Dog' and "Canadian Bacon".
The propaganda press room is working overtime.
I was watching Sen. Boxer’s Climate Change Committee on C-Span last night. One of the experts was Dr. Roy Spenser of University of Alabama, Huntsville. He is the U.S. science team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA's Aqua satellite.
He was a space scientist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in 1989, when he teamed with Dr. John Christy to develop a system to measure global climate trends using microwave sensors aboard NOAA satellites.
Spencer and Christy were awarded NASA's Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement in 1991. In 1996 they received a special award by the American Meteorological Society "for developing a global, precise record of earth's temperature from operational polar-orbiting satellites, fundamentally advancing our ability to monitor climate."
He feels that Global warming will only be 1 degree Centigrade over the next 100 years and most because of natural and not man made causes. After his statement, Sen Boxer went on to try and discredit him by a snide remark attempting to attach him to Rush Limbaugh, because Limbaugh had sited his research in the past. The 6 Democratic Sen. spent all their time questioning the other 2 witnesses and asked zero questions of Dr. Spenser. The only Sen. to ask a question of Dr. Spenser was Sen. (bathroom stall) Craig.
It is a sad state of affairs when you have a credible scientist and refuse to even listen to his arguments.
If it weren't for so many thousands of instances that have been decried by literally thousands of scientists, including 50 or so Nobel Laureates, of this administration taking science and politicizing its contents by changing the conclusions.....then, I would say that Alan has a point. We should listen to scientists when they talk, and then we should check thoroughly the data that they spew by addressing their points with other respected non partisan scientists in their field. Again, because actual letters signed by thousands of legitimate scientists from Cal Tech to Princeton to Harvard and Yale have signed petitions (as a group) angry and concerned and furious at the blatant obfuscation of facts for political gain by the sad group of poseurs presently at our helm.......it now appears that our leaders have lost all credibility. Completely. Is that a good thing? Probably no. Is it possible that some actual truth might be lost among all the total bullshit? Yes. But at this stage let's just get to some leadership that has some respect for facts, science, cause and effect, and the honest pursuit of the truth. What a relief that will be. There will be dancing in the streets when we cast off this scourge of liars, cheats, the ideologic blind.......who, by the way, have done quiet a bit of killing, maiming, and when they try to shuffle the deck they are the guys who always seem to have the cards fall all over the floor. Enough already.
You're whipping a dead horse. Bush has been abandoned by everyone except his family and a handfull of die-hard, far-right masochists. And (for the time being) oil is to a nation as blood is to a body. Of course countries are going to fight for the stuff. They are strung out on existing. The real culprit is all of our damned government both Democrat and Republican. We are a leaderless country. Congress is a bunch of self-serving narcissists who wish they could be movie stars. I'll vote for the bastards who will take less of our money and who will stay out of our lives. I guess that may mean that I will vote for no one. And don't get your ass too high up in the air over Obama. You may have to eat crow someday. He has a good rap, but can he run a country? That remains to be seen and wisdom says wait and see. Ken Kesey had the right take on the whole affair. Live for your art (even if that is only to follow your nose) and forget about the anal, self-absorbed left-brainers who are consumed with controlling other people. I agree with Gregg, but his target is too small. What he said is true of both parties. The more people who are involved, the further you get from the truth and from righteousness. Everything has been compromised and the Father of Lies has us all by the balls.
I agree with the seed of Anonymous' comment. I've lived a long time and have been an optimist for most of it....probably because I was gifted with the means to occasionally change my environments to suit my dreams. I'm optimistic about the skinny black kid from Chicago. Some, and maybe a large part, is due to my need for hopefulness in the things that are beyond my own capacity to change. But, I'll tell you, I've watched him very closely and my diagnosis is, so far, that he's an honest intelligent man who will bring significant human skill to an almost impossible job. I believe him and his basic premise...that it is possible to design and work for an environment, both physical and spiritual, that will allow more people than at present to live a life that is less painful and with more opportunity. I don't want to be disappointed, but I am aware that I might be. It's enough, though, to strive for his basic premise. That alone makes him a great man. What would you call a guy who came to your town and really tried to help you and your family get more corn to grow, or took care of your sick mother who hadn't had any care before, or helped you think about building that barn you never could get off your ass to get started before? When he left town and you were sitting around the stove with some of the boys, his name would come up and that "masked stranger" would be called a great man....great for really trying to help. That's all I want. I really believe he WANTS to help. And, I know he's got the brains, without which we know where we end up. We're there now.
I think we're at the point in this country where people are so desperate for meaningful change that Obama stands a real chance. Let's face it, there are a certain number of folks out there who when the poll curtains close won't vote for Obama because he's, well, at least partially, black. Hopefully the rest of us who are literally made sick to our stomachs every time Bush, Cheney, or McCain come on TV will outnumber those of us who secretly still long for segregation and the social awareness of 1954.
