My last night in Jerusalem, I hailed a cab driven by a young Palestinian who offered to be my guide. When I told him I was leaving for New York the next day, he proudly displayed a business card from his brother's sandwich shop inside a midtown office building. He had me memorize the address since it was his only card. I glanced at it and told him I'd look up his sibling if I was in the neighborhood, then forgot about it. The next day, after an endless flight and morning hotel check-in, I was feeling jet-lagged and walked through a side door into the afternoon sun. Directly in front of me, not thirty feet away, was the office building whose address I had seen on the cabbie's card. I crossed the street, entered the building, navigated a corridor, and walked up to the lunchroom counter where a gentleman identified himself as the owner. I told him, "I was with your brother in Jerusalem yesterday. He sends his love and wants you to call him." Lunch was on the house as the proprietor explained that he had married a Jewish girl in Israel and they had come to the U.S. to escape the hostility of their respective families and communities. We agreed that the intolerance between the peoples of the holy land was regrettable and when I left him and again walked into the sun, I looked up and said, and I paraphrase myself, "Lord, You're messing with me."
Most of the Lord's messengers have beatific news to deliver, but if I was only supposed to convey a shout-out between brothers, that was cool. Afterward, I walked around for several months searching for signs and wonders, believing the Lord was personally leading me by the hand, until reality returned and I discovered that I had neither been called nor chosen, but had an ailment common to unseasoned tourists known as "Jerusalem Fever." It's the inclination for first-time visitors to the holy land to believe they are personally interwoven with the ongoing religious narrative and are receiving instructions directly from the Deity. Some believe they have been called to play great roles in the events of mankind. Such a pilgrim is Glenn Beck, who claimed his "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington D.C. landed on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech because of "divine providence," and only "wrote out a few bullet points so as not to interfere in case the Spirit wanted to talk." He professed an "American miracle" was going to occur and attendees would be present "at the awakening." I might pay money to ride a bus to D.C. to see Jeff Beck, but Glenn Beck? Nahh.
Beck's not that difficult to analyze. A self-confessed "hard-drinking, hard-living ignoramus," gets sober, reads some books, and begins to see patterns. By espousing his conspiratorial views, he is first promoted from talk-radio to back-bencher on the Headline News Channel, then on to the big leagues, where he becomes the most controversial, "entertainer" on Fox News; no easy feat. Soon his every utterance is dissected by other teleditorialists and his ratings and self-importance grow until he perceives himself as the leader of an earth-changing, transcendent movement on the march. His grandiose scheme drew a quarter million people to the National Mall, but Beck's gathering was more of a religious revival than a societal shift, and if he was trying to channel Dr. King, he came off sounding more like Elmer Gantry. At his "Million White Man March," Glenn spoke of returning to God, supporting the military, and the importance of family. Who could argue with that? The firebrand Beck was entirely inoffensive, unless you object to receiving religious instruction from a shill for Rupert Murdoch. The big crowd seemed pleased, but I thought it was like going to a Kiss concert and having the band come out in street clothes playing acoustic guitars.
Unquestionably, Beck possesses accumulated knowledge, but he consistently misinterprets it and ends up connecting the wrong dots. He praises the "Chosen People" but rails against "social justice," which is the cornerstone of the faith. He speaks of "restoring honor," yet refers to the president as "a person with a deep-seated hatred for white people," and "a racist." Personally, I thought the nation's honor was restored the moment George W. Bush left the White House, and although a short film was shown to commemorate Dr. King's historic 1963 march, there were more blacks on stage as speakers and singers than in the audience. Beck's restraint was the result of his promise to keep the event non-political, but the location, the date, and the name, "Restoring Honor to America," by implication, made it so. To his credit, Beck waited until three hours into the pageant before succumbing to his patented sobbing. He even read the Gettysburg Address. Mostly, he did no harm, which I suppose is a good thing until his next outrageous on-air outburst. But, his stature has been diminished. Beck demonstrated that he's not a transformational figure and he certainly is no Martin Luther King. Forty-seven years ago, Dr. King had a dream; Glenn Beck just has a delusion.
