5/17/08, Los Angeles News"An orangutan named Bruno escaped from his enclosure at the Los Angeles Zoo and went on a 25-minute jaunt...Bruno got out through a hole in his wire mesh enclosure...Zoo officials were not sure whether Bruno made the hole..or if the wire broke some other way"
1/30/09,blog.nola.com"Using only a stretched green T-shirt and powerful upper body strength, a Sumatran orangutan named Berani escaped from his Audubon Zoo enclosure..Employing a level of cunning that could come from a prison movie, the primate stretched the shirt, scaled a 10 1/2-foot wall to the top of the moat, wrapped the shirt around the "hot" electrical wires surrounding the exhibit and swung out."
5/11/09 Monkeyday.com"An orangutan in Heidelberg Zoo has attracted attention after teaching himself to whistle. Now the 14-year-old ape has recorded his first CD. Entitled "Ich Bin Ujian," The CD single by Ujian will go on sale in June. The song, a jaunty pop-rock number with reggae elements, features Ujian's melodic whistling..and a chorus including the lines: 'I am Ujian the orangutan, I am so cool, man, I am a star.'"
Obviously, the captive orangutans are up to something. They escape their Escarpments with ease, causing chaos but never harming anyone, but just to brazenly show us they can do it at will. Some are learning skills involving the disarmament of locked gates and electric barriers, while others are learning to whistle "(Sittin' on)the Dock of the Bay," and releasing CD singles to distract us from what's really going down and have us believe that they are cool with our values. This orangutan song-and-dance is really a smokescreen to cover-up what is happening at the tip of the spear of the monkey revolt; the angry, malicious, and revengeful violence of the world's chimpanzees. In this battle against their human captors, they are the guerrilla warriors of the simian movement; "The Simianese Liberation Army."
The Kolkata zoo in India reported that a mother and her six-year-old daughter were injured by rocks thrown from Babu, a male chimpanzee, who became "furious and retaliated" when visitors threw pieces of bricks at him. Zoo officials confirmed that Babu escaped his enclosure last year by breaking the lock. The victims were treated in the hospital and released. More ominous were the plans of the chimp named Santino in Sweden's Furuvik Zoo, who was observed "chipping at concrete to create discs to throw at visitors. He even made weapons at night to throw...in the morning." Santino impressed Swedish scientists who believe "this is the first evidence of a non-human animal being capable of making plans for the future." Thousands of miles away in Thailand, the monkey murders have already begun. Nature and Conservation reported in March that Leilit Janchoon purchased a monkey for $180 dollars to climb trees and fetch coconuts, but when the exhausted beast tried to take a break, Janchoon beat the monkey until he returned to his task. The primate, named Brother Kwan, promptly re-climbed the tree and "hurled a coconut straight down on Janchoon's head, killing him instantly."
Most pet chimp stories end badly, including Elvis' monkey, "Scatter," who amused the boys for awhile before becoming too aggressive. People who can't find human contact and acquire a monkey instead, often treat chimps like children, until they discover their pets are feral beasts with great strength and not a lot of conscience. The latest gruesome mauling of a woman in Los Angeles by Travis the Chimp is an example. We discovered to our immense discomfort that Travis' female owner bathed and slept with the chimp. (Isn't that how AIDS got started?). But might she not have imagined that giving drugs to the animal could cause problems? Did she not think that the simian brain reacts differently to Xanax than humans and, just possibly, her pet may become confused? She may as well have given the monkey LSD and turned on a strobe light.
Travis' owner might have consulted with St. James and LaDonna Davis, who put their pet chimp, Moe, in a California primate sanctuary in 1999 after he bit off someone's finger. The couple went to visit Moe on his birthday in 2005, bringing a cake to celebrate the occasion, when two chimps in an adjoining cage went berserk, broke free and viciously attacked the Davis's. St. James took the full measure of the apes' fury, who bit off a foot, chewed off his nose, and ripped off his balls, while his pet Moe merely sat back and watched. Something sinister is going on around the ape grapevine, and it doesn't seem to be good, but there's a lesson in this for humans. Remember when our government invaded Iraq and disbanded the army, the police, and the Ba'ath party, in effect disenfranchising tens of thousands of Sunnis? The result was an unforeseen and bloody insurrection. The moral being; When you go to a primate party, you better bring enough cake for all the monkeys or they'll be having your testicles for canapes and your face for an entree.
perhaps tarzan wore that loin cloth not out of modesty, but for protection
Randy, you have waaaaay too much time on your hands :)
You have finally written something that I can get my teeth into. I believe that if you do your 'due diligence' you can find many more historical, current and relevant examples in our everyday simian related headlines.