I can understand the loathing that most of you folks on this blog have for the Republicans. What I can't understand is your love affair with the Democrats. It's like despising Carmen Electra for being a classless slut and then going ga-ga for Madonna. It's not heads or tails. The coin itself is of spurious value...it's counterfeit. The Democrats just manifest their bogusness differently. America needs more Indians, at least in the spiritual, socio-economic sense. Both parties are breeding grounds for capitalist pigs. The earth is dying from the pestilence. The Industrial Revolution is only about 250 years old and the planet is about to implode from all of the 'progress'. We need to return to the future. But, I know that will never happen. We have a date with a global Armegeddon that will not be avoided. There will be a horrendous die off. It is laughable to think that politics is going to avert this. A long time ago we needed not only to think outside the box, we needed to live outside the box. The hippies attempted this, but human nature overthrew that effort, like it has snubbed every attempt at salvation. We need to learn from Nature and then adapt ourselves to Nature's dictates, like the nature peoples have always done. The problem with that is that the pigs always enslave and exterminate the nature people. If you are not a pig, the pigs will eat you. There is a lemming-like drive in man to be a pig and to try to dominate Nature and bend it to the human will and to walk all over those who do not play the pig game. But, Nature will have the final say. The Bible says that God will destroy those who harm the earth. If you don't believe this all you have to do is sit back and watch. The train wreck is coming. In the mean time, you folks who believe so intensely in political solutions can dream on. I guess you have to do something to pass the time of day til the train wreck occurs.
uhmm--I could be wrong but wasen't this piece supposed to be funny?lighten up all you assholes. jeez lifes too short.when I knew randy he was a beloved smart ass---what YOU DON'T REMEMBER. TOO BAD.
Hey Nature Boy! Thanks for the uplift! You inspired me to watch the The National Geographic program on the tele. I WITNESSED A LION POUNCE ON AN INNOCENT WILD BOAR & RIP INTO ITS FLESH AND DEVOUR ALL BUT ITS BONES AND THEN WALK AWAY AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED & THEN I WITNESSED A MAN-EATING PLANT WRAP ITS LIMBS AROUND A JACKRABBIT...THE STRANGULATION CAME BEFORE THE ACTUAL SWALLOWING OF THE POOR RABBIT---EARS & ALL! I think we have learned quite a bit from nature! Nature is beautiful but as a teacher its not all its cracked up to be! Creation was designed for the good. It has been damaged by evil. G*d sent Prophets, the Torah & even G*d's love incarnate preaching The Kingdom of G*d And offering his life as a ransom for all...breaking the power of sin & death & restoring this world for the better. We are sent to be a blessing...to heal and deliver all creation until the final consummation of all things in heaven & earth. Rabbi Lipschitz calls it "repairing the earth!" Let's all turn around! The Reign & care of G*d is at hand! Be an Angel...a messenger of G*d's love. You have been blessed to be a blessing! The Peace of the Lord to all! Fr.Farken
My basic point was that simple people tend to be devoured (enslaved or murdered) by the pigs. Look at what was done to African blacks, Native Americans, and most other people who are non-capitalist pigs (the hippies for instance). I too believe that the basic problem is the Fall of man and that this has affected everyone, even the nature peoples. I was merely pointing out that there will be no political solution to the problems we have. Though some government is necessary, the way things have gone government is more a part of the problem than the solution. The people on this blog seem to think that the Democrats are going to save us. They are as bad, if not worse, than the Republicans. They will just take more of our money and throw it away on bogus programs, etc. I am libertarian, but I know that they are not the solution either. It's just that the less government interference in our lives the better. Most of them are white collar criminals and are completely bogus. I believe with you that the mess will only increase till Armageddon and the ushering in of the New Heaven and Earth. I have learned thru reading and watching to be extremely anti-government, except for what little bit is necessary. I am aghast at how seriously people take politics. It is bogus to the core. And anyone who doesn't have contempt for court just isn't paying attention. Our judicial system is more to be feared than respected. Obama will be elected, but just wait and see the mess that that will bring. And I don't think that McCain would do much better. He is just about as bogus as the rest of them. The problems are too convoluted. And government tends to make them worse.
Nature Boy! You are something else. At first I thought You were named after the Nat Cole song...Then I thought you were the wrestler since this blog seems to attract a few of them....but I do believe you have a profound appreciation of G*d's Creation and that is to be commended! I know one thing! You are the light of the world! You are the salt of the earth! Why would you want to put the lamp under the table....we need your light of hope...we need your salt to add a little flavor to life & preservation to what is left to our civilization. Sure our government falls short...so do our restaurants. but we try to elect or find the best representatives that we can find. GK Chesterton nor C S Lewis ever gave up on We The People...and they were from England! If you are Libertarian be Libertarian. Why should we give up on our representatives, our schools, our hospitals, our police, our restaurant's, our corporations....We need people like you bringing truth, beauty, honesty, justice and hope in all these areas. As the saying goes...To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world! The peace of the world to all. Fr. Farken
CORRECTION:Actually I meant the peace of the Lord To all! AND we need to bring G*d's peace to what we have done to this precious planet! Fr. Farken
Rabbi Lipschitz told me that Fr. Farken was an Exorcist and that he has sucessfully delivered demons from Christians & Muslims! I asked him why didn't he exorcize Jews. The good Rabbi said, "Jews don't have demons! THEY HAVE WIVES! Hey! I am only the messenger! Peace out! SKM
Glenn Beck is selling t-shirts from his website that show a crest with an eagle with a torch and a pitchfork in its talons. On the periphery of the crest it says 'Torches and Pitchforks'. Below on the t-shirt it says 'Protecting Americans From Politicians Since 1791'. What a hoot. He is starting a grassroots movement among the masses to storm Frankenstein's castle (the Capitol and the White House) to demand that the asshole politicians actually do something to fix our ailing nation instead of posturing before tv cameras and lining their pockets with taxpayer money. Join the movement. There hasn't been any fireworks since the 60's.
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