Sputnik, Beck has always said don't take my word for it. Do your own research. He maybe gets too emotional but I feel he is just trying to get people to wake up. Sharpton on the other hand does not project anything positive.
Just re-watched A Face In The Crowd.
MAN what a film!!!
Lonesome Rhodes ! ! ! ! !
-Jake th Rake
Beck-I got a 12' subway for you & Palin....nice job Randy!!!
History is full of demagogues, Beck being one of the most recent. We've had a dozen or so in recent years, always resorting to the worst instincts in our human nature. Not so long ago, although it seems like a lifetime, George Wallace was selling the same snake oil to the same kind of crowd. In due time, very soon I hope, people come to their senses and our national soul is purged of its evil side and we move forward. Then another comes along to mire us down again. Thank you Sputnik for keeping us on track.
Anon 2, you beat me to it! A Face in The Crowd was just broadcast a few days ago (maybe fortuitous) on TCM. Just change the 'Face'! All demogogues usually are laid low at the end, but I hope the end hurries up, because they're too damn many sheep following jerks like him and Palin, Bachman, et al, and who would even happily vote Bush in for anther term if it was allowed. I've lost faith in people. I though O would restore it, but it's not to be. I guess I'll just have to wait.. Hope I live that long.....
I've never seen A Face inThe Crowd, so I searched YouTube and saw as many clips as possible. Amazing!
The Lord wasn't messin' with ya'--you got the free sandwich, what more do you want the Lord to do?
I love that this was billed as "non-political," as if anything involving these two could possibly be viewed as anything BUT political. George Wallace, Joe McCarthy, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Billy Sunday ... there's never any shortage of them. Or morons to follow them.
Here's another great take on this from my favorite editorial writer, Leonard Pitts Jr. http://www.sacbee.com/2010/08/26/2983349/glenn-beck-cant-hijack-the-civil.html
Here's my favorite column on the "Beck Problem"... I don't usually agree with Bob Herbert of the NYTimes too much, since his bias seems so obvious, but this particular piece resonated with me... Maybe you'll like it too....
Beck is just the latest in a long line of popular prophets for people that would rather have someone do their thing for them. But like the others, the popularity only lasts until they are caught in a motel, smoking "meth" with a male prostitute. In a few years, we won't even remember his name.
Why do you folks continue to attack the messenger(ie: calling Beck/Palin, etc ignoramus and demagogues)? Perhaps 300,000 to 500,000 people showed up because they liked the message to "Restore American Values". Beck may fade away eventually, but the message will live on and that's exactly what the progressives are afraid of! Just relax lib's, what's so bad about the message anyway?
Beck is either a prophet or a nut case. Time will tell. His main mission is to get people to read history and to relate what they learn to current events and trends. He constantly challenges his audience not to take his word as truth, but to find out for themselves. Demagogues don't do that. The jury is still out. I do pay attention to his warnings that terrible times are coming to America and the world. But, we are so soft and protected from harsh realities that this type of warning is often scoffed at by many. The lemmings are always taken by surprise at the horror of the real world when it befalls them. That will never change. I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss him just becasue you don't agree with his politics. If he is a fool and a flash in the pan that will be found out soon enough. Even fools can say something wise occasionally. God can speak through jackasses. The important thing is to keep your mind open and to not be too dismissive, unless you happen to be omniscient.
I couldn't help but notice that you said nothing of the rally that Al Sharton had on the same day. A couple of thousand attended to hear him say breath-takingly racially charged things. For instance he said that August 28 and the memory of Dr. King belonged to the black man. That is an off-the-chart racist thing to say, yet he never receives any criticism from the mainstream media or the left. If Glenn Beck were to make the slightest racially tinged comment, the left would crucify him and it would be front page news. What's wrong with this picture?
Anonymous, check the Cary Wolfson and Anon Z urls and they should answer your questions about Beck.