With warm personal regards on the eve of my 60th birthday,L'Chaim to me.
Freshman Bob
You don't know the half of it. Consider the fact that Cheeta, the chimp star from the Tarzan movies, is still alive and selling paintings.
You can visit his myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/cheetathechimp
His favorite band? The Monkees.
Bill Killebrew was scatter's 1st trainer/owner. He incorporated his skills as a cartoonist with a children's show on Memphis TV. Bill was like HAROLD AND THE PURPLE CRAYON! It was all about the magical line & where the drawn line would take you. His drawings were usually interpretations of popular songs being played in the background. Elvis use to say that Killebrew must have had a wild & wacky side that he kept from the public because Scatter was a whiskey swigging, sex maniac. He was definitely the weirdest & horniest of the Memphis Mafia...& that's saying a lot! Chased all the ladies, would cop a feel...looked up their dresses...... while... uh....waxing his chelali! A real deviant that only Father Francis could forgive! But he could also be quite charming. He would dress up in a fine suit while appearing to be driving The E around in a Rolls Royce. Scatter got where he was tossing people in the air, hogging the Lazy Boy & The remote, drinking all the whiskey, shitting on the walls...& the fact that he couldn't take control of his own chelali... he had to be caged. One day scatter bit the hand of the maid that fed him. Two days later scatter was found in the cage dead hovering over a peanut-butter-nana sandwich reading a book about Jesus. Elvis mourned so deeply that he ordered 40 television sets...had all 40 sets turned to the same Musical Special! Elvis got out his pistols!POP!POP!POP!POP!POP!POP!POP!POP!POP! Robert Goulet never had a chance! The Peace of the Lord! Father Farken
Not only does Randy know all about Cheeta, he had a painting done by Cheeta for my birthday a few years ago. Ain't he somethin'? Mudd
rando - the moment to "seize upon theyselves" has arrived. do not turn back.
Funny the good Padre should mention Graceland, when just today we took Melody's daughter and boyfriend from Seattle to stand in the Jungle Room. The "E" certainly had a fondness for ceramic monkeys. And the 3 TVs are mounted just like they were when Elvis shot out the picture tubes. I wanted to make an offer on the gold lame suit, but it had a stain on the pants-leg. On second thought, we could probably clone "E" with those pants.
The Cheetah situation is the only chimp story I know with a happy ending. At 76, Cheetah is now the oldest living chimp in captivity and does indeed pass his days painting inside a primate sanctuary. For a donation, you can pick three colors and Cheetah will paint you an abstract and sign it with his thumbprint. He even sent an 8x10, signed glossy which we keep with pictures of the family. Better yet, don't Google Cheetah. We love our original Cheetah and if everyone ordered one, the value would decrease. These are tough times and you never know when we might be forced to sell.
Timba aru.
Bless your heart me dear brother Randy! I would like to apologize. I was trying to edit but instead I deleted my last post. I know a new subject has begun but I find all your monkey bidness fascinating so I must leave a word or two. I am so glad you & the Muddy were able to take that beautiful daughter & beau-hunk to the deepest, darkest Jungle Room of Graceland. However I do have a bit of a bone to pick with the Sputmeister. Now I realize that not even Guy or Benard Lanskey or Daddy O'Dewey nor Scatter himselvis wouldn't be caught dead in that golden monkey suit but to call that suit lame borders on the sacrilegious. Fats Domino loved it so much that he got one just like it 'cept twice the size. That suit was a work of art! It sanctified the moment. With Elvis it worked! All that was missing were the wings! Another thing! Cheetah confessed to me. He really doesn't consider his art ABSTRACT! Cheetah sez he considers his art to be the TRUTH FROM HIS EYES! Scary isn't it. As Chuck sez...TOO MUCH MONKEY BIDNESS FOR ME TO BE INVOLVED IN! And don't forget for those who are suffering www.antimonkeybutt.com! The peace of the Lord! Fr Farken PS: Here's to you Capt. Killabrew.
Look at the little monkey run!
Look at the little monkey run!
Travis the Chimp lived in Connecticut and the attack happened in Connecticut.
Travis the chimp lived in Connecticut. The attack happened in Connecticut.
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