I am sorry that I am late but I am trying to find homes for a momma doggie & her five beautiful pups! They were supposed to get zapped Yesterday. Now all they need is a good loving home. An Animal Shrink told me that warm, fuzzy puppies need a lot of warm, fuzzy love! I have them safe & sound in the barn stall & to keep them warm & fuzzie I got out the old gorilla suit that I bought @ a Dewey Phillips (Sitting on the Porch Waiting For Elvis) Garage Sale years ago. (Dewey said that it belonged to Harry Frizie). I put on the gorilla suit thinking we would better relate & all. I walk in the stall & the momma dog goes ape shit & chews a big hole out of me backside. I come charging out of the barn yelling & screaming & me good neighbor comes jetting full speed behind me firing buckshot to what's left of me bleeping Irish arse. What was he thinking ...Big Foot was on the loose in Middle Tennessee are something. Which brings me to Glen Beck. He's me 2nd favorite Mormon. They just don't make Mormons like Eldridge Cleaver any more! All Glen needs is some warm & fuzzy love & a visit from my neighbor...OWCH! By the way Sputz! It's no delusion! You really have a divine blessing on you! Great Post! The Peace of the Lord! Father Farken ps See my fb profile to see dogs!
That was a very interesting story about your experience in Jerusalem.
The rabbi you met, was his name by any chance Meir Schuster?
Social justice is just a code word for redistributioon of wealth, more commonly known as socialism. Are you saying that the cornerstone of the Jewish faith is socialism? I would like to see the results of a poll in which the world's Jews are asked if socialism is the cornerstone of their faith. That contention is completey new to me, and I bet to the Jews of the world. They may say that it is ok as long as it is someone else's money that is being redistributed. That is certainly the position of most liberals, who have a passion for doing humane things with other people's money. It would be a good test of the cornerstone of the Jewish faith (socialism) if they were required to redistribute their wealth by giving it to Muslims. I would like to see their response to that mandate.
Anonymous, Tzedek, Tikkun Olam, and Chesed are the cornerstones of Judaism. They are not socialism. Rather, they are voluntary acts of righteousness, performed through personal choice.
The rest is commentary. Now, go and study.
That sounds more like it. The socialist buzz word today is social justice and today that means income redistribution. My comment was tongue in cheek. I knew that Judaism had nothing to do with socialism, but in his commentary Sputnik did say that social justice (as Beck uses the term) is the cornerstone of Judaism. In today's parlance social justice translates to socialism. That is the way that Glenn Beck uses the term. Maybe Sputnik is not aware of that fact. Beck does not use the term as you defined it. I am sure that Beck would not disagree with you. In fact, Beck is attempting to turn the country back to righteousness as the only way to avoid God's wrath. Old testament Jews can tell us something about God's wrath.
Anon; (you know who you are)..... You are one boring Mofo! Try the Fred Astaire dance studio.. You might even pick up a date, and really get your poor life in gear. Male or female... Nobody cares...Good luck!
I thought that Sputnik was simply pointing out Glenn Beck's penchant for getting it wrong.
Equating advocacy of social justice with communism and fascism, and declaring that it leads to Nazi death camps, is ridiculous in the extreme.
Such a statement is a misrepresentation of the entire concept of social justice.
I think that is all Sputnik was saying. And I tend to agree with his assessment.
Who said that social justice leads to communism, facism, or Nazi death camps? That voice must have come from your own head, because it didn't come from me. It is progressively leading us into becoming a more socialistic country, but that has been going on since FDR. My point was that Sputnik was mistaken in regard to how Beck uses the term. Beck was not striking at the spiritual sense of social justice which, as Sputnik said, is the cornerstone of Judaism. I appreciated your explanation of what that cornerstone is. Beck's whole fight is against the transformation of America into a completely socialistic state with the concomitant loss of individual freedom which would follow. Beck speaks against social justice in the sense that it is a euphemism for income redistribution. Beck would not disagree with a spiritual interpretation of social justice as freely bestowed acts of righteousness toward others. Of course, part of that entails helping the needy. No one of good will would disagree with that. But, like Stephen said, some people have a different take on how to best do that. The needy can be served within the context of a free market capitalist system. It does not require the government to take massive amounts of money from some individuals and then pass that money on to those whom the government deems fit to receive it. I realize that this argument won't be settled here.
Z...you sound like a middle schooler in the midst of a food fight. Grow up and say something with at least a tad of substance. Why not tell me that my mom wears combat boots? Are you the cretin who said that you screwed my mother? That is another example of the profundity that some exercise here. You know what they say about people who resort to inane personal attacks. Their IQ usually equates to their shoe size...no offense, though.
Dear Rambam,
Thank you for making it clear that what folks think they know, without context, they know not. Not only do you agree concerning Judaism and social justice, so did Rabbi James A. Wax, an unsung hero of the civil rights movement, who explained it all to me when I was 15 years old.
L'chaim, Randy
Rambam Boom has left a new comment on your post "The Beck Brigade":
No, it didn't come out of my head, it came out of a hundred video feeds available on the internet to anyone who takes the trouble to google for it.
Mr. Beck, himself, said it. On his radio program on March 2, 2010, he stated:
"I beg you look for the words social justice or economic justice on your church Web site," he said. "If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. ... Am I advising people to leave their church? Yes! If they're going to Jeremiah Wright's church, yes!
"If you have a priest that is pushing social justice, go find another parish," he said. "Go alert your bishop and tell them, 'Excuse me, are you down with this whole social justice thing?' If it's my church, I'm alerting the church authorities: 'Excuse me, what's this social justice thing?' And if they say, 'Yeah, we're all in on this social justice thing,' I am in the wrong place."
On his Fox News television program, on March 3, 2010, Beck held up a picture of a swastika and one of a hammer and sickle, declaring again that "social justice" has the same philosophy as the Nazis and communists and that the phrase is a code word for both.
On May 28, 2010, on his radio program, he wound up a diatribe against Simon Greer with the following gem:
" If they also reproduce, are we gonna let imbeciles continue reproduce? It's all the same argument. Once you get into the common good, it's over. And this is the perversion that every minister, pastor, priest, bishop -- every single person in America, every rabbi should be at the pulpit saying the same thing -- get away from anyone who talks about the common good. Because the common good -- if you put that first, and you reject the individual -- you are headed for the death camps."
Sorry, but any way you slice it, it's still baloney.
Posted by Rambam Boom to Born-Again Hippies at Wednesday, September 1, 2010 8:52:00 PM CDT
I'll say it again...to Beck social justice is income redistribution, period. He sees it as socialism. He would not disagree with Rambam's spiritual definition of social justice. Since Beck is a free market capitalist, he is all about the individual. That is why he looks askance at those who hold the collective as supreme. He believes that socialism comes to a bad end. His opinion in these matters is not unique. Many people share his views. As you know, this is one of the bases for the great divide in this country. Many want America to be restored to free market capitalism. Others think that socialism is the way to go. I began by saying that I don't now whether Beck is a prophet or a nuy. I am witholding judgement for the time being. I do know that he is not against the spiritual interpretation of social justice...just the income redistribution that many currently ascribe to it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I have nothing more to say about this commentary. Actually, Sputnik was quite civil toward Beck. Many liberals want to eviscerate him and tell blatant lies about him. At least Sputnik is not guilty of this.
You know it's funny how when someone starts speaking about restoring faith in the creator and trying to bring about change non-violently the reaction it produces in some folks. I don't know about Beck but one thing I can say is that this world hates truth and anything wholesome. That's why people get so pissed when anyone talks about it. Father Farken you should be able to back me up this one!
Progressives are the enemies of truth, freedom, and all that is wholesome. Their current modus operandi is called cultural Marxism which was first conceived by an Italian communist named Antonio Gramsci and implemented by the Frankfort School in Germany. From there it made its way to Columbia University in the 1930's. From the epicenter of Columbia it has progressively consumed America. You may remember that Richard Cloward and Francis Piven, who gained fame for their part in the deconstruction of America through their Cloward-Piven Strategy, hailed from Columbia. The aim of cultural Marxism is to pervert all cultural institutions and incline them toward Marxism. It is a non-violent, 'velvet glove' strain of Marxism. This is what has been morphing America into decadence and a socialist state at least since the 1930's. It gained tremendous traction in the 60's/70's and has brought us to where we are today. There is no wholesomeness in America and this was planned. A little known fact is that the porn industry exploded during the Clinton administration. In fact, during his presidency Clinton received a standing ovation at one of the annual porn industry's 'academy awards' ceremonies. I saw that on tv. Another factor in bringing us to where we are today has to do with the fact that progressives have managed to neutralize the restraining power that the Constitution is supposed to exercise over the federal government. This has been going on since at least the FDR administration. The full unbridled power of the federal government is gathering momentum to snuff out the freedom that Americans have enjoyed since the American Revolution. In fact, the growing tyranny of the federal government makes George III look like a libertarian. At this point it will take a miracle to save America. The progressives big hope is that Obama will push us past the tipping point. Once America is hamstrung the much ballyhooed New World Order can proceed without hindrance. There will be a phase of regional governments throughout the world. America will be absorbed by the coming North American Union. At the end of the process the regional governments will coalesce into a centralized global government and then everyone will live on Prison Planet. This whole scenario may take a few more decades to fully accomplish. We are at the point now where we can pull up a chair and watch the horror show unfold on a daily basis. No need to argue about what is happening before our very eyes. One just has to have 'the eyes and ears' to perceive what is going on. Of course, the progressives will deny every word that I have said. Another of their major weapons is spin, misdirection, misinformation, and downright lying. They absolutely HATE the truth.
Progressives are the enemies of truth, freedom, and all that is wholesome. Their current modus operandi is called cultural Marxism which was first conceived by an Italian communist named Antonio Gramsci and implemented by the Frankfort School in Germany. From there it made its way to Columbia University in the 1930's. From the epicenter of Columbia it has progressively consumed America. You may remember that Richard Cloward and Francis Piven, who gained fame for their part in the deconstruction of America through their Cloward-Piven Strategy, hailed from Columbia. The aim of cultural Marxism is to pervert all cultural institutions and incline them toward Marxism. It is a non-violent, 'velvet glove' strain of Marxism. This is what has been morphing America into decadence and a socialist state at least since the 1930's. It gained tremendous traction in the 60's/70's and has brought us to where we are today. There is no wholesomeness in America and this was planned. A little known fact is that the porn industry exploded during the Clinton administration. In fact, during his presidency Clinton received a standing ovation at one of the annual porn industry's 'academy awards' ceremonies. I saw that on tv. Another factor in bringing us to where we are today has to do with the fact that progressives have managed to neutralize the restraining power that the Constitution is supposed to exercise over the federal government. This has been going on since at least the FDR administration. The full unbridled power of the federal government is gathering momentum to snuff out the freedom that Americans have enjoyed since the American Revolution. In fact, the growing tyranny of the federal government makes George III look like a libertarian. At this point it will take a miracle to save America. The progressives big hope is that Obama will push us past the tipping point. Once America is hamstrung the much ballyhooed New World Order can proceed without hindrance. There will be a phase of regional governments throughout the world. America will be absorbed by the coming North American Union. At the end of the process the regional governments will coalesce into a centralized global government and then everyone will live on Prison Planet. This whole scenario may take a few more decades to fully accomplish. We are at the point now where we can pull up a chair and watch the horror show unfold on a daily basis. No need to argue about what is happening before our very eyes. One just has to have 'the eyes and ears' to perceive what is going on. Of course, the progressives will deny every word that I have said. Another of their major weapons is spin, misdirection, misinformation, and downright lying. They absolutely HATE the truth.
Progressives are the enemies of truth, freedom, and all that is wholesome. Their current modus operandi is called cultural Marxism which was first conceived by an Italian communist named Antonio Gramsci and implemented by the Frankfort School in Germany. From there it made its way to Columbia University in the 1930's. From the epicenter of Columbia it has progressively consumed America. You may remember that Richard Cloward and Francis Piven, who gained fame for their part in the deconstruction of America through their Cloward-Piven Strategy, hailed from Columbia. The aim of cultural Marxism is to pervert all cultural institutions and incline them toward Marxism. It is a non-violent, 'velvet glove' strain of Marxism. This is what has been morphing America into decadence and a socialist state at least since the 1930's. It gained tremendous traction in the 60's/70's and has brought us to where we are today. There is no wholesomeness in America and this was planned. A little known fact is that the porn industry exploded during the Clinton administration. In fact, during his presidency Clinton received a standing ovation at one of the annual porn industry's 'academy awards' ceremonies. I saw that on tv. Another factor in bringing us to where we are today has to do with the fact that progressives have managed to neutralize the restraining power that the Constitution is supposed to exercise over the federal government. This has been going on since at least the FDR administration. The full unbridled power of the federal government is gathering momentum to snuff out the freedom that Americans have enjoyed since the American Revolution. In fact, the growing tyranny of the federal government makes George III look like a libertarian. At this point it will take a miracle to save America. The progressives big hope is that Obama will push us past the tipping point. Once America is hamstrung the much ballyhooed New World Order can proceed without hindrance. There will be a phase of regional governments throughout the world. America will be absorbed by the coming North American Union. At the end of the process the regional governments will coalesce into a centralized global government and then everyone will live on Prison Planet. This whole scenario may take a few more decades to fully accomplish. We are at the point now where we can pull up a chair and watch the horror show unfold on a daily basis. No need to argue about what is happening before our very eyes. One just has to have 'the eyes and ears' to perceive what is going on. Of course, the progressives will deny every word that I have said. Another of their major weapons is spin, misdirection, misinformation, and downright lying. They absolutely HATE the truth.
Obama's greatest challenge is how to continue to destroy America while pretending to build it up. It is fascinating to watch this ruse being played out. It will be more difficult to pull this off after November. The global forces that push for world socialism will be furious after the elections. I wonder if his boss George Soros can help him out.
I was blessed to grow up in America when it was still a free country and the streets of every city could be walked at night with a real sense of security. I lived in a tenement in downtown Los Angeles in the summer of 1969 and I could come and go at all hours of the night with no concern whatsoever for my safety. Of course that was before the influence of liberalism had reached critical mass. There were still enough sane, stable, Constitution revering, conservative World War II types to hold everything together. They are gone now and so will America be before much longer. Liberal hell is consuming everything.
Now that things are looking badly for the Democrats in the mid-term elections, Obama has decided to pretend to be pro-business. What a hoot. How gullible does he think that the American people are? It is sort of like Karl Marx trying to pass hinself off as a capitalist. This will be fun to watch.
Great comments Zarathustra Paul and Watcher. Yes O thinks if he dangles a tax cut it will pacify us. I don't know if the man is a fool, a liar or evil.
reganictI will give Obama this much of a break. There is a small chance that he is does not mean to bring America down. He may be just inconceivably incompetent. But, what does this say about the Democrat Party? Are they following an incompetent fool? This appears to be the case. Whatever the case may be, they will get their walking papers this Nov. Then, the American people will reload to take out Obama and the rest of the progressives from both parties in 2012. Thank goodness for elections. The progressives made their big move too soon. They thought that America was ripe for the coup de gras. Hopefully, the American people will continue to awaken from their sleep walk. The progressives have been deconstructing America at least since FDR. Maybe true Americans can turn the ship of state around before it runs aground. Time will tell.
Obama is certainly a liar. He is obviously a fool. He is probably evil. The single biggest problem is that a majority of Americans voted for a man who is a lying, evil fool to be the leader of the free world. In a real sense you can't blame the prince of fools. You have to blame the fools who voted him into office. He gave us plenty of warning in regard to what he was all about, but the fools voted for him any way. The unwisdom of the American people is the biggest threat to the country. There is no way that 535 people, give or take, can destroy us. The blame goes to the tens of millions who elect them. If America dies, she dies by suicide.
I stopped by to read over some final comments and discovered the truism that 5% of the public is simply crazy. After reading the final 6 postings, the paranoid wackos have finally shown up. Either that or they are just having fun and mocking the paranoid wackos for surely NOBODY is that far off their rocker!
All of the people who are off their rockers are going to kick liberal ass in Nov. Catman do-do, if you keep your mind when all about you people are losing their's, perhaps you don't understand the situation.
Recently I stumbled across a cable station showing a group of seemingly intelligent people discussing with complete belief that aliens are amassing an armada to attack the Earth. They are doing this, these folks believe, on the dark side of the Moon. They had satellite images of structures, rockets, all forms of 'star war' armaments, and they pointed to various moon craters where they saw these things. I started to look as closely as possible to see what they were seeing and caught myself wondering for a brief moment if there WERE such things hidden in those crater shadows. I had to laugh at the whole notion! I wonder if you guys are that same group, seeing disaster to America through your weird political notions. Get real. America will survive even if your Glenn Becks, Rush Limbaughs, and other assorted wackos succeed in November. We survived 8 years of George Bush, and we'll survive you. The problem is that we'll have to start all over again to clean up your mess. After you burn all those Quarans on Saturday, would you please clean up.
Catmandu, I have noticed that liberals tend to equate conservatives with the very worst types of crazies, etc. Do you not realize that most conservatives just want to return America to the Constitution and toward morality? I have never met any of the crazies that you people are always referring to. I realize that all liberals are not nut jobs. Can't you cut conservatives that much slack? Why must you portray all conservatives as knuckle-dragging, homophobic, racists? This tendency causes clear thinking folks to not take you very seriously. Perhaps you have never personally known any conservatives and get your estimation of them from far left liberal media outlets and blogs such as this one. This tendency makes me think that you are not very well educated...sort of a we're all on the good ship lollipop, psuedo-intellectual, light-in-the-loafers, pantheistic, confused dreamer with poor discernment skills. Sorry for the run on, but it is hard to get all of the impressions that you leave me with in one sentence.
Sorry to upset you so much, Watcher, but who can take you seriously with your dumb ass right-wing conspiracy theories. Yes, I know quite a few conservatives, normally very good people. Some of my best friends, in fact. I am also well educated, sorry to tell you, so I know quite well you are full of crap. If you want to be taken seriously, start using your brain. Have a good time burning Qurans.
I'm sorry I was so short with you, Watcher, but it's been a long week and I don't suffer fools very well. I'm probably confusing you with 'Zarathustra', but please don't tell me you care about the Constitution. I'm a lawyer and I know the Constitution. It belongs to all of us, not just 'conservatives' and the freedoms it protects include people you would most likely want to deny. Morality? I know for a fact that my moral standards are reasonably high and certainly much higher than Rush Limbaugh, or the rest of your crowd of clowns. If you would like to publicly state that Limbaugh does not speak for you, I will not classify you as a racist, homophobe, or religious bigot. Otherwise that's exactly what you are. I will protect your right to burn books, or march against civil rights, or whatever you need to do within the law to show your hatred toward liberals, commies or gays, but I will NOT let you take away my rights protected under the greatest document ever written. Thank you.
Hmmm...sounds like a case of some sort of delusional paranoia. Why would you project such negative things on someone that you don't even know? It sounds like you are unloading all of the frustrations that you feel toward those with whom you don't agree upon me. But, it's ok if you need me for that purpose. Glad to be of service to you. Now, take a drink and chill. The big, bad conservative boogie man that lives in your head won't really get you. He just likes to jerk your chain and make you act crazy. I can't believe that you are a professional. Do your clients know about your 'problems'? I think that they should know for their own sakes.
Hmmm...sounds like a case of some sort of delusional paranoia. Why would you project such negative things on someone that you don't even know? It sounds like you are unloading all of the frustrations that you feel toward those with whom you don't agree upon me. But, it's ok if you need me for that purpose. Glad to be of service to you. Now, take a drink and chill. The big, bad conservative boogie man that lives in your head won't really get you. He just likes to jerk your chain and make you act crazy. I can't believe that you are a professional. Do your clients know about your 'problems'? I think that they should know for their own sakes.
Watcher, sometime you must tell us all about your life as a carnival dunk-tank clown. I'm sure it's fascinating.
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